
Hello pain

I don't remember what it's like to not feel broken pain . . . huh! pain why the hell pain. To the exact core I was travelled to a (@_@) what werewolf novel with a stupid system. [system]: (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻ [system]: hey, stupid soul you should be previlaged to travel with me [FL ] : (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ [Author]: sorry for delay and coming to the story ( background: another table thrown towards the window by the system ) [Author]: ಠ‿ಠ why don't you people just travel with the story to find what happened to them.

Deenmirchi · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

3rd person POV:

As she opened her eyes she feels something that is pain. She doesn't know from where the pain is coming from she tries to get up and with difficulty she moves herself and she has a headache. She moves forward and she sees a waterfall. She runs towards it, still she feel weird as she walks. She was trying drink with her hands but something is odd as she can't feel her hands instead of pairs of paws. She was surprised beyond herself, she moves to the water to see her shadow in it. She was speechless as she saw a grey with white haired small wolf face at first she thought that it was dog. She sees again as she moves her head move from side to side to confirm that it was her. She was surprised she remembered those transmigration novels that she read was always about Chinese cultured and she surprised beyond words that she was into a werewolf novel. She was trying to call the system that what the hell is this and that stupid system didn't told her she was going into the werewolf novel.

(Hey! stupid system where are you? if I find you, you are going to be dead one. where are you) she roared through the mind voice but she can't hear a thing from the system. She can hear someone groan inside head but it's not the silly system.

[….]: you are not raven who you are

[Kira]: who is this speaking? Who is Raven?

[….]: I am moon the wolf, Raven is my human. Who you are girl?

[Kira]: I am Kira and if you are wolf then this is your wolf

[Moon]: yes. Why are you in our body?

[Kira]: I was dead and my soul is transferred to this body. If you are the wolf means the where the human soul? What happen to her? Is her soul is dead?

[Moon]: We both were trying to save our pups and when our mate rejected us. She was telling me that she will make me live. She asked me to promise that I have to protect our pups.

[Kira]: So she sacrificed her soul to save you and your babies. Where are your pups they are not there when I woke up?

Sorry readers, for grammatical mistakes. I don't know much about writing. If there are any problem in writing means i am sorry and i will try to correct it .So please continue with the flow story and don't mind the mistakes. please enjoy it. (@~@)

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