
3...He's Unbearable With a fixed expression,

With a fixed expression, Ivan stares at me, piercingly through narrowed eyes

The atmosphere around him seems to suffocate me. I look back unwaveringly at him

His guards, a look of terror on their faces are trying effortly to wipe the milk stain off his white jeans.

He gestures for them to stop. They get off the ground. He lurches and grabs my wrist.

The whole hall, which has been silent as a cemetery, erupts into a sharp gasp

He pulls me out the school restaurant that I almost twist my ankle. Again I hear the sound of camera's clicking.

" Let go off me : I say, hoping to sound as intimidating as I could but my voice comes out shaky and low.

I dig my expensive shoe into the yellow coloured gravel that lines the outside of the restaurant and stand my ground firmly.

"I'm not going anywhere!

He stops and faces me, he comes closer___a little too closer _ and scoops me up into his arms.

OMG the whole school is watching.

I bite my lip unconsciously and scream loudly

" Oh my gosh! Put Me Down!!!

" Alright" , he says and drops me into the rock hard gravels.

I yelp in pain. Some girls standing near by have their faces registered with shock. And something else, jealousy, I smell jealousy.

He gestures to his guards who have been following us all this while. They leave immediately.

He bends to my level on the ground which shocks me, royalties never bend; and stares viciously into my eyes

"How do you plan on fixing this", he says gesturing at his shoes.

"How do you plan on fixing my butt"?

"Thought you said I should put you down", he says quietly and so coolly, I wondered if he knows what harm he has done to my booty.

My precious booty.

" Are you gonna fix these or not"!


He grabs my arm, more tightly this time.

I grunt '' Stop. That hurts""

He keeps a straight face and squeezes harder almost cutting the circulation in my hand.

I wince and tap my foot in pain.

" Let go! " I scream and scream some more.

He shuts me up when he pulls me closer,eyes never leaving mine so our bodies are practically touching and growls ruthlessly

❛❛Shut Up!!__ The sound of cameras quicken as everyone tries to take a picture of the god- like Adonis and the gorgeous girl whose bosom is heaving with pain .

With our faces only inches apart, he growls again 'Fix It' . His voice sounds like thunder rumbling, beautiful to the sight but ugly in the ears.

I try to twist free but the more I wrestle,the tighter he grips. I blink away the tears blinding my vision and matches his voice , No!!

I can see his surprise beneath his anger which is immediately covered with excess anger. His face screws up. He pulls me closer and squeezes harder.

For some reason, I feel he's not talking about shoes anymore. He smells of desperation accumulated over the years. He looks sad, like a kid whose ice cream was snatched away.

As I realized what he was talking about, my eyes soften but my face remains expressionless.

"I can't ", I say in a low whisper. His beautiful forehead scrunches up when he finds that I've seen past his cover. He gets off the ground gracefully and stoops over me.

I yank myself up . My height reaches his long neck which is lined with different colored veins

" Get me new ones then", he says again in a harsh tone, still squeezing my wrist

"Fine, Let me go!

" Good girl, now I want : LV men's shoe, with the same inscription, Louis Vuitton; Black , size 11 and with a white stuffing. He says,

let go off my hand and leaves. His voice trails off, the conclusion inexcapable: "The same shoe ,or you will sorry you ever stepped foot here."



The rest of the day goes by in a blur of boring classes. I receive many devilish looks from girls , everywhere I go; , in the sitting park, on the allys when I took a stroll , the football park,and even in the ladies.

School ends with a humph. Big Brown Bow, Vanessa blocked my path as I reach the exit.

" So, you wanna go on a challenge with me, like ...like you wanna challenge me to my love" , she asks sacarstically, a smirk forming on her plump lips .

"Well shït, I don't give a fuck about that" I say frustratedly and pushes her away from the door.

The hallways are teeming with thin boys chiming away with soft faced girls.

Russian girls beaming with excitement with their auburn hairs tuck firmly behind their ears .

A German looking boy, steals a kiss from a young lady with a very slim waist

A group of Italian boys parade the basketball court in their strong Fedora Hats

A group of pretty Mexican girls,stands under the shade of the stunted fern tree opposite the waterfall trying to speak eloquent french to outdo a team of Belgians.

I spot Claire , her glasses look somehow droopy. Standing with her books plastered to her breasts. I try to read her mind, But I can't,-;

;- I couldn't in the restaurant. I wave at her and she waves back, flustered.

I reach the parking lot, which at first glance, you may think can buy your entire life.

There are a number of child stars in movies, signing autographs.

A guy covered in tattoos come up to me and offers me a ride. I turn him down politely__which is unlike me____to be polite.

But... I have a Boyfriend

My personal driver is waiting by the huge electric billboard that says OarkStoard Spring High School. I unconsciously sit at the back seat. Wearing my seatbelt, I pick a familiar smell in the crowd. Aloes and Cocoa.

I turn over just in time to see Ivan__ Ivan Elon-Neil Daire.

I am bewitched by his devilish beauty. I gulp numerous times and assess his features.

His sly eyes is covered with a pair of dark sunglasses.His ear length hair falls over his forehead in short ringlets. I am charmed by his boyish manner. And he moves with a certain kind of Leopard-like grace.

His demeanor is so haunting that his thin chiseled jaw seems clenched.

With his solid lean figure tilted to one side, his white cashmere shirt dances to the howling wind. And the stain of milk is visible enough.m

The cushioned slamming of his orange Lamouzine by his driver is followed by the screeching of tyres as his car, amongst others pulls out of the parking lot .

I notice him staring at me, eyes glowing through the tinted glass.

6 girls, stand beside their parked Honda in a near distance and can be seen, seemingly busy with their phones. But I can sense clearly, that is a hoax.

The just wanted to capture his attention..



Readers, I kindly want you to support me, comment or even show that you are there. I want to know how good or bad my story is.Is my book put across, is it clear?? I'm just a young girl of 14. My first book online.

So I plead onto you, comment, Rate and I will never disappoint.


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