
Her Broken Alpha

"Kelsey," Jason's voice was a mere whisper as he pulled her closer, their lips almost touching. Her eyes closed instinctively, her breath hitching in anticipation of what was to come. It was a moment of surrender and vulnerability that had never before been seen in him. Jason, also known as Alpha Rafe, was the revered leader of the Silver Moon Pack. His striking good looks and piercing gaze were matched only by his strength and bravery. His authority was unquestioned, and he had long since accepted the solitude that came with his position. However, the fiery Kelsey had managed to pique his interest in a way no one else had before. In that moment, standing on the precipice of something entirely new and terrifying, he felt a flicker of something he couldn't quite put into words. It was a warmth, a stirring sensation in his chest, something he had believed himself incapable of feeling. There was a moment's hesitation, and then he gave in, surrendering to the intense desire that pulsed between them. Their lips met in a gentle collision, a silent confession of the turmoil that raged within him. The passion that sparked that kiss was intense and overwhelming, leaving him breathless. When they finally pulled apart, he looked into Kelsey's eyes, seeing his own fears and vulnerabilities mirrored back at him. She had become his only confidante and his only hope for redemption. Her presence—her very existence—was a lifeline he hadn't known he needed. In this riveting tale of forbidden desires, courage, and human resilience, they are forced to confront their deepest fears and darkest secrets. Their quest to protect their pack and each other presents unforeseen challenges, and perhaps, just perhaps, Jason might discover that the most dangerous journey is the one that leads to the heart.

Luscious99 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Silver moon

"Pack up, Silver Moons. We move out at dawn!"

The command echoed through the still night air, sending a ripple of anticipation through the assembled pack members.

As Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, my voice held an authority that was both respected and feared. My pack, a hundred strong, were warriors in their own right, their silver and white forms a testament to our strength and unity. We were en route to the neighboring Phoenix Pack, called upon to lend our aid in their struggle against a rogue problem that had escalated beyond their control.

The boundary of the Phoenix Pack was clearly marked by the scent of pine and the faint tang of wolf marking. Waiting for us was Alpha Drake, his face etched with lines of worry that belied the strength of his imposing form.

"Rafe," he greeted, inclining his head slightly in a gesture of respect.

"Drake," I responded, the seriousness of the situation reflected in my tone.

"How bad is it?"

"More serious than we anticipated," he confessed, his usually booming voice heavy with concern. "These rogues... they're organized, disciplined. Not like the usual outcasts."

The ensuing battle was a test of our strength and unity. Silver Moon and Phoenix Packs fought side by side, our combined forces overwhelming the rogues. It was a brutal, unforgiving fight, one that ended only as the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold.

The journey back to our territory was quiet, each of us lost in our thoughts. My mind, however, was far from the battle we'd just won. It was already grappling with an impending challenge, the annual Alpha conference in South Dakota.

The memory of my first conference, a decade earlier, was still vivid in my mind. I had been a new Alpha then, just two years into my tenure, still adjusting to the weight of the responsibilities thrust upon me.

Back then, I was an anomaly, a rogue who had found a home.

As a young boy, I'd committed an unforgivable crime - I'd killed my mother and sister. With no place to call home, I'd run away, living as a rogue.

Then Alpha Nolan of the Silver Moon Pack had found me. He'd seen something in me, something even I hadn't recognized, and had given me a chance. I'd risen through the ranks, and when Nolan passed away, I was chosen as his successor.

The conference had also brought me face to face with her. Elena.

I'd sensed her even before I'd seen her. Her scent, sweet and alluring, had reached me, stirring my wolf like never before. When she'd walked into the room, time had stopped. She was breathtaking, her curves and radiant smile enough to bring any man to his knees.

But I'd rejected her, my mate. I'd felt unworthy, tainted by my past and unworthy of the love and purity she embodied. I'd believed that I was destined to live in the shadows of my past, not bask in the light of someone's love.


Her name escaped my lips, a whisper barely audible. It echoed in the still night, disappearing into the silence like a ghost. The name felt strange, foreign even, after all these years. But at the same time, it fit perfectly on my tongue, bringing back a torrent of memories that I had tried to bury deep within.

Her laughter ringing in the air, her eyes sparkling with life and joy, her touch, soft yet firm, grounding me, calming the storm within. Her scent that had once been my home, now a painful reminder of what I had lost, what I had given up.


a voice pulled me back from my thoughts. It was Cole, my Beta. His usually playful eyes were serious, his posture tense.

"We've got a situation," he announced, his tone ringing with urgency.

Just like that, the peaceful journey back was interrupted, a stark reminder of the reality of our lives. Little did I know then, that the challenges we were about to face would irrevocably change everything. For better or for worse, the Silver Moon Pack was on the brink of a turning point. And as their Alpha, it was up to me to lead them through it.

Cole's grave tone immediately had my senses on high alert. My eyes narrowed, my grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"What is it, Cole?"

He hesitated for a moment before replying.

"It's Lyla. She's been asking for you, won't let any of us in to see her."

Lyla. My heart clenched at the mention of her name. Lyla was a sweet, loving she-wolf who had made no secret of her feelings for me. The pack, and even Lyla herself, believed she was my destined mate. But they didn't know about Elena. And they certainly didn't know about my rejection of her.

A sigh escaped my lips, a mix of frustration and concern. "Alright. I'll deal with it when we get back." I replied, pressing my foot down harder on the gas pedal.

As the scenery blurred past us, my mind was once again pulled back into the past. I thought of Elena, her radiant smile, her infectious laughter. I remembered the way she looked at me, her eyes filled with love and adoration. But I also remembered the look on her face when I rejected her, the heartbreak that mirrored my own.

Yet, there was no regret. It was a decision I had to make, a sacrifice for the greater good. Elena deserved a better mate, a better man. Not a man tainted by his past, burdened by guilt and sorrow.

The rest of the journey passed in silence. By the time we arrived back at our pack's territory, the sun had set and the moon was high in the sky. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful to be home. But I knew my duties were far from over. I still had Lyla to deal with, and the looming Alpha conference.

As I stepped out of the car, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. There was no running away from responsibilities, no escaping the burdens that came with being an Alpha. But for the sake of my pack, for the people who depended on me, I would face it all. Head held high, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


A voice echoed across the empty parking lot, breaking the silence of the night. I turned around, my eyes landing on a figure sprinting towards me. As she neared, I recognized her. It was Lyla, her face lit up by the moonlight, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and anticipation.

"Lyla," I greeted her, my voice devoid of the warmth she was probably expecting.

Her eyes met mine, a flicker of hurt crossing her features before she masked it with a smile.

"Jason," she began, her voice shaky, "we need to talk."

I took a deep breath, my gaze steady on her. I knew what was coming, and I also knew it wasn't going to be easy. But it was a conversation long overdue. It was time to face the consequences of my decisions.

"Alright, Lyla," I said, my tone resolute. "Let's talk."

Lyla stood there, her figure framed by the dim light filtering through the curtains. The room was quiet, the air thick with unspoken words. I watched her, her nervous fidgeting a stark contrast to her usual confidence. Her hands absent-mindedly traced the hem of her shirt, playing with the loose thread she often complained about. Her gaze flitted around the room, avoiding mine like it held an accusation she wasn't ready to face.

Her lips parted, words threatening to spill out, but she swallowed them back. The silence seemed to stretch out, the ticking of the wall clock the only indication that time was still moving. I felt an unsettling feeling creep into me, a sense of anticipation that made my gut churn. Something was different. Something was off.

"Jason," she finally whispered, her voice trembling as she broke the silence. Her eyes lifted to meet mine, a strange, anxious energy emanating from them. There was a vulnerability in her gaze, a raw fear that I had seldom seen in her.

"I need to tell you something," she added, her voice steadier, but the undercurrent of anxiety was undeniable. Her hands stilled, clenched into fists at her sides as if to gather the courage for her next words.

"I'm pregnant."