
Heiress Of Erkins

There was a time where Ira was full of joy and happiness, but those times don't last, do they? A night filled with bitterness and jealousy crumbled the poor girl's life, the glimmer in her eyes had been gone, replacing it with bloodless darkness, the candy little female converted into something everybody was afraid of, she became someone who can walk on hell yet not give a damn. She was a mere little girl, but now she's THE HEIRESS OF ERKINS .............. Saphira Blackwell, the magic she emits might even scare the creator himself. She is not a girl who likes pink and plays with ponies instead she is a demon looking for peace. She isn't scared to go into the night and kill hundreds and she can do it without even an ounce of guilt. She is the Heiress of Erkins. Ezra Knight, hot like the sun yet mystic as the night, concealing a mystery whenever known risky to the entire world. Hiding his own self in a veneer, making him a mystery to himself... ---- What will happen when these two meet? Will she find her peace or her worst nightmare? A whirlwind of emotions awaits their journey together. Tears will be spilled, will it be worth it? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Read to find out::::::::::::::::::::

Safwana_Salam · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Pinky Promise - Chapter 5

Third Person's POV:

Lost thoughts filled her mind as she ran through the wild trees, the nature giving her a feel of protection.

Her wolf running with a speed never know to any wolf, being a half-vampire made her faster than any being.

Her paws thudded against the ground crushing the snow beneath her. Her mind in its own wild frenzy.

The howl of a wolf brought her out of her thoughts as she looked up at the sky to see the sun setting down.

Ira's wolf followed the soft howl made by her own little Adele, she sighed softly as she saw her little girl sitting along the banks.

"salve mi puella" Adele's head snapped towards Ira (hello my little girl)

"Mami" the little girl flung herself towards Ira while she wrapped her in a warm embrace

"I thought you wouldn't come"

Softy tucking a strand behind the girl's ear Ira asked "now, why wouldn't I want to see my favorite person, eh?" making the little girl giggle softly

"And, why did u come alone little one, you could have been attacked" she slightly scolded the little girl

"But, I didn't come alone," she said while Ira was confused

"Ira, did you actually think that I wanted you to kill me" Jonah came from behind her and asked with a sly smile on his face

"Gawd..jonah..you scared me " Ira said with a shook of her head

Jonah smiled at seeing Ira in a more calmed state, she was always like this in front of Adele, for a fact, everyone was tender to that little girl, she has gone through things no 10 yr old would want to witness.

They all huddled up together near the banks, sharing soft jokes and eating marshmallows, by their secret Safe haven.

For jonah, Ira and Adele are his only family and he would never let anyone hurt them.

Ira was always uptight whenever there were people watching her but with Adele, she couldn't lose her, again.

"Mami, will I ever have a dad" the little girl looked up at Ira with tears welling up in her eyes

Ira held her tightly as she wept in her arms, her pain making Iras wolf wail, Jonah mind linked her saying that they had to go back.

Ira softly cooed Adele to sleep as she picked the little girl in her arms as she walked to her home.

Ira tucked the little girl to sleep as she sat on the bed while looking up at jonah and asked "any attacks"

"none whatsoever" a weight was lifted from Ira as she heard those words.

Jonah kissed her on the forehead and murmured a soft "night" while leaving behind a shocked Ira.

Jonah was never the ones to show emotions, he was a lot like Ira, even resembled some of her features whether related or not. She cared about Jonah like a little brother even tho she never showed it.

Ira looked at the little girl sleeping beside her, a soft sigh escaped her lips.

Looking at her made her feel something she was never supposed to feel, hope.

Ira felt as if she was a blessing as well as a curse to this world. She knew she was the reason for both her parent's death, she knew that it was her weak self which made Adele have nightmares. She knew that she was weak, she knew that no one would love her.

She felt something wet slide down her cheeks as her mind started playing her nightmares.

(8 years before, when Adele was 2 and Ira was 12)

Chained against the wall, blood dripping from the gash on her cheek, darkness draping against her like a veil making her shiver, she had nothing to do, nowhere to go.

Her head snapped to the creaking of the door, no, more like a jail.

Her crazy uncle walked in with sweat all over him, reeking of alcohol.

His cold stare making Ira's heart wrench in pain.

She felt him getting nearer but she never looked up, she was not scared of him, she was scared of what he might do.

Her once cherished uncle...

"Look at me when I'm talking to u bitch" he grabbed her chin roughly making her look at him in the eye.

"Aah, the little bitch still didn't cry eh" he asked with a sly smile on his face making her feel disgusted

"I'm Hellas daughter, I will never cry in front of you uncle " she spits the blood to the ground as she speaks

"shut up bitch" he slaps her across the face right where the gash is making her scream in pain.

"You will regret saying that bitch " he said as he walked out of her prison.

Days passed into weeks which then turned into months making her regret opening her mouth, she hasn't eaten a thing since that day making her starve, she doesn't even know why she's alive anymore, she still kept chanting "I won't cry"as she heard the door open making her sigh with relief as she realized that she was gonna get some food.

But what she saw made her rigid with fear, it was her little Adele crying in her uncle's arms.

"Uncle, she's your daughter, your own blood, please, I beg of you, don't hurt her" even though Ira promised she will never cry, the thought of letting Adele in danger left her mind screaming in pain.

His sadistic laugh bellowed in the hallways making the little girl cry louder.

"Is the mighty Ira crying "

"I'll do any fucking thing you want me to do, but don't hurt her, please" Ira begged while pulling at her chains but what she saw made her scream in pain.

Her baby girl was thrown like a ragged doll.

Ira's cries got louder as she looked at her baby girl, the little thing covered in blood while screaming and crying in pain.

"Sh-she is your FUCKING DAUGHTER, HOW DARE YOU HURT MY FUCKING GIRL, YOUR WIFE IS GONNA SPIT IN YOUR FUCKING FACE SEEING WHAT YOU'VE BECOME, YOU MONSTER" Ira felt rage sizzling through her veins like she has never before, bubbling her body like fire.

The uncle's eyes widened as he saw something he never thought would happen

"You-you were cursed" her uncle stammered as Ira laughed

"Look at how the events have turned, YOU.WILL.DIE" she screamed at him sending heatwaves, hot like lava from her bare hands, her uncles scream echoed through the castle walls as his skin withered in ashes.

Ira looked at Adele to see her breathing, with everything left in her, She stumbled towards her little girl who screamed when she touched her.

Ira cried softly holding her little baby, she did not know what she was doing, but Ira's hands came to rest on Adele's forehead, making a gold blinding light fill her eyes, Ira felt pain she has never felt before, the only thing she remembered after that was her little girl looking alive with no blood, and that was enough as she fainted.

---///----end of flashback----///---

Ira gasped waking up with cold sweat all over her body, she looked around the room seeing her baby still asleep.

A sigh escaped her lips as she walked over to the balcony.

She would never forget that day.





And the worst part was that she never regretted killing her uncle...

Authors Note


My hearts literally skyrocketed writing that I hope you felt it too😊

You never expected that eh?!

Our heroine is a fooking queen right!

Leave a comment on how the chap was.

Y'all I hope you enjoyed it, I tried my level best...

Be safe 👋👋😁😘