
Chapter 5

Namjoon's POV

When I saw the condom on the floor I knew right there and then that Soomin was cheating on me. Too actually see some one u love cheat on you it can really mess you up badly.

After I was finished cleaning her house I just left I didn't want to be anywhere near her. And I new if I brought up about me going abroad she will put a fake cry on and beg me not to go knowing that I always give in.

Finally I reached my house ready to go bed because after the day I just had I need to process all of it.

Next day

I woke up feeling dead inside. I had puffy eyes and my hair was a mess. I really didn't want to go anywhere today but I had things to sort out. After I got ready I went down stairs to eat my breakfast fast. "Yumm that was delicious omma" I said stuffing my mouth "of course it was"she replied smiling. After breakfast I went up stairs to repacked my bags making sure I have everything. When I finished packing my bag I got ready wearing black jogging bottoms with a hoodie along with a black earring in my ear. I can't lie I looked good 😌.

"Mum dad I'm off!" I shouted. They both ran up to me smuthering me with Huggs and kisses. "Where going to miss you you know." Mum cried. "And while your at it bring me home a grandson." Dad joked. "Okay dad what ever you say." I laughed. After I gave both my parents one last big hug I finally set of for a nice fresh start.