
A child bound for something greater

Rosette was raised as every other young girl in her village was. she learned to cook, clean and mend clothes. Every morning her mom brushed through her glistening red hair before she was sent of to fetch ingredients for the meals for the day. Her life went on like this for years.

One day a week before her 16 birthday she saw a man she had never seen before at the market. She walked up to the man and said " hello welcome to town what brings you to our tiny village?" He did not respond at first.

" I am here for many reasons." he responded

"Which are?"

"First, I am her to talk to my brother's wife and daughter. Do you know where the Andrees can be found?"

She paused " well you have found one of us. I will take you to my mother when I am done here."

" Are you really? Rosette was it. thank you. I have urgent business with you and your mother. so please be swift."

She hurried through her list and headed home with the man who claimed to be her uncle. When she arrived home her mothers face showed he and told the truth.

"What do you want? you said after the wedding I would probably never see you again."

"I am sorry for the inconvenience but, I must tell you the conditions have been met and as you know your child is bound for something greater than this."

"Wait but, you said you would not come for her unless...." she burst into tears and left Rosette wondering what was going on.

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