

A bright light filled the room, and before long, surrounded by many in a small room wearing black cloaks, was a naked young man standing in what appeared to be a circle with strange markings on it. The young man, possibly still in high school just stood there with a look of confusion in his face. A few minutes ago he was on the football field throwing the ball to his wide receiver, the next second he was here surrounded by strangers in his birthday suit.

As the young man stood there in confusion, still wondering if he should try to hide his naked body or not, another stood up from the crowd. Unlike the black robes everyone else wore, this man who was in his late 30s wore a red coat with a crown on his head. On his fingers were several types of jewels. It was as if he was dressed like a king.

"Oh hero, we are sorry for summoning you, but please… legendary hero, save us from the incoming demon invasion!" The man who dressed like a King went down on one knee, causing everyone to go into whispers, shocked by seeing this man's action. "Silence! As the King of Moirae Kingdom, I need to know my place. Without the hero, we stand no chance of winning."

The young man in the center was left in confusion. It didn't even occur to him that this "king" was referring to him as a "hero."

"It seems you have many questions, for now… bring him to his resting quarters. Jonathan, you're giving the task of getting to the hero's needs. I trust you with this task."

"Yes your majesty!" Another man in dark robes shouted as he got onto his knee. Everyone else in the room also followed his footsteps as the King rose to his feet.


Before the 'hero' could even fully understand everything that is going on, the whole room went into disarray until the man from before, Jonathan, stepped forward. He took off his black cloak and put it around the hero.

"Is… everything okay sir hero?" Jonathan asked. The hero didn't even know how to respond.

Saving the world? Hero? Demon King? Although he didn't fully understand it, he realized that he was incredibly far away from his high school football match. With their Quarterback missing, the chance of their school winning was basically down the drain. However, shortly after thinking that he realized… this is a fantasy world, he was a hero… who cared about something as small as an American Football game.

He quickly called up his menu. It felt like a natural thing to do, and even though he didn't have this kind of menu before in his old world, it felt like this transparent menu in front of him was part of his body. The menu had a variety of options, but he decided to check on his status.

Joshua Everbelle

Level: 1

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Health: 20/23

Mana: 19/19

Stamina: 40/53

Strength (?) - 16

Dexterity (?) - 19

Constitution (?) - 16

Intelligence (?) - 10

Wisdom (?) - 5

Charisma (?) - 19




Appraisal (?)


Throwing(?) level 3

Dodge (?) level 1

Knuckle(?) level 1


Barter(?) level 1

Skill points left: 5

Joshua eyes went wide. He had no idea what Constitution meant, so he focused his eyes on the "(?)" there to get an explanation.

Constitution measures health, stamina and vital force.

This explanation didn't really make much sense to Joshua so he decided to ignore it. He played a few games before, so he figured it was some sort of defense stat. He quickly decided to check his skills. His strongest skill was Throwing level 3, which was probably due to him being a Quarterback. As for his other skills, they probably equated to what he use to do before he was summoned to this fantasy like world.

"Sir hero?" Jonathan asked as he looked at Joshua. Joshua looked back, quickly activating Appraisal. Once again, it was as if he instantly knew how this skill worked.


Level: 1

Age: 27


Health: 17/17

Mana: 10/22

Stamina: 20/47

Strength (?) - 7

Dexterity (?) - 8

Constitution (?) - 5

Intelligence (?) - 15

Wisdom (?) - 5

Charisma (?) - 4

Joshua couldn't see Jonathan's skills, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to test this skill out. Looking at these stats, he knew this Jonathan was some sort of stock character with no redeeming features. I mean, most of his stat were far below that of his! The only stat the Jonathan had better than him was his intelligence, but everything else was practically half of his.

Seeing that his numbers was higher, Joshua smiled proudly. "Come, take me to my room." He said.

"Yes sir hero!" Jonathan exclaimed excitedly as he lead the way.

Although Joshua was still quite confused as to what was going on, he was starting to get excited. Seeing all of these stats, he realized that this world was similar to that of a video game, a video game where he was the main character.

As they walked, Jonathan brought him over to a room with a fancy bed, and a small table with an oil lamp. How simple, not even electricity. Joshua was pretty disappointed by this, but looked at a small door that he opened up and was shocked to see a walk in closet full of different types of clothes. During their walk here Jonathan had let Joshua know of an abundant amount of information.

Apparently, when the demon lord was ready to invade the world of the humans, legends say that the Kingdom had to summon the legendary hero, as only he would know what to do to stop this threat. Because of this, the hero was no in control of basically the entire Kingdom itself due to this legend. Joshua thought about all the power he had now under his control and smiled. He would pretty much have access to all the good stuff the Kingdom has. Would the Kingdom really let him have whatever he wanted? Joshua couldn't help want to test this all out.

"Jonathan, for your first order…" As he started, the gentleman tensed up in anticipation, wondering what their saviour would ask for, not expecting what was to come. "I want some beer, or whatever the finest alcohol you can find is." Joshua ordered.

"Yes sir! I understand, I'll get it right away!" Jonathan exclaimed as he got ready to get it.

"Wait, just a minute. I also want some women. Nice ones. You know, good bodies, clean, uh… sexy. You should know, can you get me some of that too?" He asked as if he was asking a child to buy him something from the grocery store.

Jonathan gulped at these orders. Nice women? Did he mean nobles? However, he knew he couldn't refuse… after all it was from the legendary hero himself. Jonathan merely nodded his head before running off to fetch what hero had asked for.

Before long, he came back with a bottle of champagne in one hand, and a group of females behind him. All of them were from noble families, which would normally decline this kind of request but when the young man mentioned it was for the hero, the nobles quickly gave up their young daughters. The ladies looked toward Joshua with a little fear in their eyes, reluctant to go inside. Sure, Joshua was quite an attractive man, but that didn't mean they wanted to sleep with someone they never met before. The hero in front of them on the other hand smiled toward them, stepping forward to grab the bag with a drug similar to the one he always used, while the other hand reached out and grabbed a girl's waist.

"For the good of the Kingdom!" Jonathan shouted. The woman gulped a little, looking at each other before the three of them went inside. Jonathan closed the door. It didn't take long for the sounds of moaning and crying could be heard from outside. "For… the good of the Kingdom…" He said once again softly.

The hero knew what to do. This was to help save the world. After all, the hero is the one who'll save them. He looked at the closed door where three noble woman had entered, woman who were "clean" and had never experienced the wonders of being an adult. That has obviously changed now, as these women served their hero in order to save the world.

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