
Chapter 260


Three days later, Old Man Bill was laid to rest, Jeane's friends came around.

Everyone left, leaving Jeane and Jo, at the graveside, Jeane squatted at the graveside.

Tears rolled down her eyes "I am sorry, dad, I couldn't even save you at the critical time, I had the chance to" she said and swatted the tears rolling down her cheeks.


Jeame's wolf roused, Jeame buried his claws in his palm, suppressing it, he stood from afar, watching Jeane.

She stood on her feet, and Jo took her away.

She came outside the graveyard and saw her friends waiting for her outside, the both of them came out to witness commotion outside.

"I am not going with you" Sam yelled at Bella.

He had come out to pay respect to Old Man Bill, Bella had come to bring him back, she couldn't sleep, after he left.

"Sam, can you listen to me?" Bella pleaded.

She realizes that using fear and intimidation isn't working, Sam has become very stubborn, and he refused to budge, even when he came with more burly men this time.

Lucy and Jack looking helpless, glanced at Jeane, giving her a signal.

Jeane looked at his older brother "I am sorry" she apologized, and lowered her head.

"I don't want to listen to you, I hate you" Sam retorted, with bloodshot eyes, his heart twitched.

He turned away, and walked briskly towards the car, Jack and Lucy followed him, they drove off immediately, Sam speeding away.



"Let's go"

Jo took Jeane away, Amanda sat in the driver's seat, it started raining as they drove off.

Bella stood in the rain, her dress drenched in the rain.

"Ma, we should leave, you can't stay in the rain" one of her bodyguards cautioned.

She stood frozen, without saying a word, her eyes were blank, she suddenly slump.

One of her bodyguards pushed forward and held her in his arms, preventing her from falling, he carried her away and drove to the hospital.

Sam drove to a bar, and started drinking, they dropped Lucy off, before going to the bar.

Jack came to meet him.

"Sam, you don't have to be hard on yourself" Jack tried to talk him out of getting himself drunk.

Sam sighed heavily "was I too harsh on her?" He asked, looking remorseful.

Jack nodded, Sam inhaled sharply, his heart twitched "should I call her?" Sam asked, Jack nodded, Sam pulled out his phone, and called her.

The call connected and a manly voice came up.

"She is in the hospital" the voice quickly said.

Sam was dumbfounded "hey, where is she?" Sam asked once again, wondering if was a prank.

"In the hospital, she was drenched in the rain, sir" the bodyguard answered respectfully, he felt like punching the boy to hell.

But they were ordered by Bella to accord him a lot of respect, "send me the address" Sam requested, his face creased with worry.

"What is them atter, Sam?"