
the first chapter (part one)

A lot may call me weird which I know, some would even say its sad, most girls want to experience romance and explore. To talk with friends and have spring come their way. To try new things, to have a family.

Yet here I am, lying in this hospital bed. With no one but myself to talk to..

Even tears no longer escape through my eyes.

Im used to it.

No one will come looking for me. I was thrown away by my parents to be a test subject to the hospital. Since Im nearly dying, why not use my body as a test subject for experimenting new drugs and medicine? Thats what they thought.

I felt so useless of my own being, but.. I remained happy.

Cause.. wont my life be of use if this unknown drug can help save the lives of others?

With that in mind.. I remained happy.

But.. it was still.. so.. so.. lonely....


I was lying in my hospital bed, far from slumber. I could only stare at the ceiling, soft breathes could only be heared in the white room. There was hardly anything there except a bed, connected with various tubes inside my body that went through the computers.

At times like this, it reminded me what I truly am.

*tap tap tap*


no, that couldnt be.

no one has ever stood foot inside this room, even the doctors with high standing. All of them stayed in the room connected to this space but was seperated by glass.

I couldnt even move to look at the person who was walking, I simply waited to see who it was.



If I base the person just by that sound then.. it must be a man. I continued to wait, the unknown feeling of something electricity like started dlowing through my body. My body flinched and my hands had sweat in anticipation as the footsteps started getting louder as 'he' went nearer and nearer.

Then 'he' stopped, somewhere near, yet somewhere that I still wouldnt see him.

"who.. are.. you..?"

My voice sounded so raspy and dry. Maybe it was because I havent talked in so long. I mean, it has been 16 years. Or maybe its because Im dehydrated.

But Im sure of one thing, I dont remember talking being this painfull and hard.

The man who was humming just a while ago now stopped and chuckled.

"It really has been 16 years Harper. You were just 2 years old when you were taken to this hospital as a test dummy."

I now was sure that the said person was male.

He then laid his hand on my what used to be bloned hair but now has turned into a pale white hue. He stoked it a bit and then continued,

"Poor thing.. how about I tell you a story?"

A story?

"The story of Cinderella."

His toned brightened as he said the name. I dont get it, does this guy like Cinderella or he's ga-

Anyway.. back to what he was saying.

"But! Just a boring happy ending would be upsetting wont it? So----"

He then finally showed me his face---- my black eyes widened, my cheeks flushed. My pale face had color,


I stuttered and softly said the name.

He had dark brown chocolate hair, and light brown eyes that almost seemed like beige from afar. His skin was like the color of cream. Though his skin seemed delicate, it was noticable that it belonged to a male. Sharp jawline and thin upper lips that disappears when he smiled and plump lower lips that seemed so---


But, his expression did not change. Instead of being happy to see me, he was smiling with the face of amusement. Like we had seen each other.. it wad quite weird though. Why would he remember me? Though I was young, every memory of the outside world was embedded into my mind.

But.. his responce was different than I expected.

"..that is not me."

His smile faltered for a bit while responding, but quickly went back.

Was I mistaken?

Did I just assume that if it was a man that knew my name and was close to my age, it would be Liam?

But first of all, why would he be here? He would have probably forgotten me by now.

Then... this person is not Liam.

"Now now, dont over think about this little matter princess..

just wake up again from your rest."

He softly pecked my forehead, I was flustered but I couldnt move so I let it be. Then my eyes started getting heavy that I almost couldnt see him anymore.

That spot on my forehead still felt warm,

I tried calling out, but my voice didnt seem to reach him--


dont go!

I still dont know who you are!


the man who Harper thought was "Liam" now watched as Harper closed her eyes onto the journey of eternal rest.

He walked away from the bed and slowly disappeared into thin air.

He then appeared back in a room that seemed to belong to a castle. Its walls were covered in what looked like was crystals. The room itself was fit for a king.

The man laid on his bed and turned to his original form. He now had dark purple hair instead of brown. His eyes which used to be light brown was now gold. His eyes looked as if it was a clock, its gears moving, just as the clock's hands. His skin was now a pale white, similar to Harper's.

He then said the word *#####*

and suddenly a screen which looked like it ripped the space appeared and showed a man. The one who Harper called,

The man now spoke in a harsh and infuriated way, different from his soft tone he spoke with Harper.

" 'Liam' huh..

how infuriating."


" '*#####*' " means that the words words he spoke was silenced out.

after the " '....' "

the story was now portrayed in a 3rd person point of view.

(1010 words)