
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Lịch sử
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21 Chs

back to the tower

Asher got up. He walked out of his house and started walking away to see if he couldfind any clue that would lead him to the tower.

Where is the tower? If I can find the tower, then I might make some discoveries that would be very helpful to me.

With that thought in mind, he kept on walking towards nowhere in particular.

Asher kept on walking untill he came to a crack in the concrete floor. Neo was about to ignore it, as he had not yet seen any use of the crack.

But his imcredible brains told him to explore.

Neo stopped and bent over the crack. He started inspecting it. Neo took a very small stick and started poking it into the crack.

Then Asher grabbed a handful of the sand and let it fall slowly and run through his hand.

It's the same sand. A voice in his head told Asher.

Asher was surprised, he immediately started questioning himself. How do you know that?

Asher bit his lip. It was a very important question. He couldn't just see any random white sand and link it to the layer of white sand that usually covered the land around the tower.

Asher closed his eye for maximum concentration as he thought to himself. My brain, if it's really a super power, then please give me an answer.

As Asher's concentration hit the maximum point, he could feel his brain scanning the sand in his mind and also scanning the sand that was usually around the tower. When he finished, Asher felt it within himself that it was the same sand. But still, he wasn't totally convinced, because it all seemed surreal to him.

Asher came to a realization that if it was the same sand, then that means that he was living in the same vicinity that the tower was located.

Asher was a bit surprised. How come I've never seen a tower around here? Maybe it was demolished or somethng?

Asher wasn't really sure what happened to the tower, but one was sure, the tower was no longer there.

Asher suddenly felt that he might be doing wrong by looking for the tower. After all, the modern elites might not still reside in the tower.

Asher decided to trust his brain as it was the thing that was givn to him in the battle against the elites, so they probably wouldn't give him something defective.

What Asher woul have never imagined and the world's order refused to tell him because of his awful behavior was the fact the more he used his brain, the more stressed out he was going to be.

As he stayed their in his crouched positon, feeling the white sand and maximizing his concentration, he suddenly felt the sand in his and disappear along with his environment. Actually, Asher was hoping that he couold go back to the past so he could check out the sand again.

And he really did.

Asher found himself in the tower again. He was faced with the six elite kids again.

A lot of changes had been made, but Asher had literally booed the world's order away so he didn't have a chance to tell him any of them. Staying invisible in the past was as a result of his brain. It was almost a natural phenomon that he world's order had given him. But Asher didn't know any of these.

Asher stood up from his bent position. I was beginning to think I would never get transported to this place again.

Asher walked to the window and began to stare at the sand. But that wasn't enough.

This won't do. I need to go down there and touch the sand myself.

Asher was a bit scared of the massive height he was in. I can't die here, can I?

While Asher as still deliberating, the kids started talking. Asher was a bit disappointed. If they had started talking, then he can't leave them alone, he needed every information they had to offer.

I just wish I could pause them. Asher thought dejectedly to himself.

Instantly, they all stopped and the tower was quiet.

Asher went round the room and inspected it, then he found that th kids were not even talking or moving. It was then that he realized that they were paused.

Asher didn't realize it immediately, but when he did, he was shocked.

Did I do this? Oh my god! I'm so awesome!

But he knew that this powers were only granted to him while he was in the past. Asher wondered if he could even affect a human with the powers he didn't know of. At the same time, he knew he couldnt. If he could, then he was going to change so many things in the world and the world's order wouldn't allow that.

I better run along. Asher said as he jumped down the tower. If he was going to die, then he would die. But one thing was sure, he wasn't going to use the massive and black stairwell.