
Heirs of Doom

The Kingdom of Maghada and Colchis were headed by two Kings. King Frederick and a relative of his, King Hammurabi. Though the two kingdoms were related by blood. There was no mutuality of any sort. The king of Maghada, King Frederick. Always felt the King of Colchis had despision for his regality. But he was just using this to cover up his confined jealousy for the more successful state of The Kingdom of Colchis. Frederick's Ego grew and He decided to attack and take over Colchis. The attack was a surprise to Colchis and on that fateful day, Many great men of Colchis fell by the blade of the great men of Maghada. The King and queen were not left out of the heart wrenching slaughter. Everyone else that survived the conflict were taking as slaves into Maghada, leaving their land in ruffles.. Days turned into weeks, Weeks into months.. Months to years, and years to three decades. And the tales of King Frederick and his Relative was passed from the old generation to the new ones. It remained the classic story in the Empire. It has been thirty years since King's Frederick take over and the people of Colchis..or perhaps what was left of them, were still slaves working out their lives for him. The People of Colchis had completely loose hope on any way of escaping slavery. Many of them had passed away and the new generations had take over the jobs mostly. Ad they had little or no knowledge about the tales of King Frederick. Three of the old slaves, who were once princes of Colchis managed to escape slavery alongside some courageous slaves. They went into hiding and ameliorated. It took them years to gather up enough strength to ambush and attack Maghada. King Frederick fell alongside his Empire and the princes took back what was lost. The princes of Colchis brought up King Frederick's family and slaughtered them all. The army cheered and their noise Reverberated throughout the Empire. The Eldest Son of Colchis was about to give a speech to their well deserved victory when some of his men came up dragging a young lady. “My Lord, This their princess. We found her hiding in one of the rooms. What should we do with her” the men dropped her in front of the Princes. “ we'll just do the same thing that was done to my little sister!" The youngest Prince pulled his sword instantly to slay her. “Wait, we can't kill her now. ” The eldest Son stopped him. The youngest Prince pulled back. His eye had quickly turned tormented and he had to walk away from the scene. “ I will not kill you yet..ill make you suff..” “Where is my Father, what have you done to everyone you dimwits!” The princess Curt words came. The eldest son was spooked for a moment, He was shocked at her audacity to question his Regality. His brow arched and he sighed. He walked over to her and tilted her chin up, with his humongous and painful hands. “You will suffer in folds what your father did to us!”

Daizy_Dee · Lịch sử
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12 Chs

Episode 12

Chapter 12:

Boudica Didn't seem to run out of breathe as he chased the stranger. The man seemed more agile though.

He was slowly getting away from Boudica.

The long chase went on for about ten minutes and Boudica got weary. He stopped to catch his breath.

The stranger continued running and soon disappeared off sight.

Boudica sighed and turned to leave. He was spooked when he saw Aurora approaching him looking relentless.

Aurora stopped and stared at him in shock. "Where are you going to?" Boudica asked. "I was just emm...just taking a stroll" Aurora stammered.

"Who was the man and how did he get in the cell. What in tarnation was going on there before I got there?" Boudica asked at once.

"Umm, I do not know who the man is or how he got into the cell, But what happened I know. One of your guards came there suddenly and tried to molest me"

"What!. Who dare try that!?" Boudica asked with rage.

"The strange man showed up and saved me. It was then You showed...wait, what were you doing in..... the cell..my..king?"

Boudica cleared his throat and looked away. "I was just taking a walk around my kingdom.."

"Alone at night?" Aurora asked and chuckled.

"Yes!" Boudica replied.

"i see.." Aurora said.

"Where is the guard now?" Boudica asked.

" I locked him in my cell cage"

"And then you decided to take a walk after that?" Boudica asked.

Aurora nodded in afirmation.

Boudica and Aurora arrived in the cell house again. They Entered and met the guard awake.

"So it was you that touched her?" Boudica asked.

"I am sorry my majesty, I did not know what I was thinking" The guard went on his knees.

"Who was the man that was here with you?" Boudica asked.

"I do not know who he is"

"You dare lie to my face!!?" Boudica asked angrily.

"I am not lying my king. He showed up when..when I was about to touch her and knocked me out. I Didn't even see his face"

"He did not say anything?"

"No my king, He only told me to leave her alone but I Didn't. Then he knocked me out" The guard said.

Boudica sighed.

"Would have killed you this instant if I was in my normal mood but you have luck. You will remain in this cell cage and remain unfed forever..till you die rather" Boudica stated.

"My lord!. Have Mercy my Lord!" The guard pleaded.

Boudica turned to leave and Aurora followed him.

They both left the prison house and headed for the palace.

"where am I going to stay now?" Aurora asked intentionally. She already knew the answer he'll give but still wanted to hear it.

" You'll stay with my personal guard, Pericles. He'll look after you henceforth" Boudica stated.

Alright, maybe she Didn't know what the reply was gonna be.

"i was expecting him to ask me to come stay with him. How will I do my part of the plan now!?" Aurora thought to herself.

"Thank you..my king" she mumbled.

They reached the palace and the guards was surprised to see Boudica. "My lord, did you leave the palace without us. What if something happened?" The leader of the guards asked.

Boudica cleared his throat and stared at Aurora who seemed to be chuckling.

"I just took a walk around the kingdom"

"But you should have asked some guards to escort you"

"i wanted to be alone!" Boudica said curtly.

The men nodded. Boudica sighed and entered the palace with Aurora. The first person that walked to them was the king's personal guard, Pericles.

"My king. I just got here and searched the whole palace for you. The maids said they didn't know where you are. I was heading out to go report to the guards just now"

"I am fine Pericles. Only went for a night walk alone" Boudica replied.

Pericles nodded.

He noticed Aurora's presence. "Is she the.."

"Yes, it's her. She was attacked by Najur in her cell so you'll be taking care of her now. She'll stay with you for the time been.." Boudica said.

" Thought there were guards at the cell house. Where did all of them go to??" Pericles asked.

" It's just two dim wits and I think they left for something. It's an almost empty cell by the way" Boudica replied.

"Oh, okay. How come your father never kept prisoners though?" Pericles asked Aurora. "Enough with your questions Pericles. Take her to your place now" Boudica said in a more serious tone.

" I'm sorry my king" Pericles said and Led the way.

"Come back here the instance you're done. We still have to talk about something" Boudica instructed.

"yes my king...can i take another guard with me that will stay with her whenever I'm not there my lord?"

"What were you going to do before. Leave her there!?" Boudica asked furiously.

Pericles quickly turned and walked away to avoid annoying Boudica more. "Thank you for saving me my king..." Aurora said and bowed slightly.

"You should catch up with him now" Boudica replied.

Aurora left. She reached outside the palace and met a chariot waiting for her. Pericles was already on the horse ready to ride them home.

"Get in my lady"

Aurora nodded and climbed in. The chariot started moving and a guard walked with them.

Aurora felt like a princess again. She never thought a day she'll be treated with hospitality will ever come ever since Boudica became king. It all felt *too good to be true*

About thirty minutes later, the chariot halted in front of a average-size house. They all got down and went in.

Aurora was showed her room. There seemed to be a maid in the house as Aurora noticed some clothes that belonged to a lady lying around.

Aurora got in the room. It had a bed which seemed pretty manageable but the room wasn't spacious.

Aurora heaved a sigh of relief as this was much better than the cell cage she was in before.