

An Interrogation room in the military base....

Seth : why are standing like a numb person..!! have you lost all your senses...quick kill me..!!!

Rik :shut up..!!! have you gone insane..!! why didn't you tell me...!! why did you do this to me...why..!! ( screaming..) didn't you consider me as your friend..a person who you can share your burden with or a person whom you can rely on...at least once...am I just a nobody to you... ( tears flowing out from his eyes..)

Seth : ( sad..) I have nothing left to say to you...! we both are performing our duties you have to protect your country and I have to protect my state.. we are born to be enemies from the start.. this is our destiny we can never be together in this life... so be quick just kill me... as well I have had enough of this life...i don't want to suffer anymore.i have already lost all the patience in me.....I can proudly die in my mother Land's arm without any worries in peace of mind and without hiding any more or conspiring anything...

Rik : is this why you have been working so hard... is this the reason you worked so hard to protect your state.. to get a painful death.. that also in my hands... can you imagine what I am going through now... what my heart is suffering now... !

Seth : if in your mind you have this thought... then to please your mind I will say yes... because I have my reasons too.!!. I did all this things to protect something and I don't think you will understand my reasons....

Rik : fine if you really think I don't understand then there's nothing left anyway...if you are so eager to die...then just die...!!. you will not be able to see tomorrow's sun...you will be executed before tomorrow's sun rises. . Till then you be locked here...in this dark room...if you have any last wish you can just name it...

Seth : last wish.. ( smiles..) you are asking a terrorist who in your eyes betrayed your country... you guys are so Impressive..

Rik :since you are part of our country you have the right to demand your last wish...because everyone who belong to our country has the right to demand their last wish even great terrorist like Saddam Hussein and Ajmal Kasab were asked for their last wish.... in that place you are just a nobody. .so you also deserve to be asked your last wish...!!

Seth : since you are so eager to fulfill my last wish..then I have only two wishes.. one as your friend since we have been friends for a long period of time...and one as a terrorist who is hated by your people...do you agree with this....

Rik : ....

Seth : since you don't speak anything...I will take you silence as yes... my first wish as your friend is..I have some important documents at my house I have some unfulfilled works left in that documents you will have to get all the details and fullfill it don't worry it's not a work that betrays your country... secondly my wish as a terrorist is that you have to stay by my side till my execution and I want you to do my execution... this are my only last wishes and nothing else.. I hope you can fullfill it.... with honesty and integrity....

Rik : if this are the things you want I will try my hardest to fulfill it... ( takes a chair and sit beside Seth..)

Seth : ( smiles..) this moment of you sitting besides me reminds me of the time when we had nothing to worry about we were just happy together enjoying our lives.. the most cherished golden times of our life..

Rik : we would have been still the same if you have never done this...

Seth : everyone has their own things to take care of.. now when I think of it I feel so matured.. I feel like we have grown so much.... that I am able to do everything on my own.. I am now capable Enough to make decisions which can change some ones life

Rik : So matured that we have come to a conclusion like this... if I could turn back time I swear I would never let us have this kind if conclusion... I never wanted us to be like this

Seth : this is our destiny which have been decided for a long time... we have to accept it cuz we can't change our destiny....neither our future nor our past can be changed... but I swear I never regret the time I enjoyed with you... now when I think of those times it feels like a long sweet dreams which I had in a good sleep.... the current me has forced me to believe all of this as a dream

Rik : but I never thought of all this as a dream.. every moment that I had with you are still carved in my mind.. so many years have past but I remember everything so vividly...i thought then are stucked in my mind.. but now when I think carefully it's actually me who never want to forget all of this...infact whenever I am reminded of you I feel in peace.. I feel warm.. I feel like there is someone for me who is waiting someone who cares for me.. but now.. I don't think I would have this kind of thoughts in my mind anymore.....

Seth : you words make me feel like a nerd you know... ( smiles..) you ass...

Rik : Seth... you are smiling at this moment..

Seth : then what do you want me to do... cry my lungs out.. screaming that I can die any minute...you know I never cried before.. then how can you think I will cry now... it doesn't suit me anymore..

Rik : you didn't change even a bit...

Seth : I did... situation made me the person I am today....

Rik : just what have you gone through....

Seth : it's nothing.... at this moment I just want to think of the time I first met you.... that was the most beautiful game our fates played with us....

Rik : ....


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