
Chapter no.56 Honour

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As the old saying goes, "The grass is always greener on the other side."

This phrase captures the human tendency to desire what we don't have, believing it to be better than what we do have.

So, what did this say about cultivators who were willing to kill for honor?

In a world, where cultivators wielded immense power, it was understood that raw strength couldn't buy honor or reputation. These were qualities that held a different kind of value.

Why was honor so important, you might ask?

Honor led to opportunities.

It opened doors that no amount of force could budge.

With a reputable standing came alliances; families and clans of high honor attracted each other, forming bonds that could elevate their status and security even further.

Furthermore, honor was a cornerstone of trust.

In dealings, whether commercial or personal, a family's honor could assure others of their integrity and reliability.

This trust, in turn, facilitated smoother transactions, partnerships, and even marriages, weaving a family's influence deeper into the societal fabric.

In addition to alliances and trust, honor played a crucial role in legacy.

Families with a long-standing reputation of honor were remembered and respected across generations.

This legacy ensured that future generations inherited not just wealth but a respected name, paving their way in society.

Moreover, honor could sometimes mean the difference between life and death.

In disputes, a family with a high honor could rally support more easily, turning the tide in their favor.

It acted as a shield, deterring potential adversaries who feared the repercussions of attacking someone held in high regard.

Lastly, in a world where the lines between right and wrong were often blurred by power struggles, honor was a beacon that guided the moral compass of many.

It was a testament to a family's adherence to codes of conduct and principles, distinguishing them in a society where power could easily corrupt.

In essence, while cultivators could amass great power, it was honor and reputation that truly cemented their place in Glory City.


Shen Xiu stormed out of Nie Li's room, her mind a whirlwind of emotions.

Anger, disbelief, and a trace of fear mixed together as she replayed Nie Li's words. "The Scarlet Sunburst Inscription Array... plagiarized?" she thought incredulously.

Nie Li had laid out his evidence meticulously, discussing the specific circuits and patterns in the inscription arrays that were too similar to be a coincidence.

"The way the energy flows, the circuit connections, it's all too similar to the Snow Wind Family's Lightning Flame Burst Array. How could I have not seen it?"

Shen Xiu questioned herself, her faith in her family's achievements shaken.

Normally, Shen Xiu wouldn't have hesitated to kill anyone daring to make such claims. But Nie Li wasn't just anyone.

His knowledge about inscription arrays had always been unparalleled, and deep down, she trusted his judgment.

Compelled by a mix of dread and the need for truth, Shen Xiu found herself taking a detour to the library.

She sought out a specific book, "The Arrays of Lightning and Fire," a partially deciphered tome from the ancient Snow Wind Empire. Her hands trembled slightly as she turned the pages, her heart racing.

Then she saw it.

The evidence was irrefutable.

The array laid out on the page was not only similar to the Sacred Family's array but was clearly superior, ten times stronger than the Scarlet Sunburst.

It was as if the first Patriarch had taken a portion of it and mixed it with a standard flame array.

Shen Xiu's heart sank as the realization hit her.

This wasn't just about the arrays; it was about the honor and financial future of her family.

"If the truth comes out, the Sacred Family's reputation will be in ruins. We won't be able to collect royalties from the use of the Scarlet Sunburst anymore. Without the income from the array's use and with our reputation tarnished, our businesses, our honour and our legacy could collapse," she thought despairingly.

She sat down abruptly, feeling her knees give out under the weight of her discovery. As she stared at the page, scenarios of her family's downfall played out in her mind, each more disheartening than the last. The thought of facing her family with this information, of dealing with the fallout, was overwhelming.

Shen Xiu, lost in her grim thoughts, barely registered the sound next to her until she turned to find Nie Li casually sitting beside her, a plate of dumplings in hand.

"Try one," Nie Li said, offering her a dumpling with a smile that seemed to ignore the gravity of the situation.

Shen Xiu took one, more out of reflex than appetite, and stared at it as though it might reveal some answers.

Breaking the silence, she said, "Do you know, most of the restaurants in Glory City rely on the Scarlet Sunburst Array for cooking? It's easier to manage than most flame arrays. And they pay royalties to use it. But now, with this... this plagiarism scandal, the Sacred Family stands to lose not just money but our honor."

She practically growled the last words, her frustration evident.

Nie Li, unfazed, took a bite of his dumpling, then said casually, "You know, only you and I are aware of this plagiarism."

Shen Xiu looked at him, suspicion and surprise mingling in her gaze.

"What? You plan to blackmail my family?" she asked, her voice sharp.

Nie Li chuckled.

"I considered it. But then I thought of a better idea."

He pulled out an empty scroll.

"Let's remake the Scarlet Sunburst Array. We can save your family's honor and even make it stronger."

Shen Xiu's eyes shifted between the scroll and Nie Li, a mix of skepticism and hope in her gaze.

"You'd help me? Why?"

Nie Li wanted to say it was part of his grand plan to court her, but instead, he opted for a simpler, more palatable truth.

"Because we're friends," he said with a smile that hinted at more than he was willing to admit.

"Friends?" Shen Xiu repeated, the concept seeming almost foreign to her.

She took a tentative bite of the dumpling, contemplating this new development.

"Thank you," she finally said, her voice soft, the earlier animosity fading.

"Mhm," Nie Li responded, focused on his food.

"You like dumplings?" Shen Xiu ventured, looking for a safer topic, maybe something to bridge the gap between gratitude and the awkwardness that lingered like a third party at their table.

Nie Li just nodded.

"I'll cook you my world-famous dumplings then, as a thank you," Shen Xiu offered, her cheeks tinged with a rare blush.

It was her way of balancing the scales, of not letting kindness go unanswered.

"World-famous for what? Inducing food poisoning?"

Shen Xiu's elbow found its way to his side in a swift, playful jab.

"I'll show you," she retorted, her pride tickled by his jest.

Nie Li rubbed his side, feigning injury.

"If I beg for mercy, will you spare me from your 'famous' dumplings?"

"Fine, beg," Shen Xiu shot back.

They locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them.

Then, as if on cue, both erupted into laughter, the sound filling their little corner of the library as Mr. Miyagi cowered in fear.


[ Author Note: How do you guys like the explanation as to why cultivators care so much about reputation and why young masters always scream "courting death" if they are insulted? ]

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