
He's only mine(Season2)

!!!IMPORTANT!!! Make sure to read the season 1, before you read season 2 of "He's only mine", . . . The last thing Elsa did was hurt Jack physically and emotionally...but.... She did it to protect him . . Will they get back together or break things off? Will Elsa escape and get her revenge? Will they have their happy ever after? . ..... Continue reading to find out! ....... WARNING +18 Please be advised that this story contains mature themes, sexual themes, violence and strong language!

lustfulsuprises · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Season 2 Chapter 7

Hailey: Elsa you need to calm down... Right now you need to trust Astrid I know you don't like her at all but you need to trust her for jack...

Anna: she's right sis... Just breathe...

Elsa: I'm trying... I really am but my mind keeps thinking something bad is about to happen... *tears up as she folds her arms and takes a deep breath*i need him guys... You don't know how much he means to me..

Hailey: we know Elsa we know*smiles them goes to her and hugs her*

*in the same time Astrid walks out and looks at them*

Elsa:*pushes Hailey off then walks to Astrid*you better tell me something good or else----

Astrid:*interupts her*HES OKAY! *glups as she takes a step back in fear as she shakes and thinks Elsa will kill her*

Elsa:*instantly smiles*h-he's okay?...

Astrid: yes yes*nods *he's more than okay*smiles as she calms down a bit*

Hailey:*smiles*see i told you! *chuckles and hugs her again*

Elsa:*instantly pushes Hailey off*i don't feel like hugging you again*rolls her eyes then goes to walk in jacks room but stops and looks at Astrid *thank you*offers a handshake*

Astrid:*smiles and shakes her hand*no problem but I didn't save him for you.. I saved him because I as well can't live without him*walks away*

Elsa:*glares at her getting ready to punch her*

Anna: Elsa not now! *walks in from of her*go see jack...

Elsa: you're right..

I'll deal with her later*rolls her eyes then walks in the room *

Jack:*laying on the bed sleeping as he's shirtless and has a bandage around his waist*

Elsa: that bitch I bet she touched him*clenches her jaw and fist but takes a deep breathe and walks next to him sitting down* hey my handsome boyfriend~ you kept you're promise~*giggles taking his hand kissing it softly*i love you...

Jack:*remains asleep as he doesn't move at all as he's breathing slowly*

Elsa: you idiot you should've said it back*giggles then leans up kissing his cheek*

*3 hours later*

Hailey:*walks inside and looks at Elsa*elsa you've been in here for 3 hours... Get up eat something even take a shower...

Elsa: I'm not moving... I'm staying here with him until he wakes up.. *looking at him with her hand on his chest as she traces her fingers across his chest*

Hailey: then how about you make some food for him when he wakes up?

Elsa:*sits straight up*shit you're right ill make a soup *rushes out in the kitchen as she starts cooking*

*30 minutes later*

Elsa:*walks in his room again with the soup in her hand as she puts it down on the night stand and looks at jack*wake up already... You're worrying me... I miss you're voice I miss you're eyes just look at me... *sighs*

Jack: awww babygirl you're wish is my command~*smiles as he looks at her* there you go you saw my eyes and beard my voice

Elsa:*smiles widely and hugs him tight*you fucking idiot why did you sleep that long!?

Jack:*when she hugs him he winches*oww~~  easy babygirl

Elsa:*widens her eyes and let's go of him as she sits up*im so sorry! *looks at him worried*are you okay!?

Jack: I'm okay *smiles as he reaches out and strokes her cheek*i love you too just so you know~

Elsa:*blushes and glups *y-you heard that and you didn't say it back!? *looks at him angrily*

Jack: hey i didn't have the strength okay*chuckles as he sits up but winches again*well fuck this hurt like a bitch..

Elsa:*chuckles helping him sit up putting a pillow behind his back leaning him on it*i made you soup *takes it in her hands*ill feed you~

Jack: babygirl my hands work just fine~*chuckles looking at her*give me the soup

Elsa:*glares at him*i said I will feed you and that's final*fills the spoon then puts it close to his mouth*open up

Jack: you look very very attractive when you're bossy~*opwns his mouth and eats it*if only I wasn't hurt~

Elsa:*chucklss and blushes as she fills the spoon again*jeez jack~*giggles*i wish you weren't hurt... It's because of me.. I'm going to kill that son of a bitch..

Jack: I know you will but it's not you're fault and not right now~ you have better stuff to do like carrying about me~

Elsa:*smiles blushing*yes jack I know.. *giggles kissing his cheek*i won't let you out of my sight~ now open that mouth

Jack: yes ma'am~*laughs and opens his mouth *

*10 minutes later  as he finished the whole soup *

Jack: thank you babygirl that was delicious and I'm full~*chuckles as he leans up and kisses her cheek *

Elsa: *giggles*you're welcome *kisses his cheek* are you tired do you need anything else?..

Jack: I'm okay buttt maybe a shirt *laughs*I know you like me shirtless and all but I'm cold~

Elsa: dang it~*laughs as she walks out then comes back with a shirt and helps him put it on*there you go now it's time for you're sleep again~

Jack:*laughs and lays down*you know you can join me right?

Elsa: I was wondering when would you asking me that~*chuckles and carefully lays next to him snuggling into his chest*thank you for keeping you're promise~

Jack: ill always come back to you babygirl~*kisses her head as he smiles*always and forever

*the next morning*

...To be continued.....