
A beacon of light in the darkness of the abyss


"There's a resistance led by Captain Hagin?"

"Of course!" Ramon was all enthusiastic at this moment.

After learning that the person he was dealing with was the father of the benefactor who saved his life after his first encounter with the Butcher, all the mental blocks in his mind were melted away immediately.

And like he was speaking to a long-lost friend, he became completely free.

He told them everything about the current situation of the outside world.

"R-Randy is alive?" Asking this question, for the first time since Ramon heard this man's voice, it was no longer so firm and authoritative.

The voice cracked a bit, stammering.

From the silence, it was clear that his subordinates were shocked too.

Captain Rambo laughed for the first time in 18 years in this dark pit. "Rachel, we are blessed. Somehow, our child survived, he's not dead, and he didn't defect to become a part of the Addition astral crew either".

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