
Trap 1

Chen Feng just came back from his school. Looking at a long queue of the customer, then he glanced at the satisfied smile of his parents, Chen Feng felt that his decision to extract the culinary skill and opened the restaurant was a correct choice.

While Chen Feng and his parents were busy themselves in the shop, several people in business uniforms entered.

Chen Feng immediately came forward and greeted the guests.

"What is your order?" Chen Feng asked normally.

"Are you the owner of this shop?" A man came forward and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, I am." He replied. Looking at his face, Chen Feng had a bad feeling for some reason.

That man raised his hand and signaled his hand. Then, the people behind him scattered out and started checking the shop.

Chen Feng quickly spread his hand and stopped them. He stared at the man before him.

"Hey, Hey, Who are you? What are you going to do?" He asked in a threatening tone.

That man couldn't help but smile coldly at him, then he said.

"We are from the Food Safety Commission. We have just received a report saying that your shop sold unhealthy food with low-quality meat and ingredients. Importantly, in the report, they said that you guys put the addictive material in your food. So we have to seal your shop and investigate according to the law."

Chen Feng furrowed his eyebrows. He was thinking about something. His instinct told him that this was the trap of someone. He could see that these people came prepared and had a bad intention.

"How can we use such illegal material? Our shop only uses fresh and expensive beef meat on the market. Do you get the wrong shop?" Chen Feng asked.

"No, I am sure that in the report that the shop was called Beef Ball Family Restaurant. And about if your food has a problem or not, you have to wait for the result after we finish our investigation." That man took a paper from his suitcase, he had a quick look and said.

"Oh...about your investigation, we are happy to cooperate. But can I see your Identity Card and the Investigation Order?" Chen Feng took out his hand and said to him.

"Do you doubt us?" That man felt annoying by Chen Feng's action.

"I'm just to make sure." Chen Feng had a smile on his face. He seemed not to see that man's expression at all.

That man took out his Identity card and a paper from his suitcase. He felt some kind of worried in his heart.

Checking the document for a while, Chen Feng made sure that it was a genuine one and then he secretly took his phone from his pocket.

"Now, do you have any more questions?" He asked him in a haste voice.

"No, no...You can do your job." Chen Feng still smiled carelessly, he held his phone and quickly took a photo at the identity card and that paper in his hand.

"Hey! What are you doing?" That man startled by his action, he yelled out and quickly took back those things from Chen Feng's hand.

"Ahh...I just worry that this is the fake document, so I have to save it first. Don't mind me!" Chen Feng put back his phone in his pocket and walked away.

"Hmph! Smartass Brat! Just you wait Hehe..." That man snorted and he secretly laughed in his mind.


Chen Feng saw the worried face of his parents from a distance, he then walked towards them.

"Son, what happens? Why do they close our shop?" Chen Ze looked at Chen Feng's face and pointed his finger to that group.

"Someone made a report saying that our food has a problem. So they seal our shop temporarily to investigate." Chen Feng calmly explained the situation to his parents.

"Son, I have a feeling that someone has targeted us. We have to be careful." Chen Ze was the experience man, his sharp intuition was so accurate.

"W-What should we do?" Xiao Sufen heard this, she felt worried and asked in a trembling voice.

"Don't worry Mom, Dad. I already prepare for this situation. I don't think that we have to use this card so fast." Chen Feng took a name card from his wallet and shook his head helplessly.

Actually, Chen Feng had predicted this problem from the beginning. He knew very well the potential of the Pissing Beef Balls. Sooner or later, this food would become famous. At that time, Chen Feng didn't believe that no one would interests in his business.

So he planned to find someone to back him up. Coincidentally, Jennie, the genius businesswoman, came to his door and suggested the cooperation with him. How could he reject her offer? 30% profit? Even if she gave him only 10%, Chen Feng would agree with her immediately. This world was all about power, if you didn't have that, you had to become low-key or found someone to back you up. This was the ultimate truth.


Chen Feng stared at the card for a moment, then he chuckled a bit and took his phone dialing the phone number.

"Hello, Big sister Jennie! I am Chen Feng." Chen Feng said in a stern voice.

"Oh! Do you need anything? I'm busy." Jennie stunned for a moment and she said to him.

"My shop meets a problem. The story is.....! What do you think?" Chen Feng didn't beat around the bust and told her the situation directly.

"Someone target your shop." Jennie didn't think too much, she came to a conclusion immediately. She met this kind of problem more than one in the past.

"I think so too. This problem is not simple. If I'm not wrong, they will create fake evidence and frame us. In the worst scenario, the police will soon come and throw us in jail." Chen Feng nodded his head and he told her his prediction. He thought that the percentage of this kind of event to happen was quite big.

"Yes, you are smart. You're not wrong with your way of thinking. You oversee them carefully and leave the rest to me." Jennie smiled, she couldn't help but praise Chen Feng honesty.

"Okay, thank you." Chen Feng said in a soft voice.

"What is there to thank me? Isn't it say clearly in our contract? Hehe..." Jennie thought of something and she started smiling.


"Princess, what happens?" Ah Sui was standing beside her, she heard the whole conversation between the two. When she saw her princess had a big smile on her face, she felt wondered and asked her.

"We have fallen in his trap Hahaha...!" Jennie couldn't help but laugh hard until she had a tear in her eye.

"Who dares to trick us? Do you need me to teach them a lesson?" Ah Sui saw Jennie's reaction, she frowned deeply.

"No, there's no need. It's that Chen Feng. Last time, I wonder why he agreed with us quickly and even gave us a 70% profit, so this is his purpose." Jennie never thought that she was being used without her notice. She shook her head helplessly.

Then her face quickly turned serious, she looked at her maid and said.

"Ah Sui investigates the person behind this and you have to make sure to block all the news about this incident. It will affect our product in the future." Jennie ordered her.

"Yes, princess." Ah Sui bowed her head respectively and executed her order immediately.

"I will have a little chat with the Police Chief." Jennie had a smirk on her face. How can she let someone step on her head easily? She will make them pay the heavy price.

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