
Slay The nemean lion

 With his bare hands, Heracles kills the lion that was attacking the city of Nemea, wearing the fur as a cloak to demonstrate his victory.

The Nemean Lion was a legendary creature in Greek mythology that ravaged the area of Nemea. Its fur was impenetrable by the weapons of humans and hence, was unstoppable. It was considered to be the child of Typhon and Echidna, father and mother of all monsters . Other accounts mention Zeus and Selene as its parents.

Slaying the Nemean Lion was the first task that King  asked of the demigod Heracles during the myth of the Labours of Heracles . One version has it that the lion kidnapped women from Nemea and kept them in its lair, in order to lure warriors. When the brave warrior would see the woman, she would turn into a lion and kill him.Heracles reached a nearby city, where he met a young boy; the boy told him that if he killed the lion within thirty days, then a lion would be sacrificed to Zeus . Otherwise, the boy would sacrifice himself.