
Heretical Monster tamer

Primo an ordinary man who is transmigrated to the mythical continent of kalar, can survive in this monster infested land and become a legendary monster taming lord or will he die and be forgotten in this land

Blaze_primo · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


Ahhh my head hurts

It hurts my head fucking hurts it feels like I'm dying

I kept on crying as the world flashed in multiple colours. Suddenly I opened my eyes and noticed that I was falling from the sky at incredible speed what the fuck is happening I screamed as I fell to ground, am I going to die again what the once wasn't enough

(System error malfunction has occurred transporting host to different location)

Suddenly everything went black again, I opened my eyes once again I realised that I couldn't see anything what the hell happen did I die for a third time

(Welcome to the monster taming system this system will let you tame all the monsters in the world or anything else it will let you become number 1 in the world and let you do anything you want)

Ok! What the hell i din't see this shit happening why the hell did I get a system why the hell did I transmigrated into this world!

(The god of creation made a mistake by accidentally killing you so in order to make it up to you he reincarnated you in this world with a system and due to another mistake of cordinates you were dropped falling out of the sky and make up for that one as well he gave stater kit for free)

Well what can I do about it at least he reincarnated me into this world but I feel like deserve more for the trauma falling from the caused me

(Yes you will find that the staters kit provided would be more than adequate)

Ehh it's at least better than my old life where I was complete loser this can let me start anew

"So where am I right now?"

(You are still inside your mother's womb right now that's why you weren't able to see before. You are about be born please choose that name you would like to use for this life)

Hmmm! I want use the name lucifer

(Alright you're name from now on is lucifer. Remember from now on you are going to be live in new world one with monster and things you've never seen before it will be very different from your previous world. Right now here are your current stats)


[Name - lucifer]

[Age - 0 years]

[Race - Human]

[Gender - Male]

[Monsters tamed - 0]

[Skills - 0]

[Sp(store points) -0]

(These are currently your stats as you grow older and tame monsters you grow much stronger and stats will increase. When you unlock a skill or a function there shall be a short explanation on it, if that's all I will take my leave you will born shortly)

Ok then, this life is going to be a lot of fun

Shortly the darkness dissipated, and I opened my eyes I saw light I started crying like babies do as soon I was born

Shortly after words a blanket was placed on me I stopped crying after that, I felt incredibly exhausted as if I had done lot of exercise and fell asleep immediately

I woke up shortly afterwards and realised that I was in a cradle and it was the middle of the night in front of me there was a bed I could see two people it, I couldn't see clearly how they looked like so I stoped trying and tiptoed to summon the system, how the hell do you summon this system I screamed in my mind suddenly it popped up and I could see it oh that's how you summon


[Name - lucifer]

[Age - 0 years]

[Race - Human]

[Gender - Male]

[Monsters tamed - 0]

[Skills - 0]

[Sp(store points)

[free stater kit]

below the stats there was gift box icon I immediately thought about it and it activated

[host is gifted a free stater kit]

- host is gifted the 5 elemental body increasing his affinity with monster and animals and creatures alike, all creatures will be attracted to the host regardless of what species and host will improve body strength and all basic stats will be increased

- host is gifted elevated consciousness which increases his mental capabilities allowing him to multi-task easily and allowing him to many creatures at young easily and drastically improving his mental calculative abilities and increase his concentrations well host can also remember events that occurred to perfection

- nirvana mode it allows host enter a temporary state of nirvana in which he gains unlimited inspiration

- 20% reduction in cost to all store bought items and there effects are increased by 30%

Wow! what the hell I got such amazing gifts I should really thank that god for giving me this

Tomorrow is a brand new day I'm going test everything. But first sleep rest is important tomorrow is going to be fun

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Blaze_primocreators' thoughts