
Heroes: The Cancer of the Multiverse

In a dying universe, a supernatural being chooses Atlas to save the multiverse from collapse. The threat comes from the increasing number of heroes being reincarnated into other universes. Atlas is tasked with hunting down these heroes, who have been granted powerful boons that make them nearly invincible. Atlas must rely on his wit and surprise to take down these powerful foes, and each new universe he enters presents a unique challenge with a different power system to master. With only his experience to aid him, Atlas begins his mission to save the multiverse. Will he succeed, or will the heroes prove too powerful to defeat? This story will feature dynamic character development, with a focus on character interactions rather than solely on the whole hero buisness. The Mc will also not always get what he wants or needs. He will only be able to fight the Hero with abilities he can reasonably get, and naturally, each universe he goes through will give him more of an advantage compared to the common people, but the real Heroes will always have something like classical fanfiction heroes, which means powers like Devil Fruits, Haki,  Ninjutusus, systems, cultivation, powerful bloodlines, magic, Marvel or DC powers, an inbuilt AI or other weird but powerful abilities.  P.S.: I don't own the rights to most universes that will be explored.

Sergeantgreen · Phim ảnh
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90 Chs

Interlude Chapter: Generic Hero Part IV


I have a small announcement to make. I will be changing the title of the story. The new title will be "Heroes: The Cancer of the Multiverse." The title change will take effect in two days.

The next chapter will be released on Monday.

I won't mark this chapter as a spoiler since the view count suggests that everyone is reading the interlude chapters.


As Ethan spent more time interacting with the two girls, he found their company incredibly entertaining. Despite their occasional childishness, their lightheartedness was a refreshing departure from the worries and troubles he had faced in both his previous and current life. The weight of his grandmother's health and financial difficulties seemed momentarily lifted in their presence, and he embraced the change.

"So, what House do you think you're going to end up in?" Leona inquired.

The question caught Ethan off guard, and he hadn't given it much thought. He responded honestly, "I'm not really sure; probably not Slytherin."

"Good choice; you better steer clear of Slytherin. The house is filled with arrogant pricks, or so my parents said. I'm likely to be sorted into Ravenclaw. It runs in my family," Leona cheerfully replied.

"You, in Ravenclaw? Unlike me, a brute like you will definitely end up in Gryffindor," Amy interjected.

"What did you say?!" Leona exclaimed, "playfully" attempting to strangle Amy.

The absurdity of the situation brought a chuckle to Ethan's lips. "Ravenclaw sounds great. Let's hope we all end up there together," he said, realizing that it might be enjoyable to have some lighthearted fun on his journey to save his grandmother and better the world.

Ethan's memory skill enabled him to remember that the Sorting Hat would consider his choices, so he wasn't overly concerned. Besides, if Amy and Leona genuinely desired Ravenclaw, they would end up there as well.

After the playful scuffle settled, Leona and Amy agreed with bright grins. They delved into conversations about their shared childhood, and Ethan learned that their parents had been friends, resulting in numerous playdates. When it was Ethan's turn to share his story, he shared everything since he was reborn, except the existence of the system and the rebirth itself. After he finished, Amy embraced him with tears streaming down her face, while Leona vowed vengeance against any Death Eater alive in solidarity with his parents. Though Ethan had come to terms with the absence and loss of his parents shortly after being reborn, it was heartening to receive sympathy and support from his newfound friends.

The train ride seemed to pass by in a blur, quicker than Ethan had anticipated. Perhaps time flew because he genuinely cherished the moments he spent with Leona and Amy.

Hagrid had taken on the responsibility of guiding them to the castle in a boat, and Ethan couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Hogwarts appeared much grander and more magnificent than he had ever imagined. As he caught sight of the enchanting castle, the realization sank in that he would be spending the next few years within its walls, truly becoming a wizard.

He wasn't alone in his astonishment. Even the students who tried to maintain an air of indifference were left awestruck, their mouths agape with wonder.

Upon their arrival at the great hall, Ethan immediately noticed that he wasn't in the same year as Harry Potter. Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's time, or any of the following teachers were nowhere to be seen. The absence of Harry himself further confirmed this observation.

The inauguration ceremony unfolded just as Ethan had expected. The Sorting Hat determined that he belonged in Ravenclaw, acknowledging his potential for greatness in any house but deeming Ravenclaw the best fit. Unsurprisingly, Leona and Amy were also sorted into Ravenclaw, prompting them to joyfully embrace each other.

Following a lavish feast that surpassed anything Ethan had ever witnessed in real life, they were led to the Ravenclaw common room. Ethan found it slightly bothersome that they had to answer riddles every time they wished to enter or leave, but the Prefect assured them that the Gargoyle only knew a few hundred riddles, which they would likely memorize over the next few years. Surprisingly, the gargoyle was capable of learning new riddles, and there was a 20 house point bounty for anyone who could teach it an acceptable new riddle. Considering the gargoyle had been there for nearly a millennium and still only knew a few hundred riddles, it was clear that the task was easier said than done. Ethan couldn't help but imagine that Rowena Ravenclaw herself had initially supplied the gargoyle with a few dozen riddles, which only further decreased the skills actual students managed to supply.

Filled with excitement, Ethan packed his belongings in anticipation of the first day of school. He decided to practice a few spells he had read about in his books, and Amy and Leona were more than eager to join him. Like Ethan, they had delved into studying spells ahead of time, though their focus had been on just spells rather than potions, transfiguration, or the history of magic.

Despite being offered various skills, Ethan chose to hold off on selecting any until he had tried out all the spells he deemed potentially useful. He didn't want to squander his limited skill slots prematurely, preferring to make informed decisions once he had explored all his magical options.

The first week at Hogwarts was a whirlwind of exploration and trial and error for Ethan. Surprisingly, his potion lesson turned out to be much better than expected. Being grouped with Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin and not having Harry Potter in the class to sour Snape's mood made for a genuinely pleasant experience. The class was demanding yet informative. Although they had only brewed a single potion on the first day, Ethan remained optimistic that skill offers for potion brewing would soon come his way.

True to her word, Professor McGonagall had arranged for Ethan to get extra lessons with Snape about the memory potion, which came far faster than expected. After dinner, Ethan made his way to the dungeons. To his astonishment, the memory potion turned out to be remarkably fast to brew, taking a mere two minutes and fifteen seconds. The true challenge lay in the precise timing of each step and the immediate addition of certain ingredients after cutting or crushing them, requiring the brewer to multitask several times. For this reason, the potion was usually taught to sixth-year students, as they had the required proficiency and swiftness to prevent wasting materials. Snape explained that he was only teaching Ethan the potion because Professor McGonagall had requested it and even sponsored the two lessons, which amounted to a significant investment of galleons due to the number of times Ethan would brew the potion on the first day. After successfully brewing the fifth potion, Ethan finally received the skill he had been hoping for.

Brew the Memory Potion

Tier 1

Skill Level: unavailable

Level up requirements: Brew the Memory potion 5 times


Increase the speed at which you can perform all stepps necessary for the memory potion.

Baselevel + Skill Level * 5%

Ethan eagerly accepted the skill, yet he found himself pondering its implications. Would it affect the brewing time as well as the manufacturing steps? Would the skill really affect the world in such a way? As he began the next potion, he felt the skill taking effect. It was his first experience with such a specific active skill, and he couldn't help but feel guided by its influence. Unlike other skills, such as writing, where he maintained control, this skill seemed to dictate his movements with remarkable precision. Snape, too, appeared surprised as he witnessed Ethan effortlessly process the ingredients for the next potion. However, Snape's surprise quickly turned to reprimand when Ethan added the squashed eel eyes four seconds too early. What looked like a minor hiccup was actually the skill that guided Ethan's hand. To Snape's surprise, the potion turned out just fine, leading him to express interest in analyzing its effectiveness.

Ethan decided not to use the skill in Snape's presence after witnessing the extreme reaction it elicited in his potion master. As the skill would continue to level up even without applying its effects, he wanted to avoid drawing attention to the difference in brewing speed. While the discrepancy between 135 seconds and 129 seconds was negligible to Ethan, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if his skill level were higher, enabling him to brew the potion in a mere 30 seconds. Would his body move at superhuman speed, or would it struggle to keep up with the skill?

In his own peculiar way, Snape expressed a degree of satisfaction with Ethan's progress. Though he initially required some assistance, Ethan eventually mastered the potion, brewing it flawlessly after just five attempts, not counting the successfully brewed potion that was brewed too fast.

"Not as terrible as I anticipated, Mr. Brown," Snape remarked in his usual Snape manner. "Perhaps there is hope that I won't have to waste another year teaching some utterly incompetent students. Based on what I've seen, the second lesson can be canceled. However, as Professor McGonagall has already paid for the materials, you may use them. If you have any questions, you can approach me after our regular lessons. I have already spoken with Professor McGonagall, and we have agreed that you may use this room to brew the batches you require for your grandmother after classes. Keep in mind that I will close the room after dinner, so plan your days accordingly. Lastly, I must emphasize that using the potion during an exam is grounds for expulsion."

With those words, Snape turned on his heel and exited the room.

Ethan couldn't contain his gratitude for Professors McGonagall and Snape. With their support, he had everything he needed to help his grandma and potentially even establish a small business. While his parents' savings could sustain his grandmother's supply of memory potions for about six months at most, he knew he needed to earn additional money. And what could be more sought-after in a school than a potion that enhanced memory? Even though it couldn't be used during exams, it would undoubtedly be a valuable aid during study sessions. The potion's status as a sixth-year concoction meant there would be minimal competition, especially considering Snape only accepted a handful of students with the best O.W.Ls into his N.E.W.T. Level lessons.

Selling the memory potion with a small profit would not only provide him with the means to purchase new ingredients but also leave enough surplus to cater to his grandma's needs. Moreover, it would rapidly advance his skill level. Thanks to the headstart bonus, his skill level already rose to level three after brewing five more potions, reducing the brewing time to a mere 117 seconds. Moreover, he had acquired the second skill he desired:


Tier 1

Skill Level: 1

Level up requirements: Make 10 Potions


Increase the potency of all potions.

Baselevel + Skill Level * 2%

Initially, Ethan felt a slight pang of disappointment that it wasn't another speed amplifier skill, but he quickly realized that this bonus was even better suited to his current situation. With the memory potion skill, he could brew at an increasingly faster pace, thus advancing his overall potion-making ability. As a result, his potions would become more potent, allowing him to command higher prices and increase his income. The virtuous cycle thrilled Ethan, and he eagerly anticipated building a budding business empire on potions. He imagined that his memory potion would eventually be potent enough to make people remember their time in their mother's womb. But the possibilities extended beyond memory potions. He envisioned creating a Felix Felicis potion with triple the potency. If he were to consume such a potion before facing a formidable opponent like Voldemort, he dared to imagine a meteor crashing down on his enemy, securing victory.

With excitement still coursing through him, Ethan swiftly finished brewing the potion using the remaining ingredients. To his surprise, he received another skill, one that wasn't a peculiar brewing specification or related to the memory potion. It turned out to be a general skill—one he hadn't expected to acquire at this stage:


Tier 1

Skill Level: unavailable

Level up requirements: Complete 15 alchemic processes


Increases the speed at which Alchemic processessing can be done.

Baselevel + Skill Level * 1%

Discovering this skill while brewing suggested that alchemy was closely tied to potion-making. Although Ethan still had three open skill slots and no immediate plans for the third one, he decided against taking the alchemy skill. Its bonuses for his potions were minimal, and while he had a keen interest in delving into alchemy, his primary fascination lay in the creation of the Philosopher's Stone. He believed that even without a dedicated alchemy skill, his experimenting skill would enable him to uncover the formula for the stone on his own. The skill for alchemy, though potentially helpful in expediting the creation process and enhancing potency later on, wouldn't provide him with the actual formula he sought, so it wasn't really that useful to him with only a bonus of one percent per level.

The following day marked Ethan's first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. Leona and Amy had already warned him about the jinxed nature of the position, which resulted in a new teacher every year. Ethan was well aware of this fact and even knew that Voldemort was the one behind the curse. The lingering presence of the jinx confirmed his suspicion that he had arrived at Hogwarts a year or more before Harry Potter would attend. Perhaps it would be prudent to research Harry Potter in the library to gauge exactly how much time he had before Voldemort would infiltrate Hogwarts as Quirrell or, if he failed to prevent it, resurrect himself after the Triwizard Tournament. However, at present, Ethan's anticipation was directed towards Defense Against the Dark Arts.

As the class commenced, a young woman with a tanned complexion, brown hair tied up in a bun, and glasses introduced herself as their new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. She exuded a youthful aura, so much so that Ethan would have readily believed anyone claiming she was a sixth- or seventh-year student.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Some of you may have already heard that I was once a Hogwarts student, just like you. And while I might appear younger than your other professors, there's no need to be concerned. I've had years of practice, and you're in capable hands... I hope that, in time, we can all become friends. To that end, none of you are allowed to call me 'Professor Green'! I forbid it! To my students, I am simply... Olivia."

Ethan couldn't help but feel that the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons were somewhat of a farce. Although Olivia was friendly and attentive to her students, the topics covered in class were disappointingly basic. He sighed, realizing that the fault didn't lie with the professor, or rather, Olivia. It was simply the dullness of the first-year curriculum.

Leona shared Ethan's sentiments and added that Olivia had previous experience working for the ministry and was undoubtedly competent. The problem lay solely with the unexciting syllabus.

During their discussion, Leona suggested that they could study advanced spells on their own. After all, the library held a wealth of intriguing spells waiting to be discovered, and Leona was confident that Olivia would even support their independent endeavors by answering any questions they had.

Amy was also filled with excitement as they entered the library. Her parents had restricted her from delving too deeply into advanced studies, limiting her access to just the first-year books. Consequently, she was eagerly looking forward to expanding her knowledge.

For Ethan, the library was like a paradise. Back at home, he had to reread books multiple times just to improve his reading skill. However, now he had the opportunity to explore thousands of books. Leona and Amy couldn't help but poke fun at him when he returned to their gathering spot with six hefty tomes. Their teasing quickly ceased when they witnessed the speed at which Ethan devoured the pages. He flipped through them as if he were merely glancing at the words. Amy couldn't resist asking him about it, to which he handed her a book he had already read the first twenty pages of and requested her to quiz him on anything up to that point.

The expression on Amy's face when he effortlessly completed the random sentence she chose from page seven was truly priceless. Ethan couldn't help but tease her a little. "I did mention that I was part of a special program for gifted students. Did you doubt it?" he asked mischievously.

After gaining an overview of the Hogwarts curriculum and familiarizing himself with the spells they would regularly learn and even a few they wouldn't normally learn, Ethan decided on the skills he wanted to pick. Although he had come across a few variations of the Protego Charm, they were mostly specialized versions and not direct upgrades. With his unique system, he could empower the regular shield spell to surpass the specialized versions in all aspects, defending against both immaterial threats like flames and material objects like rocks. The second spell posed a more difficult decision. Ethan had weighed the pros and cons between a stunning spell like Stupor and the Full Body-Bind Curse, Petrificus Totalus. Ultimately, he chose the latter, fearing that the shock spell might become so potent that it could potentially be lethal upon impact. The full body-bind curse provided a safer alternative and offered the option to neutralize the target afterward if necessary.

With these skills chosen, only one skillslot remained. However, Ethan decided to wait a little longer before making a decision. Currently, his top contenders are the invisibility charm and the herbology skill. The Invisibility Charm had the potential to grant him greater invisibility than even Harry's famous cloak after a few level-ups, giving him much more mobility within Hogwarts. However, the herbology skill offered the advantage of accelerating plant growth, further alleviating his supply burdens. Moreover, it would prove valuable beyond his years at Hogwarts. Ethan contemplated the choices, recognizing that while the Invisibility Charm would lose much of its utility after Voldemort's defeat and his departure from Hogwarts, the Herbology skill would remain beneficial in his future, and he was unlikely to need stealth in his job later on as he wouldn't become an auror.

He looked contemplatively at his status window before deciding that the spot would remain empty for a few more days.

Name: Ethan Brown Age: 11 Health: 100% Mana: 100% Stamina: 100%

Tier 1 Skills:

Thinking: Level 83

Sleeping (in bed): Level 46

Headstart: Level 19

Experimenting: Level 67

Spellcasting (With a wand and an incantation): Level 8

Brewing (Memory Potion): Level 3

Potion Making: Level 2

Spellcasting (Protego): Level 1

Spellcasting (Petrificus Totalus): Level 1

Empty: -

Tier 1 Skillpoints: 234

Tier 1 Skills (Stagnant):

Breathing: Level 122

Walking: Level 121

Reading: Level 200

Talking: Level 138

Calculating: Level 104

Studying: Level 179

Writing: Level 106

Memorize: Level 100

Teaching: Level 100

Punching: Level 80

Tier 2 Skills:

Collaborative Learning: Level 41

Pleasing Voice: Level 100

Jab: Level 97

Sensory Memory: Level 41

Marathon: Level 72

Precise Calculation: Level 60

Elaborate Writing: Level 30

Enduring Respiration: Level 87

Contextual Perception: Level 90

Empty: -

Tier 2 Skillpoints: 618

Tier 3 Skills (Locked):

Empty: ...

Tier 3 Skillpoints: 0

Tier 4 Skills (Locked):

Requirements to Unlock: Collect 50 Tier 3 Skillpoints

The next day marked Ethan's first flying class, and to his relief, there was no one like Neville Longbottom to turn it into a disastrous affair. The initial fear of his feet leaving the ground soon dissipated as he discovered the protective charms that kept him securely on the school broom. Once he overcame his uneasiness about the height, flying became an exhilarating experience. The freedom he felt as he soared through the air and beheld the breathtaking surroundings of Hogwarts was truly invigorating. In his excitement, he attempted to fly over the great lake, but his plans were swiftly thwarted by the watchful eye of Madam Hooch. He only then noticed that he was the only one steadily flying in the air.

After the class, Amy pestered Ethan, bombarding him with questions about his flying experience and whether he had any interest in joining the Quidditch team. Despite his repeated denials, she persisted, enthusiastically sharing tales of her favorite Quidditch team and hinting at the fame he could attain if he managed to become a part of one.

"I thought you despised sports. What's with this sudden enthusiasm for Quidditch?" Ethan inquired, trying to deter Amy for the third time as he emphasized his desire to focus on his studies before considering any extracurricular activities like Quidditch.

"I hate participating in sports, but watching them is an entirely different matter. And I happen to be the biggest Quidditch fan there is. Please say you'll play! I'll be your most dedicated cheerleader. Pretty please," Amy pleaded earnestly.

Leona couldn't stand the incessant begging any longer and interjected, "Enough, Amy! Ethan isn't here to fulfill your dream of marrying a future Quidditch star."

Ethan froze at the mention of marriage, while Amy transformed into a volcano, her face turning as red as lava as she erupted in shame and anger. She began to chase after Leona, who, upon realizing the impact of her words, quickly fled with Amy hot on her heels, yelling in frustration as she was unable to catch up.

Relieved that he didn't have to respond to the comment, Ethan contemplated the unexpected realization that had struck him like a bolt of lightning. Romance had been the furthest thing from his mind ever since the bullying began in his previous life. But now, he realized he was no longer the loser he once was, even if he hadn't achieved financial success yet. With his unique system, he had the potential to become the greatest wizard, and it seemed only natural to have a few beautiful witches by his side.

Long Author Note:

Thank you for reading the story. The Protego skill and the petrificus totalus spell provide a 5% boost in casting speed. I understand that the speed increase may seem insignificant at the moment, but once he reaches level 20, his verbal castings will be as fast as nonverbal ones, which gives him a significant advantage. However, as I mentioned in a previous chapter, the true magic begins at tier 3.

For those wondering why he isn't already incredibly powerful, the boons I have in mind will help the hero become strong enough to conquer the world (if they want that) within 20-30 years. Certain boons may initially appear stronger than others, while some have a greater potential for growth so the speed might vary.

For instance, a Hero who has consumed Whitebeard's Devil Fruit or possesses the bloodline of a dragon might be capable of instantly defeating a professor, but their overall potential is still lower compared to Ethan's system. In the story, we will explore both types of boons, so there's no need to worry that it will always be something similar to Ethan's system. I just chose a system-based boon for the first universe because it has been the most common used concept in fanfictions over the past 10 years, and my inspiration for this story was a badly written fanfiction where the hero got everything he wanted and was a mary sue because he had such a system. Additionally, multiple women fell in love with him without any substantial reason, which was just bad writing and wish fulfilment. Thus, I thought it would be an interesting idea to write a story centered around a main character who hunts down these types of heroes.

During the process of developing the story, it grew longer than anticipated. However, I came to the realization that in order to create believable character interactions, it requires a sufficient amount of time. Otherwise, I would have to explicitly state a character's traits such as being intelligent, evil, or foolish every time they are mentioned. Personally, I prefer to demonstrate these qualities through their actions rather than merely stating them. In my perspective, portraying characters through their actions rather than explicitly stating their traits creates a more authentic depiction. Constantly mentioning these traits tends to reduce characters to mere labels, preventing readers from truly perceiving and understanding them as individuals.

So i hope you can forgive me if the story is a bit slower paced than the usual fanfiction.