
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 15

Chapter 15


Mutism Pov:


 It is morning and I am sitting on deck against the mast when I smell something I don't think is possible. We are at the berk harbor and the person that boards is scrawny but smells a lot like a NightFury.


 He goes over and talks to a Scholar, Scribbler. As they are talking Dagur catches my attention and I see him throwing the knife at the Scrawny kid, The heir of berk.


 I expect him to jump in fear when the dagger is Thrown but all he does is answer Scribbler saying. "No because I already know who, It was Dagur." To this Dagur responds. "How perceptive of you Hiccup."


 Then Hiccup looks over to me and Dagur asks. "What do you think of him Mutism." Since he asked I get up and walk over to Hiccup and smell him saying. "Smells like a NightFury." I say it only loud enough for Hiccup, Dagur, and Scribbler to hear.


 "What do you mean?" Dagur asks. Hiccup responds to stop us from asking more questions by saying. "Because of this, I found it after a raid." and pulls out a NightFury scale to show us, then quickly hides it.


 As we continue on our journey Hiccup suddenly becomes tense as in something he doesn't like and that is an island on the horizon. My guess is bad memories or something.


 We arrive at the Island and are sent into dorms. I am in the same dorm as my brother Dagur, Scribbler, and the partial tense Hiccup. It is probably from Dagur.


 After we put our stuff down we were called to the main hall where we will be eating. The Headmaster calls. "SILENCE!!" and everybody quiets down. "We have multiple people here for this year, Heirs, Scholars, And guests that were recommended."


 By that I think he means people like Scribbler and Me.


 "For the next week you all can get used to the island, just don't cause trouble." The Headmaster boomed. From that I can see Hiccup tense up a little more.


 "The rules are as follows, No killing fellow students, No leaving the island, and no stealing." The Headmaster said, at the no killing part Hiccup, Scribbler, and a few others sighed in relief. From that I can tell that they had problems with people like my brother Dagur.


 "That will be all, You will be given your class schedules 2 days before classes start. Breakfast at 7:00, Lunch at 12:00, Dinner at 19:00." The headmaster said before leaving us to ourselves.

Hiccup heads back to his bunk to unpack along with Scribbler.


 I decide to follow to see why he was tensing up. When I get back he is talking with Scribbler and that boy has a lot of writing supplies.


 As Hiccup unpacks I see a lot of armor and I can smell more NightFury on it. When Scribbler asks Hiccup suddenly throws a knife at the window hitting the wood as I duck behind it.


 Dagur is watching and asks. "What was that about?" Since he asked nicely for once I answer Him. "Hiccup noticed me watching from the window and got on edge, so he threw a knife at me."


 At this Dagur was surprised and went into the dorm with me when we hear. "Sorry I noticed someone watching, Back to your question this is armor that I made on a journey I did alone along with a shield and sword." Hiccup says to Scribbler


 "Cool." Dagur says surprising them. "Can I help you guys?" Hiccup asks.


 "No Mutism just said that you throw a knife at him for looking in the window so I came to see why. You know there's a rule about no killing." Dagur said to Hiccup.


 "Well I didn't see a problem since it hit wood and even if it hit him it wouldn't have killed him. Also why was he spying on his own dorm. Plus I didn't know it was him." I say to Dagur and this catches him off guard.


 I have to admit Hiccup is smart and right. As I go off I see Hiccup hide something. It smells the most of NightFury compared to his other stuff. I will investigate later.


 I quickly look for a spot to train in the morning and I find a clearing not to far away. I make a mental note of where it is and go back and unpack.


 I brought some weighted clothes for training, A small shield, and my sword Black Light. Black Light was drenched in blood of many foes and became Black when it was originally pristine white like a Light. I guess my adoptive father really put it to waste.


 Later we have dinner and after that I go to bed.



 When I wake up it is around 5:00 when I start training, yet somehow Hiccup is already up and gone along with that secret Item.


 I get up and leave following the scent and I find Hiccup in my clearing. He is burying the item along with taking Terrible Terror and attaching something to it.


 He sets the Terrible Terror off and I jump him getting a surprise. "Oof!" from Hiccup. "Why are you here Mutism." He says nervously.


 "I was watching you bury something and send off a Terrible Terror with something. What was that about." I ask him and he is clearly scared and realize he has to tell me.


 "Just don't tell Dagur. I have something that I need to get to a friend and the only way to contact him is by using a Terrible Terror. I guess you are going to tell the Headmaster Right." Hiccup says scared for something other than his life for some reason.


 "I am not going to tell because of my upbringing before the berserker tribe. Just don't let my tribe know I didn't have amnesia." I say and I realize that he has a questioning look and he asks me.


 "What are you talking about?" This surprises me, He catches on extremely quickly.