
Chapter 17

Ever wonder what is the outcome of an adrenaline rush, well let me tell you, one hundred percent of the time it ends up a disaster.

I tried to control my legs with my mind but my heart decided to take the wheel and steer a course straight for Viola and Liam, I told myself not to engage with Liam just to greet Viola like the passed year had meant nothing to me and this year was means to a new beginning for both of us, I knew that I had to sort out the tension between us or else I'd never have a successful year ahead. My initial plan was to acknowledge and greet Viola. Say hello Viola, I hope that you have a great holiday and you are ready for school again, but I guess I'm the moment of adrenaline I hugged her instead, and to my utter disbelief she reciprocated the action by squeezing me even tighter. Boom, clap, boom clap, boom clap, boom clap, was all I could hear in my head right now, what in the actual fuck was going on. This unnatural serpent of the land, demon spawn was hugging me.

Now she says: " Paige, I'm so glad that you came up to me first," and she sighs for the longest time.

"Well Viola it was inevitable," now in my head I tried to calm myself down, I gave myself a little pep talk, calm down kitty, be nice to this lunatic, she's faking it anyways. "Im glad that we have an understanding, I hate what went down last year between us, I honestly want to make amends for everything, I want this year to get better for us both."

"Yeah girl, you took the words right out of my mouth, I mean us girls shouldn't be fighting over a guy right, I mean especially us best friends." After hearing what she just said I didn't know whether to be shocked or whether to burst out laughing. I decided not to go with the latter because I am making amends.

"Yes we were the greatest of friends Vi, so let's go back to that, what do you say?"

"I say let's do just that." With that being said she latched onto my arm and pulled me towards our home room, at the same time yapping my ear off with stories of her and Liam during the December holidays, bragging about how much time they spent together and how he was just the most romantic guy she had ever met, and how she is so lucky to have just stumbled upon him. Wait up, she stumbled upon him, maybe in her dreams because I'm reality I was the one who introduced them to each other, I'm the one who sent her the shirtless pictures, it's all me, me, me, but off course this was only hissed under my breath, I doubt she even heard me over her own loud and short breath sentences, I mean couldn't she even take a minute to breath before she started to spew the next sentence. I knew from the very beginning that this was all just a rouge, something was going on, there was no way that she was being this nice to me, I was determined to find out, but definitely not today, because today I needed to spend time with my best friend, I needed to see Mel my favourite girl.

As we enter the threshold of our 12c classroom I see a swift motion, when I look up from the ground it's Mel, speaking of the angel and there she is. She hurries towards me, with the most wary expression on her face when she sees that my hands are intertwined with Viola's hand, she rushes over and grabs me, pushing me backwards out of the classroom threshold, I am one hundred percent certain that she did this on purpose because she wanted Viola to get her paws off me.

"Hey Vi, it's nice to see you, hope you had a great December vacation, sorry to cut you short but there's something I need to show Paige, we will be right back". And I'm the blink of an eye we were hurrying down the hallway. That's when I hear Mel, " oh em gee, am I living in some sort of parallel universe, a universe where you and Viola are friends". I couldn't help but laugh at the statement she had just made because it was indeed funny, nobody would have expected us to be speaking let alone showing up to class with locked arms.

"Mel, I figured what the heck, I'm going to let bygones be bygones, the only way to get my life in order right now is to make peace with my demons, and right now I've dealt with one demon standing in my way, there's still the biggest demon that I have yet to deal with."

"Well if I take a wild guess would this demon be one of our mutual friends?" And she says this with a laugh.

"Yep, off course it's him, who else could it be."

"Liam, oh Liam, make way for Paige because she's here to set your ass straight."

Now I'm laughing again: " Mel, did you just say ass, I think that's the first time I've heard you say ass, I think you should never say that words again, it just sounds so wrong coming from your mouth."

We are now on our way back to class, and as I happily March towards the door I get pushed over, and just my luck its Liam who pushes me over , he was walking out of class and he had his back towards the entrance of the door and I just rushed to get through the door before the bell ring and smack we collide, he pushes me over.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mutters under his breath, when he turns around his face turns pale, he realises its me that he just pushed over.  For a while I just sat there on the floor looking up at him, waiting for another response from him, but all I got was nothing, like usual, he noticed it was me and he turned on his heel and he was out of the classroom.

"How rude, what a jerk, he could have at least helped me up". I say that a little to loud as I notice people from inside the classroom start to stare at me, the last thing I needed was for Viola to flip her switch on me again, I planned to have a better year and this was going to be be a bad start. I frantically scan the classroom from the angle I was at I could see a little of Viola's face but she was not in the least bit concerned about me, she was in an intense conversation with her third wheel, Philicia. I sigh in relief, what a close call.

So days went by, and I managed to keep myself going, there was no more negativity in my life, I was happy, Viola and I exchanged friendly hellos and goodbyes, and I spent most of my time with Melanie and occasionally Aaron. Now onto Aaron, he and I had been so distant lately it felt like we weren't even in a relationship, but maybe that was for the best, maybe he was also too negative for me, but nothing was bringing me down anymore, I was a new woman.