
Corrupted Knight, Returning to the Clan


[Success : the servant has successfully undergone an evolution because of the seed of corruption]

[Due to fortunate circumstances, the servant has become the Corrupted Knight, deepening the link with the Master (you)]

[Corrupted Knight : a loyal subordinate, almost fanatical, has the ability to share his Master wounds throughout the corrupted link, has a special sense of protection toward his Master (will protect his Master as his top priority)]

[Corrupted Knight : enhanced bloodline of the Two heads Grey Wolf, more to come…]


[Corrupted Knight has reached the Earth Realm late stage]


[Corrupted Knight has reached The Earth Realm peak stage]


[Special reward : +20,000cp]

"What the…so much!"

Dracs jumped up from his position, almost coughing blood on the spot! Two stages in one go, what astounding news! But at the same time Dracs was also really angry because he just lost so many points! At least, it wasn't a waste, he thought...

But he couldn't help being so mad that he wanted to crush his head on a rock! But in the end he could only stare blankly at the captain, waiting for him to wake up.

Fortunately it seemed that the results were good, the evolution had bring slight changes in his appearance of Gimmury, starting with his new arm that had regrown, but the more eye-catching new feature was obviously his hair that had turned entirely silver and ruffled like a wild animal

He now looked more like a wolf than ever so Dracs asked himself if this guy had become a kind of werewolf.

Of course he would need to do some tests to check those hypotheses. He didn't think that this power would come without issue so he would need to be careful not to expose this news to others.

After some time, the captain finally opened his eyes and it was clear that the changes were huge, his aura had deepened but seemed to be on the verge of exploding at any time.

His eyes had now a hint of yellow around his pupils, it would be really hard not to draw attention from the Clan, but Dracs wasn't worried about it.

In fact, he was quite excited but also sorry at the same time. Firstly he had been selfish in ordering the man to follow him on his future journey.

Truth being told, a part of him was scared and lost in this new world, however that middle aged man had been so reliable that Dracs was afraid to lose him.

For him, the captain had been like a good uncle, caring, joking, but also the perfect companion that never asked anything. In the end he had pledged allegiance and loyalty to a man he didn't know and Dracs had jokingly bestowed him the title of Knight, don't caring about consequences.

But of course this world wasn't his previous one, it was filled with mysteries, supernatural powers and so on. So obviously, with his corrupted shit like power, he would have needed to be more careful and think things through seven times before it was too late.

Hopefully, this result would bring good fortune for them both. After all, this Corrupted Knight' shit seemed quite powerful. But of course, Dracs couldn't be happy. He was the culprit for having changed the life of a man, for the better or the worse, he didn't know, but he wouldn't dare to think he was right.


Gimmury threw his head back and emitted an incredible bestial roar!

After he calmed down a bit, he looked Dracs into the eyes like a fanaticl and hurriedly kowtowed on the ground.

Dracs had already foreseen this situation coming so he just waved his hand and said.

"Rise. You were right, I wasn't careful. Things like this shouldn't be taken lightly, it was my mistake. In the end, I can say with certainty that you will not be the same man anymore. Do you blame me?"

The silver-haired man hurriedly got up and furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head strongly.

"Master! How could you think something like that! Everyone in this world can only dream of having this kind of fateful encounter! If your mistakes bring these kinds of marvelous things, I wonder what would you achieve if you put things to your heart!"

Dracs pondered for a moment, but it seemed that he had taken this evolution only with the wrong side. Indeed, the result of this transformation was beyond his expectation.

He then nodded his head seriously and declared.

"I'm happy that you have become my knight. But to tell the truth I'm so jealous of your sudden rise in cultivation and power! Also, your features are so cool that I envy you. I was on the verge of coughing blood!"

Gimmury had his jaws dropped and mouth wide opened! He couldn't help but ask dubtifully.

"Master, you are kidding me right? Of course I'm really awesome now, but how can I compare with you, a mighty existence?"

Dracs nodded again… with a forced smile, his lips twitching intensely in an ungly way.

"Alright, alright, stop the crap already or I will really become mad for real! Look at you, acting like a teenager with this middle aged face! I swear that… COUGH!"

And what should have happened, happened and Dracs coughed a huge mouthful of blood!

Gimmury went back to his stern expression and nodded in understanding. He was so excited that he disrespected his master, making him cough blood, it was a disgrace of a knight.

Sometimes it wasn't needed to speak and right at this moment he knew that his Master was not in the mood to chat anymore so he instantly changed his attitude.

His Master was of course right. He wasn't anymore a young man and shouldn't act like one, that was something he should remember to never do again in the future.

They were going to go back to the Akran Clan and things would probably won't be as carefree there. Competition, schemes and power were rules there and he would have to face the many questions and the pressure of the Lords and Elder.

After the captain had packed all their meager belongings, they went back to walk. Their purpose of staying in the forest was long done and what remained here wasn't only pleasant memories, especially for Dracs.

He wanted to gather as fast as he could, all he needed to make his own body. It was putting a heavy pressure on his mind after all.

On his side, Dracs didn't have the mood to check his status or to buy the Mysterious Trickster Body cultivation technique in the shop. He was a little depressed, he couldn't even feel like a real human, this body was just borrowed.

This Taidian was not truly a good guy but he wasn't evil, just his birthright was different from the others and his education had pushed him in the high positions in the Clan.

Dracs had scanned his brain and memories but he didn't find a true corrupted mind inside it. Of course he could feel that this guy's point of view was really limited and his future would have been a joke.

But Dracs thought that the poor guy was just a coward that would have certainly just found a woman that he loved or liked and hid in the shelter of his Clan for the rest of his life.

He wasn't the classical vilain, just a normal teenager, in Dracs' opinion, he couldn't blame him. But he also couldn't pardon him for the scheme and disdain for his half brother the 'pig', because he had sent him to a certain death without any remorse.

So Dracs had already thought about his future, after all, the seed of power was growing in his heart, his future was set in stone.

When he was thinking thoroughly about all of this, the captain reminded him that they were approaching the borders of the Clan, so Dracs could only start to act fakingly as the young master again.

Suddenly, as they were walking quietly in the forest, a loud voice intercepted them.

"Stop! Who's there? You are about to enter the Akan clan territories, identify yourself before we have to stop you!"

The captain didn't stop at all and snorted in discontent.

"Yakar, have you eaten bad medicine during the past months? He shouted angrily

"Cap… Captain! Is it really you?

"And who'd you think it is if not me!" The captain shouted again angrily.

Right after, a man jumped off the tree he was hiding in and saluted the captain with his fist on his chest.

"You have changed, congratulations for your breakthrough." He said with respect, bowing his head slightly.

The captain looked at him and made an approving nod and said.

"I'm escorting Young Master Taidian back to the Clan. Hurry up and tell them that the Young Master has come back."

The man, a tall and well built individual that was wearing a brown and green leather attire, shook his head and replied.

"I'm sorry captain, I can't leave my position, we have strict orders. I'm not the only sentry that was posted to our borders, the Patriarch has come back to the clan but he was not alone." He said with a sorry expression.

The captain snorted to hide his angry mood.

"You mean… are the old farts with him?"

Yakar was not so shocked to hear his captain speak like this but he could only advise him strongly.

"Captain! You should be careful, this time it's not the same as usual. They are six Elders from big sects, at least it's only the news I was able to hear. But the atmosphere was really tense when the first Lord personally gave us orders."


The middle aged man pondered for a moment before turning toward Dracs and saying in understanding.

"Young Master, I advise you to choose to resume your cultivation in the forest of the yellow fish river for some time. This is not a good omen, my instincts tell me to dodge this situation."

On the contrary Dracs was excited, if powerful people were here, it could only mean opportunities and so better chances for him!

So he said.

"I can't wait to meet these revered Elders! Don't waste time anymore Captain!"

He grinned.

"Go back to the clan!"

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