
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · Thành thị
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176 Chs

Chapter 124- Can This Day Get Any Worse?

Teja POV:-

I looked at Srishti and sighed.

" Can this day get any worse? " I thought with irritation.

I looked at Srishti, who pointed her gun at me.

I walked towards her, and that gun touched my forehead.

I think God gave me a chance to finish everything regarding the past.

Alright, I will close the chapter of this past of mine.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

I took out my phone from my hidden pocket.

I saw Siddharth was calling me.

I picked up the call and heard Sidhharth's worried voice.

" Teja! I am Siddharth Sharma, Srishti's brother. I know you hate our family, and I have no right to call you.

But there is a major problem right now.

My sister ran away from the mental asylum while killing one doctor and bodyguard.

She was carrying a gun, and I am damn sure she will come after you.

So, please, be careful. " Siddharth said, and I chuckled.

" You are late, Siddharth. " I replied, and I saw Srishti look at me with rage.

" What do you mean? " Siddharth asked in confusion.

" It means, you f**king sister is here, you idiot.

Srishti, leave her alone. Please, Don't do anything to her. " Tanish yelled and tried to come towards us, but Srishti shot near Tanish's leg and pointed the gun again at me.

Tanish took two steps back.

" Teja, what happened?

Srishti, Please, don't take any wrong decision. You regret it all your life. " Siddharth asked and pleaded to Srishti.

" Don't you dare to come between us, Tanish?

I don't want to kill you.

I am here for Teja. So, just stand at your place and don't come here.

Else, the shot target will be in your dear Teja's head. " Srishti said with an evil laugh.

" Brother, I didn't know you still love Teja.

It has been, I think, more than 20 years.

Come on, brother.

She was a s*x toy of Tanish.

She lost her virginity.

She lost her dignity, her so-called self-esteem.

How can you still love her?

Don't be pathetic. " Srishti said Siddharth with a sarcastic smile.

I pity Siddharth for having such a sister.

He is a good person.

But Siddharth's whole family faced her wrongdoings.

Dad told me what Siddharth's family did after I left our country.

" Srishti, shut up. I was- " I cut the call.

I looked at Srishti, who smiled at me.

" You know, Teja.

I hate you a lot.

You ruined my whole life.

Fortunately, I have a friend who helped me escape from that mental asylum.

She was the one who helped me come to London from India.

She was the one who helped me enter with a gun.

Now, I will kill you.

So, beg me to leave you.

I want to see you beg for your life. " Srishti said and laughed.

I laughed too.

She stopped laughing and looked at me with confusion.

I stopped laughing and looked at her with a smile.

" Oh, Srishti.

Do you really think I care about my life?

Do you really think I will beg for my life?

That was the joke of the year. " I said, and the door opened with a thud.

We looked at the door and saw Akaash with shock.

Akaash entered with mom, dad, mom, papa, Vihaan, and Akaash's parents.

Vihaan cried when he saw the gun pointing at me.

Everyone was shocked to see Srishti and the situation.

" Mom Janvi, please take Vihaan with you.

Vihaan, don't worry, son. Your mother is okay. " I ordered aunt Janvi and tried to calm my son.

He nodded, and aunt Janvi took Vihaan in Akaash's arms and left the room.

" Srishti, what the hell are you doing?

Aren't Tanish, and you have done enough damage?

Why can't you leave Teja alone? " Akaash roared.

" Shut up, Akaash.

Your fiance ruined my life.

But you all did well.

Now, I will kill her in front of everyone. " Srishti said and laughed.

Before Srishti pulled the trigger, I slapped Srishti and raised her right hand towards the ceiling.

I kicked Srishti's right leg with my heel and took the gun from her hand.

I threw the gun at the corner far away from everyone.

" Srishti, you know what you did.

Let me tell you the truth about who ruined who's life. " I yelled at Srishti while catching her wrists in my hand.

" You blamed me that I snatched your brother first.

Tell me, had I ever talked to your brother in our school? " I asked.

She shook her head as no.

" You never talk to my brother. " She replied honestly.

" You blamed me that I snatched your family from you.

Tell me, had I ever talked to your family except for greetings? " I asked loudly.

" No, you didn't. " Srishti replied honestly.

Akaash tried to come between us, but I stopped him.

" Stop where you are, Akaash.

This is my fight.

I will fight.

Please, don't come today. " I begged Akaash.

He looked at me worriedly but nodded at the end.

I smiled and looked at Srishti, who looked at me with anger.

" You blamed me that I snatched your love of life from you.

Tell me, had I ever told Tanish to come towards me and talk to me? " I asked, and she shook her head as no again.

" When I didn't anything as you said.

THEN TELL ME, YOU B***H!!! HOW DID I SNATCH EVERYTHING FROM YOU? " I roared, and she looked at me with shock.

She started to tremble with my angry face.

" You know what you did with me. " I asked politely.

She looked at me with shock as she didn't understand anything.

But I need to make her realize her mistakes today.

" You bullied me since you thought I became the center of attention in school.

You didn't save me from kidnapping with the help of your bodyguards when you clearly saw my kidnapping with your eyes. " I confessed, and I heard gasps from everyone.

Yes, the truth between Srishti and me had revealed today.

" You drugged me on our farewell party. So, I took off my clothes in front of everyone with the effect of the drug.

You want me to lose my dignity in front of society that day.

But Tanish saved me.

You love Tanish, but you always thought I was seducing Tanish when the situation is the whole opposite.

You were the one who did my accident and killed my baby girl.

You were the one who created the misunderstanding between Tanish and me.

Tanish may plan to revenge on me.

You don't know anything about his cruel revenge.

So, you tried anything to stop this marriage.

You put the glass pieces on my henna at the henna ceremony.

You were the one who sent the intimate pictures of Akaash and mine to Tanish on my wedding day.

You were the one who planned to ruin my self-esteem, dignity, and pride with Tanish after three months of my marriage.

When you found out about my pregnancy after three months,

You planned my miscarriage again.

Because of you, I lost my baby son. " I confessed, and she lowered her eyes.

I raised her chin.

" Tell me, didn't you do all these? " I asked coldly.

She flinched, and tears started to fall from my eyes.

I left her.

" Srishti, I didn't do anything wrong to you.

But in your jealousy, you put all the blame on me and ruined my life.

Because of you, a lot of people's life got disturbed.

I am not saying it was all your fault.

Tanish and you both were the reason for everyone's disturbed life.

You did a sin. " I said calmly.

Tanish and Srishti lowered their eyes in shame.

" Srishti, just for your family, leave this revenge game behind.

This revenge ruined lot of things already.

Don't make more mistakes.

Tanish left this game behind and was ready to start a new life.

I want you to do the same. " I stated.

I came near her ears and said, " I forgave you for all the bad things you did with me.

But I am sorry.

I can't forget it.

Don't worry. I will not come to destroy your and your family's life.

So, go and live with your family. "

I took two steps back and turned to everyone who looked at me with various emotions.

" Let's leave everyone.

Akaash and I still had to get married. " I said, and everyone smiled.

Everyone started to walk downstairs.

Akaash, Tanish, Srishti and I felt behind.

I walked towards Akaash and kissed his cheeks.

He smiled at me and said, " I am proud of you, my wife. "

I smiled at him.

Before we took steps towards the door, I heard Srishti's voice calling me.

I turned and saw Srishti.

She was pointing the gun at herself.

I looked at her with shock.

" Srishti, what are you doing? " I asked.

She smiled.

" Teja, you are right.

I was the one who did wrong with everyone always.

Maybe if I was friendly with you, All those bad things in your life never happened.

Everyone was living their life happily.

I ruined everyone's happiness. " Srishti said while tears fell from her eyes.

Regret was showing in her eyes.

" I know you forgive me.

But I can't forgive myself.

Today, I realized what a b***h I am! " She said.

" So, I will punish myself. " Srishti said, and before I tried to make her understand.

She pulled the trigger and shot herself.

" SRISHTI!!!! " I yelled and ran towards her.

I caught her before falling, and I sat on my knees.

I cupped her face.




SOMEBODY CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!! " I yelled while tears fell from my eyes.

She smiled while looking at me, and she closed her eyes and went limp.





SRISHTI!!! " I roared while crying.

But Srishti was dead already.

Srishti was someone who hurt me.

But I always thought of her as my friend.

She was the first friend I made when I befriended our school.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

Akaash's teary eyes showed me concern.

He hugged me, and I started crying while holding Srishti's body.