

"My beloved sons and daughters, as you can see, your father is getting older. I know that all of you have been wondering who will be the heir and that is why you are all gathered here. Within the next 3 months, I need each of you to build up your own reputations, seek the strongest and the most loyal vassals, and make a name for yourself. The name that stands at the top will inherit all of my wealth, treasures, and land. I hope that you will not fail my expectations."

-Streets of Alteck, the Capital of the Kingdom of Kalarel

"Have you guys heard about the hottest news in town?"

"You mean about the next heir to the throne? Of course, I heard about that, every citizen in this nation knows all about it!"

"I know right, but who do you guys think will win and take the throne?"

"I do not really know. What does standing on the top means?"

"Maybe it is a tournament between the princes and princesses?"

"I don't think so. It is probably the one that becomes the riches among children of the king."

"This is so confusing for us. Why did King Kalred say it so vaguely!"

"If we are confused, the princes and princesses must be even more confused!"

"Why are you guys even worried about this event? It won't even affect us, commoners!"

"What do you mean it doesn't? This sudden command by the king will basically choose our next ruler! If it goes on the wrong hands then we are all probably screwed!"

This event has been all over the Kingdom of Kalarel ever since its announcements. Every people in every city and town have been talking about it since day one.

Who will be the next King?

The interest in this process has been really high. Every citizen has their own pick among the 13 choices.

A voice from the corner of the street boomed throughout the area.

"Why are you guys so noisy! Still talking about the next king? You guys need a life!"

"Huh? Say that again kid!"

"I said you guys are all so noisy! Can you all just shut up about that same old news!?"

"Wait, aren't you the kid that stole my fresh meat last week?"

The kid suddenly changed his tone.

"Wh-what do you mean I stole meat? A-are saying that I am a thief?"

"See!? You are nervous! That means it is true!"

"He is also the kid that stole my fruits last two days!"

"You grabbed one of the clothes that I was selling!"

"You ate my vegetables!"

The whole atmosphere in the street suddenly transformed. All of the attention turned towards the kid that was complaining.

"Uh oh….."

With his instincts, the kid decided to run for his life. He ran so fast in order to avoid being caught by the raging vendors in the street.

"Come here, you bastard!"

"You better return those lovely clothes!"

"Pay what you stole, kid!"

"Guards! Hurry up and catch that thief running away!"

"Damn, I should have not reacted that way!"

The swiftness of the younger man caused him to be ahead of the pack. Even the guards could not catch up with him.

"Damn! That kid is crazy fast! How can we catch that fool?"

"Why don't we surround him? Some of us should go ahead and run towards a different direction and corner him on the other side!!"

"Brilliant idea pal! We should now go!"

"I can hear you old fools! That won't work on me. HAHAHA HAHAHA-!!!!"


As soon as the kid turns his head around and decided to mock the mad store owners, his clumsiness gets the better of him and he crashed on a wall.

"Awww!! That hurts!"

"No need to complain, kid, this will hurt even more."







"There, I am satisfied!"

"I finally got to punch this fella!!!"

"That was refreshing!"

"Guards! Make sure to secure him on the cell so that he won't be able to steal again."

"I understand sir. Come here, kid!"

The beat-up teenager was carried by two guards towards their carriage. He was then placed at the back for transport.

"Wh-where are you guys bringing me? *cough*"

"Don't talk any more kid. You might get hurt anymore. We are bringing you to jail where you are going to stay."

"I see."

The teenager then thought.

"I guess this is my limit. I finally got to jail, mom. Stealing really isn't the right thing, I guess."

Just when he gives up, another teenager shows up and enters the carriage.

The new guy sat right across the teenager and asked him.

"I saw you earlier. You are really fast! That was so impressive. Are you hurt?"

The kid was so confused about this situation but he decides to be respectful.

"Not really. My body is fine."

"Amazing! You are also very durable! You are a very impressive person!"

"I do not think a thief is an impressive person though."

"I agree, but you are really interesting in my opinion. What is your name by the way?"

"Cassius is my name."

"Cassius, want to help me?"

"Help you with what? Can't you see that we are both in the carriage going to jail? We are both probably going to be imprisoned."

"Oh do not worry about that. This carriage is mine. Just answer my question."

As soon as Cassius heard those words, he became even more confused.

"Wh-what do you mean this is yours. Aren't you also caught by the guards?"

"*sigh* You still don't get it, do you? Here let me show you this."

He then grabbed something out of his pocket and showed it to Cassius.

"See this?"

Cassius was shocked by the thing he was staring at.

"No way! Isn't that the Rekal Ring?! Why do you have that?"

"You are really so slow."

"Don't tell me that you are a prince?!!"

"Finally you got it! I am the 11th Prince of the Rekal Family, Prince Lexan. So do you want to help me?"

"H-help you?"

"I will make this even easier for you idiot. Do you want to join me as my vassal in my path as I become the King of Kalarel?!"