
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Khác
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17 Chs

Hell's not all rainbows and sunshine...

'Hell, a place where no soul dares to go, yet, some don't have an option. Me? I chose to come down into hell for personal gain. Yes, that sound's completely crazy, which many would agree that it is indeed, not a smart plan. However, I am a person who does not care.'

'It is simply just a place. A place I can leave at my own discretion. So, I will continue to come to hell at any time I want, whenever I want. Even if some higher being said I shouldn't or couldn't, I still won't stop going to it.'

'Now, speaking of being in hell. How about I continue doing what I need to do? And that? That's me continuing to set my plans in motion. My goals were still unfinished; thus, I must work hard to complete said goals. Now let's get back to it...'


'The air was still unpleasant, even with me trying not to pay attention to its scent. I wonder how long it'd take to get used to it? Heh, next time I come down here, I'm most surely going to bring some air fresheners, maybe even some scented candles.'

'And speaking of thing's that smelled? Did you know that burnt flesh smells horrible? Especially when it's an entire corpse? Yeah, I know, why even bring this up? It's because, everywhere I've went, there's just been corpses, weapons, drugs. It's just an entire fiasco, and I've only been out in public for at least a few hours.'

'The upside to this all is me gaining free stuff! Like, money, drugs, booze...which there's an abundant source of. Weapons are something I'm never going to run out of. I can't even come close to listing all the types of weapons I've stumbled across.'

'Even ammunition isn't something I have to worry about! I've found military canisters packed to the brim with all varieties of calibers. I'm afraid I might find a nuke just sitting around as if it were just some piece of junk. Ha! A nuke being considered a common thing to use down here. That's something I really hope isn't the case. And if it possibly is? I'm going to hightail it out of here and make sure to never and I mean ever come back again.'

'If I were alive with all the weapon's I have now, I'm sure I'd put any weapon's collectors to shame. I'm not even certain my shadow storage can hold anything else, but if it can? You best believe I'm going to continue taking everything I find! There's no way I'm going to pass up on this easy source of armaments that can be used to supply the crime syndicate I'm developing.'

"The gross part about doing this, is the fact I have to loot off corpses or out of dumpsters..." 'Yep, seeing I had no supplier, I had to rely on myself. And speaking of dumpsters, did you know demon's throw out completely working gun's just because they've run out of ammo? Like, it's a onetime use and their like 'Welp! That sucks! Time to buy a gun from one of the general stores!' and yes, regular general stores sold gun's as if they were regular everyday commodities. Even children were buying gun's as if they were candy.'

'Don't even get me started on the children that reside in hell! Some of the kids are batshit crazy, like, full psycho crazy. I've seen gangs completely comprised of nothing but demonic children. I'd feel bad for anyone who runs an orphanage down here, especially if they have to deal with kid's that act like that on an everyday basis.'

'My willingness to buy orphanages was somewhat half and half. On one side, I was willing to do it because I care about the kid's down here in hell. Even if they're completely insane. On the other side though? It'll probably be too much a hassle to deal with. The amount of trouble I could garner from this would be most likely insurmountable.'

'How many orphanages would I need? What would I need to ensure they work out? What if some of the kids have everyday medical problems? Where would I even put an orphanage down here? Especially somewhere that could be considered tame and not so actively filled with violence and bloodshed? You see what I mean by troublesome? Just think of the headache I could get from dealing with this!'

"When I first came down here, I was expecting everything to go my way. Oh, how wrong I was to think that..." 'By the time I arrived, things were going smoothly, even a little bit after leaving the hotel did things continue to go my way. But now things aren't going entirely the direction I wanted them to. Building's that I hoped to purchase were in such horrible state's that I feared no amount of cash would even help them regain their grandeur.'

'Any possible income sources I hoped to make, were all pretty much nonexistent. Especially the ones that would be on the more legal side of things. However, I now know that I have to really consider the heavy factors coming into play. There's a lot more to this then I first thought.'

'Hell really doesn't have any type of law enforcement, and if it does? It must be a very lucrative group of individuals that handle the darker affairs in hell. And you'd think all the stuff that's going on now is bad, which is it, but...it's not even close to the stuff that can be considered truly evil.'

'Satanic cults devout to torturing others, cannibalism being a norm, child rapists, it was all so disgusting. I wanted to just end it all, yet I knew I couldn't. But I will fix it, I will undo all of this. Even if it takes a thousand years, no, billions to trillions of years. This can't stand, I won't stand for it.

'But enough said on that though, I want to get back to what really matters. And that's me gaining a solid foothold down here in this god forsaken place. Trying to go slow might not work, but I won't give up just yet.'

'I was going to have to contact Collin and tell him that I'd be gone longer than I initially planned, or something that might backfire horribly. Wanna know why I'm so opposed to the second option? It's because the second option is bringing Collin down here with me, that's why I'm so damn against the thought of it, yet it's the most reasonable choice.'

'With him down here I wouldn't have to constantly travel back and forth from hell to heaven and heaven to hell. I know I'd still have to go to heaven a lot for personal reasons and business reasons, but it's still something that could be a massive time saver. Especially considering he won't have to worry about me as often as he usually does.'

"I'll just call him later and give him a head's up, allow him to make a choice. I won't force him into coming down here, but I'll try being as persuasive as possible..." 'I really did want him to be down here, especially for Charlie's benefit. She could use the assistance of someone who truly knows the in's and out's when it comes to redemption.'

'With Collin in the hotel as a teacher for Charlie, it'd make it a win-win situation for both Charlie, Collin, and me. Actually, it'd be a win-win-win, a triple win. Heh, like a jackpot of sevens on a slot machine.'

'My little sheep boy might easily say yes, seeing he's quite adamant about helping others. So, why not give him the option of continuing his work down here in hell? Especially with a large source of clients! Hehe, I'm so smart!'

'E-hem, anyways! Back to how things are going on my end. It's uh, it's been more or less a bumpy road for me. I've been trying to find buildings to call my own, which has been problematic seeing I already stated that most are in horrible conditions. I've only been down in hell for a few hours yet the progress I've made has been quite extreme, not even close to stagnating.'

'Compared to heaven's economy, hell's is really bad. There's to many people down here to make the economy work, thus, it's hard to even manage. Not enough jobs, not enough houses, not enough of everything! But most don't care because, even if you die of hunger, you still come back to life. That's probably why most don't care about fixing the economy, mainly due to no one actually being in danger or in a tough spot...besides being homeless or broke, ectara ectara.'

'It just disgust's me with how most don't spare a second glance towards a parentless kid sleeping in an alley, yet I want to do something for them, but I can't. there's not much I can offer right now, but, when I can...things will change for the better.'

'I'm going to be even more busy then usual now. Even when I say busy as usual, I mean I'm going to have an ever-larger workload. I know I could just avoid doing all this, but I won't. I'm going to help those in need, these situations can't exist anymore, it's just not right.'

"This is a load of bullshit!" 'Yelling in fury I slammed my fist into a wall, cracking it with just the sheer force of my punch alone.' "How can anyone just ignore such signs? Why would they do this? Nobody can be truly this cruel! It's completely and utterly horse shit!" 'My emotions were going haywire; I was so pent up with frustration and I had nowhere to vent it.'

'Glaring up to the sky I raised a finger and said' "Fuck you god! This is so fucking your fault! Not even the god in my old universe did anything! And you're just the fricking same! Completely useless to the masses!" 'At this point I didn't care if he did hear me, or if anyone else heard me. I'd be sending a message sooner or later, and it'll be one to surely grab his attention and anyone else's.'

'I was still frustrated and now very irritable. And yet, I still had plans to go through with, and goals to finish. Death waits for no man, so I won't give him the pleasure of me dying from a heart attack.' "Time to fucking get serious. I've been goofing off to much, but now? Now I'm going to really get shit done and over with." 'Glancing back to exit of the alley I immediately shadow melded out and under a lamppost. My sudden appearance startled any nearby pedestrians, but I didn't care.'

'I raised a hand to the air as I brought forth my car, it fell a few inches from the ground but just landed with a soft audible thud thanks' to the tire's taking the recoil of the landing.' "Time for my second ride, and this one won't be filled with joy..." 'Grabbing out my key's and unlocking the door is the immediate thing I did as soon as I saw the car appear.'

'Soon as the door unlocked, I pulled it open and slid into the driver's seat, wasting no time to close the door and starting the engine. The engine seemed to be louder than usual, or maybe it was just my imagination, but if it was louder? Good, make some fucking nose.'

'Then, I slammed my foot down onto the gas pedal, allowing the vehicle to slingshot forward, burning rubber as it did so. The car continued to speed down the road as I looked left and right, glimpsing over possible buildings to buy or possibly demolish to build something in its place.'

'When I first chose to buy buildings, I only planned on buying buildings that were in good condition and weren't run down. But now? Now I'm going to buy whatever I fucking saw, no matter how it looked or what purpose it has. Any buildings that I found interest in, would be immediately purchased.'

'Hiring a construction company or a small-time business is a necessity that I must prioritize if I wanted to construct the buildings I would use as my steppingstones to a more successful future for myself and for other's. It wasn't going to be just one corporation I'd be hiring, no, it'd be quite a few. There was no way in hell, pun intended, that I'd just hire a singular source of workers for everything that's going to be built. That'd take way to long, and the length of time it would take to finish most of projects I want done would take years. '

'Years would take way to long, which is why I'm trying to be as effectively efficient as possible to gain the best output of guaranteed success. I wanted to ensure that I gained a high stature both in hell and heaven, thus, I needed to make a claim to power. Either through political means or physical means. If I have to do whatever it takes to become a known figurehead of heaven and hell, then so be it.'

'Yes, I know I've been repetitive on this subject, but I'm trying to express how important all of this truly means. When I first met V and he offered to give me a new life, I wanted to be entirely lazy and do nothing, and yet I decided to change my mind. I don't know why I changed my mind, but now I see that it was a good idea in doing so.'

'With a tired sigh I continued to drive onwards, to who knows where. Hell's so big that it seems almost endless, yet, with its giant size, it still can't support the economy down here. It's ironic and pitiful, ironic because there should be more than enough space to get thing's situated, and pitiful because of nobody doing anything about how hell is now.'

'I couldn't help but sigh a second time, my brain hurt so much from all this overthinking. Maybe visiting someplace for a nice and refreshing drink would cure my ales. Hopefully it doesn't go like last time when I arrived in heaven.' "Yeah, a drink would be nice. And I'm pretty hungry as well, been a bit since I last ate." 'My stomach seemed to agree, thanks to the loud gurgling noises coming from it. Luckily no one heard that...'

"Food places, food places, foooood places..." 'Yes, I said I wasn't going to dilly dally, yet I was hungry. Eating something can help you focus; especially help you relax. Getting something in my stomach would definitely help me detox, even if it's just for a small moment of peace.'

'There were quite a few options to choose from. Ranging from bars to steak house's to even a few fast-food places. Of course, some of them looked completely run down and abandoned. Hm, maybe I should start my own food chain? Yeah, definitely going to save that thought for later.'

'Maybe there's somewhere more protected and booming with business? Eh, guess I'll have to a bit of searching to find somewhere decent to grab a bite. Maybe I could dessert after? Yeah! A nice chocolate fudge cake sound's completely scrumb-didily-umptious!'


"Well, this sucks." 'When I first decided to go around searching for something to eat, I expected it to at least be somewhat quick. But I was wrong, oh so wrong. There're hardly any places to get proper food from down here! Second is the fact that I've gained a good tidbit of information that'll help me understand hell just a bit better.'

'I've come to learn that I'm currently in the pride ring of hell. Meaning hell doesn't have one singular place for sinner's and hell born, which yes, I learned that demons can apparently be born down here in hell through actual relationships. But that's beside the point I'm trying to make, what I'm trying to say is that there are multiple floors to hell, like a dungeon in a video game.'

'You'd think that's not bad, and it isn't, seeing there must be a way to divide sinners from other sinners. But the reason why I said it sucks, is because there's a barrier that blocks sinners or demons from leaving to said rings. They can only stay in the ring they've been put in, yet, if they have the proper access and authorization, they can get in. But I believe they have to have some sort of importance or influence to actually visit the other rings.'

'There's also the fact I'm hesitant to even go near the barrier. Apparently trying to go through it completely kills you, as in incinerates your entire body, and I feel as if it's not a temporary death they can be revived from...'

'Knowing how the barrier works would be nice, but I don't know how it even operates. What if demons aren't allowed, yet angels are? What if it doesn't matter on who's who, and it only matter's if you have proper access to it? It's just problem after problem! God this is so frustrating, I just wanted something to eat!'

'I'm at my wit's end at this point. Only five days since I've been pretty much reborn, and yet I'm carrying more weight on my shoulder's then a pack mule in the Sahara Desert. Ugh, I think I'm going to have to get some sort of medication to ensure my brain doesn't explode!'

"Fuck it, Imma touch barrier." 'Screw it, let's see my luck came into play.' 

'Opening the door to my car I stepped out, closing the door behind as I turned around and locked it. Turning back around I began to make my way to the barrier, it was whitish, mainly see-through, about as thin as rice paper. Every time I stepped near it, I felt some sort of energy coming off of it. It didn't feel hostile or any means of dangerous, but I was still going to be wary.'

'A few more step's later and I standing face to face with it. And maaaaan did it feel wonky to be near. It made me feel all tingly and warm and calm, yet at the same time, apprehensive of even being close to it. Funny how this singular near invisible wall can give such a calming feeling, yet at the same time capable if incinerating you on the barest of contact.'

"Hm, I'm going to be smart about this and do the old throw a thing at it." 'I squatted down and scooped up a rock, stepping back a good few feet before taking up a pitcher stance, for fun of course, and threw it as hard as I could.'

'The effect I expected it to have been was nothing, and I was right. The rock went through it as if nothing was in its way. Meaning, the chances of me getting through were not as slim as I believed it to be at first. That made some of my worries disappear, but not all of them. Now I had to see if I could step through it myself.'

"Alright, do or die, so they say." 'Jumping in place a few times and stretching was a good way to hype myself up, I mean, if I was going to die, then I was going to at least pump myself up. Make's me seem as if I want to die...heh.'

'And as soon as I stopped jumping in place I immediately bolted towards the barrier, pumping my legs as fast as I could.' "Fuuuuuuuuuck yooooooooou!" 'If I was to die, then I'll be giving a fuck you to everything!'

"Ahhh!" 'As soon as my face reached the barrier, I closed my eyes on instinct. And I ran right into it!'

'I stopped running after a few more steps, immediately sliding to a stop and counting down from three to see if anything was going to happen. Knowing I wasn't incinerated immediately was nice and all, but, what if it was like a late stage for me? that'd really suck, putting my hopes up for nothing and having it all come crashing down in a burning ball of fire, literally.'

'Counting was all I could do, I counted from one to sixty. And when I finally reached the last number, I snapped my eyes open and glanced down at myself. Checking myself to see if there was anything wrong, which there visibly wasn't, but I also didn't feel as if something was affecting me from the inside.'

'Meaning...' "Success! Fuck yeah! Not dying today!" 'I was a bit ecstatic knowing I was alive, meaning for some reason I could get passed the barriers without any problems. And yes, I said barriers, I was certain there would be barriers for each and every ring.'

"Now to see if I can drive my car through it." 'Testing to see if I could drive through it was something I wanted to do as well. Hm, and I think I have a badass way of doing it...'

'Glancing to my car, which was on the other side of barrier, I began to make my way back. A few minutes later and I was in my car with the engine running. Something was going to happen, and it would be glorious. My car, and me, would be doing a jump. A ramp was close by, and I was going to use that ramp to do this awesome stunt that totally wasn't going to blow up in my face.'

'The ramp was right in front of me, and apparently, I had attracted quite a crowd. On both sides of the barrier, on my side and on the other side. I mean, who wouldn't be able to hear a muscle car's engine being revved to its max volume? The horsepower this beast could provide was simply insane!'

'Some of the spectator's seemed to be taking videos and photos, while it seemed others were taking bet's as well. Guess this was a common thing, or was it? Eh, it doesn't matter to me. Bad news was the fact my car was being recorded, then again, they couldn't see inside the car with my window's being tinted. Not that it would really matter seeing I was going to make a name for myself.'

"Like I once said before, time to risk it for biscuit, or brisket, or a bunch of biscuits." 'My weirdness was coming out, oh boy.'

'It was time to do something awesome.' "Fuck you for a second time!" 'I had to say fuck you again, seeing this was something that was most likely going to kill me if it failed. Aren't I just a crazy sonovabitch?'

'After I said my fuck you, I pushed down on the gas and allowed the car to take off like a bat out of hell. It began to pick up speed, twenty, forty, seventy, a hundred!' "Here I goooo!" 'The ramp was right there! A few more second's and I was hitting it!'

'Everything seemed to slow down for me as I launched into the air. Slowly making my way towards the barrier and solid ground as I sailed through the air like a paper airplane. One second, two seconds, three seconds...then nothing! I passed right through the barrier as my car came crashing down onto the ground. But I didn't stop, no, I kept my foot on the gas as I sped off.'

'This wasn't going to be like one of those cliche scenes where a car with a driver would do some sort of epic jump then stop, no, I was going to keep going like a badass. And man did I feel like a total and true fucking badass!'

'It seemed that those who were spectating were definitely in shock, but then they began to cheer. Seemed they liked my little show and didn't expect the outcome. Woah! Some are even showing their boob's! Man, hell is one crazy place...'


"I've been, thun-der-struck!" 'After my moment of showing off, it was smooth sailing from there. I was simply cruising down the road as I listened to some good Ol AC/DC. The music was provided thanks to a certain someone.'

'The radio in the car had all my favorite songs and music I like. Seemed V set up the radio to only play genres of music that I preferred and have song's that I've listened to and favorited the most. Going to have to give my thanks' when I have the time.'

'Now, I've been driving for a while since I got through the first barrier. Instead of staying in the new ring I was in, I decided to head on to the lust ring. Now I know that may seem confusing as to why I'd even pick that ring, but I have a good reason! The lust ring obviously based around sexual desires, fantasies, kink's and so on. Thus, meaning that people would get exhausted from such activities. They'd get hungry and thirsty, making them want to get something to eat! My money was on the idea of the lust ring being a booming place for restaurants and all sorts of food places.'

'I heard that there was this fancy place where sinners went for performances from dancers and singers and stuff. Now, I wonder what I sho-' *Ring* ~ *Ring* ~ *Ring* 'Huh, is that V calling?' *Ri-* - *Click* "Ello, who's this?"

(Ay boss! It's me scrapper! I got some really good news that I'm sure you'll love to hear!) 'Oh heeey! It's scrappy doo! Did I forget to mention that scrappy was really small? Like imp kind of small? Thought the name would be funny, which it is!'

'Putting the phone to my ear I began to talk while driving, remember kids! Never talk while on the road! Only I can do it because I'm a being of great power that pretty much can't die!' "Heeey! How's my most trusted right-hand man? What's the word?" 'No, I was not trying to sound like I was being manipulative and using fake words.'

(Yeah! The news is that your recruitment drive has been going really well. We've already got thousands of members already lined up and waiting!) 'WHAT THE FUCK? THOUSANDS!? It's only been like 5 hours since I last chatted with him?!'

'Regaining my composure I put on a strained smile, keeping my eyes focused on the road.' "Is that so? Have you got a place for them all? Or places? I mean, I'm honestly surprised with how many are already lined up and willing to work for me, but, I won't say no to new recruits..." 'I had so many questions to ask...'

(Well, eheh, I may or may not have a lot of friends who know a lot of friends, whose friend's friends have friends and then they also ha-) 'Yeah, no, not going to let this be some sort of running gag.' "Scrapper, that's nice and all but your kinda getting off-topic. Like I said, that's great. But the question is how? How did you get so many to agree?"

(...I may or may not have said you were more powerful than the current overlords of the pride ring, and the fact you're super loaded and really smart.) 'Well, I'm fucked, utterly and entirely fucked and cucked and ducked and...oh my god! Scrapper! You fool! You've doomed me! DOOOMED ME! OK, get it together man. This is fine, you wanted to make a scene, you did it and got what you asked for.'

'Closing my eyes for a few seconds just to...calm down, then I opened them back up. My smile almost entirely gone at this point.' "That's...that's fine. That's actually a pretty good idea on your end. I'll make sure to reward you for your effort's. I'm sure you've already gotten thing's situated with all the new members, so I won't go on and on about what to do next for the time being. But, seeing you got so many new members so soon, I'll be sending you some aid." 'I had to do something to make sure this didn't get ugly.'

(Aid?) 'Scrapper couldn't help but ask'

'I nod' "Aid as in I'll be sending you the details to an account that holds enough money for weekly payments for any member's we have. Now, I have to ask, is two hundred souls weekly a good payment per members?" 'I know I said that he'd get a lot of money seeing he's my right-hand man, which he will, and his other buddies' will continue to receive their five hundred, but any other new members will receive smaller payment's.'

(That's a really great number! Wait, are you cutting down my payment?) 'Scrapper sounded worried over the phone, oops.'

'Shaking my head side to side I spoke into the phone.' "No, I'm not cutting down on your weekly payment's. Nor am I doing it for your six buddies. You and your six buddies will be the main chairmen, so to speak. And I'll be the head honcho. You guy's will obviously receive the better pay. But then we're going to need enforcers, officers, shit like that." 'Hoped he was smart enough to realize that we'd need a system to make thing's as smooth as possible.'

(...ooohhh, I get ya'z. Heh, you're so smart boss, I'm glad I got you as my boss. It feel's nice working for someone who has a good head on their shoulders.)'Compliments, nice, maybe an increase in pay should go his way...'

'I couldn't help but smile.' "Mhm, glad I can agree with you on that. I'm glad I got someone as smart as you working for me. Anyways, enough with the flattery. I need you to buy a shit ton of apartments, houses, places we can use to house all these new members. Tell them it's mandatory to move to the selected locations of your choosing. If they say no, then make it easy for them by hiring some moving companies or some shit like that. Make sure to have each and every member listed. Names, looks, friends, family, everything." 'I had a lot to say, so bear with me!'

"Tell them that the family and friend's part is for safety reasons, on their end and on the gang's end. Oh, also make sure to spread the name of the mafia's name." 'I stopped talking for a moment to take a turn down a street, also to catch my breath as well.' "I know I said I wouldn't talk about situating the members, but I might as well seeing I've got you on the phone with me." 'I said I wouldn't go into detail about it, but I couldn't help myself!

(Oh, I completely agree. Should I be writing this all down? Don't worry about repeating it, I already remembered a good bit'z of it.') 'That's my man!'

'Nodding, I said' "Yes, write it down to not forget. Also, get suits made, custom suits for females and males. If they have to be tailored with different designs to fit their bodies because of their looks, then so be it. Wings, extra limbs, tails, anything and everything. Also, make the suits look like any good Ol mafia gang outfit. No stripes though, black tuxedos, white gloves, black shoes, the hats, you know the gig." 'Jeez, never had to say this much over the phone before.'

'We continued to chat, going over the roles and ranks for members, the weapon's that'd be given out, housing, so much stuff that the conversation went on for a good while, which was fine, I didn't mind the chat with him.' "And that about cover's what needs to be done for the time being. When it's all said and done, contact me and I'll tell you what's next."

(Got it, I'll update ya'z when it's all handled and dealt with, cya boss.)

"Bye." 'A simple goodbye and the phone call was over and done with. Phew, my throat's dry from talking so long. The one thing I'm really grateful for is the fact he kept my identity a secret, which is good meaning that even if I make enemies, they won't know who I am. I know I can trust scrapper and his friends to keep it a secret, even if it meant them dying permanently.'

'That conversation was also just long enough to occupy me with my drive to the place I planned one eating at. The name was Ozzie's, sounded Australian. Australians know how to cook some seriously good food, so maybe it's some sort of outback cookout place? Oooh, probably got all sorts of varieties of meat to eat!'

'But when I finally turned the corner, the place was not what I was expecting. It...I...I...it looked like some sort of club. The entrance was a heart, and there seemed to be some sort of long ass line, nah, Imma pay my way in. There's no way I'm casting aside more of my sanity to just wait in line for who knows how long.'

'Hm, no red lines at the sidewalk so free parking! Anybody touches my car, and they die...eheh, kidding of course! Or am I? I'm just going to leave my car parked out front. I feel that it's safe enough to do so.'

'Heh, my car seems to always grab everyone's attention. Heads were already turning my way. Man, I just loved all this attention, mhm, totally. Anyways, I began to pull the car next to the curb, somewhat ahead so I wasn't in front of the door and looked like some sort of scumbag who though he was hot shit.'

'The car finally came to a stop, the engine idled for a few more second's before it finally shut off. Hm, I'm dressed for the occasion, I look good, all fine and dandy. Time to get my smile going.'

'Also, remember how I mentioned that Scrapper didn't give away my identity? Well, he didn't. Apparently, somehow, someway, someone got my looks at the very least. They don't have my name, but they do know what I look like. And, to top it all off, while I was busy buying thing's in hell, apparently, I was being followed and recorded.'

'My big spending spree apparently didn't go unnoticed. The video got posted onto some sort of hell media, which I had to get a newer phone to actually access it. Word's being spread about me quite fast. A lot of it's actually good. When the video was recorded, it was me buying hospitals and paying investments to get them fixed and me donating to them. Also about me purchasing orphanages, medical clinics, anything that could help. The video's gained a lot of mixed responses, many of which were exclamations of disbelief, even some claim that it was just a stunt to gain publicity.'

'They were right on the publicity part, but I was just doing it for the greater good. I'm not mad at whoever followed me, I'm actually quite thankful. This video might allow me to garner some support. Oh, since I made an account, I decided to post some tweet's or whatever the messaging thing's called. It was just about me helping with the situation in hell, plans to open soup kitchens, free medical support, yadda yadda yadda. Ya already get the main gist of it.'

'I was gaining follower's fast, apparently many loved what I was doing. Guess people really are desperate down here. Figured as much with everything I've seen since being down here. My heart's already an aching mess, now it's just profusely gushing.'

'Speaking of being known, many people were taking pictures of my car. Probably posting it and questioning why I'm at a club, but they won't ever know! Muhaha! Is this what feeling like a possible celebrity feels like? It's a weird feeling...'

"Welp, time to go get something to eat." 'Finally ready, I opened the door and stepped out of the car. A welcoming smile on my face as I walked away from my car and up to the front entrance, the bouncer seemed to be a reddish demon with pasties. He was pretty handsome, but eh...I don't know if he's my type. But that's not what matter's right now!'

'What matters is getting inside! And I was already at the front door, but the bouncer stepped in my way.' "Sorry sir, I can't let you in unless you have a reservation." 'Well, that's weird, I didn't know clubs needed reservations. Maybe this isn't a club?'

'Looking his way, I smiled a bit wider, tilting my shade's down to meet his gaze.' "Apologies, I thought this was a club. I spent hours driving from the pride ring to get here. I've been quite stressed lately with all the work I've been doing. Would you be a dear and kindly allow me to go in?" 'Hoped he'd be kind enough to allow me in.'

'The demon folded his arms, looking up at me, mulling over his thought's' "This is a club, but it's for couples only. I can't let you in unless you have a reservation." 'Damn, guess I'll have to do what I can do best, flattery.'

'Smiling I bent down slightly, taking off my shades to meet his gaze.' "Dear, if you allow me to go in, I will personally see to it that you get a raise from your boss. And, as a bonus, I might just reward you as well~" 'I say, slowly running a finger down his chest, before pulling away'

'But I wasn't finished talking just yet.' "Even if I don't have a lover to be with, I am indeed quite hungry. If this place serves meals, which I hope it does, I will pay for the meal and then some. I will even pay you quite a handsome amount of money as a...little incentive. It'd be a major win on your end, especially with me being open to giving you quite a large sum of cash."

'That seemed to get him thinking, he glanced around a bit as he leaned in, beginning to whisper his words.' "Will you keep your word?" 'Heh, of course I will.'

'I nod, also leaning closer to whisper to him.' "Of course, give me your contact information and some sort of way to pay you. How does...ten thousand soul's sound? I think a man such as yourself, especially one that works a bouncer in hell, more than deserves a fair amount of cash such as that."

'That seemed to seal the deal, he seemed flummoxed at such a big number. Can't blame the guy, he probably didn't get paid much.' "Really? That's it? No extra string's attached?"

'I nod for a second time, saying nothing else. And after I nodded, that seemed to win him over entirely. He grabbed a notepad and a pen from the pocket of his pants and wrote down something on the first page and ripped it off, extending his hand out to me.' "Here." 'He seemed to longer be whispering, which mean's I didn't need to anymore as well.'

'Reaching out I grabbed the paper, not even glancing over it as I folded it and stuffed it into my left pocket.' "Then that concludes that. Now may I go in, please?" 'Please is a nice word to use, got to show manners of course.'

'My calm and nice demeanor seemed to really make him at ease, and, without saying anything else, he stepped aside and extended his arms out as if gesturing me to go in.' "Aw, you're such a gentleman, thank you." 'I bend down and kiss him on the cheek, standing back up as I walked into the club, putting my shade's back on as I walked in.'

'The guy touched his cheek, a little surprised by the kiss, but smiling all the same.' "I love being a bouncer." 'He couldn't help but say.'


"Well fuck, this place is...flashy." 'The club was definitely a club, but not a club I was used to. It was nice and fancy, but, there seemed to be all sorts of eye-catching thing's I couldn't help but not look at. cages hung from the ceiling with a variety of demons in them, waiters went around the table's serving drinks, while there also seemed to be worker's that flirted with the patrons, who, for some reason didn't seem to mind.'

'Welp, what to do now? Do I just claim a table? Eh, I'll just go and claim a table. Walking forward I began to make my way towards a table of my choice, I selected a random a chair and sat down.' "Ahhh, now I can finally get off my feet." 'I glanced around the building, taking in all the colors and smells. It was...relaxing, but the energy in the place made me a bit antsy. There was couple's making out left and right, even some...doing things that would...be not appreciated in public...at least they were doing it under the table!'

'Glancing around I spotted a waiter, a small imp like waiter, walking around serving what seemed to either be wine or champaign. I raised my hand to the air, slightly waving in his direction to get his attention. My efforts to gain his attention didn't seem go unrewarded as he began to hastily make his way to me.'

'Very few seconds passed until finally the waiter arrived, wasting no time to get to me.' "Is there something you require of me, sir? Possibly a drink to quench your thirst?" 'He offered, extending the tray he held.'

"Ah, thank you." 'I say, taking a few glasses off the tray and setting them down on the table. He seemed to be ok with me taking a few, but I took five which surprised him.'

"S-sir, a good amount of those drinks are for other patrons." 'He seemed to be nervous, definitely fidgeting in place as looked back forth between me and all the drinks I took.'

'Smiling I patted his head, sipping from my first glass before finally saying.' "It's fine, if they wish to complain, please direct them my way. I'll gladly pay for extra drinks to be served, I'm even willing to pay for their meals." 'My kindness caused him to stutter, obviously not expecting my generosity.'

"I, erm, thank you sir! You're offer is most appreciated!" 'Said the poor man, bowing in gratitude. Hehe, I like being nice. Makes me feel and warm and happy.'

'Chuckling a bit I patted his head.' "You're very much so welcome, and, here, a tip." 'I grab out my wallet and take out a few hundred souls and put them into the breast pocket of his work uniform.'

"Also, is there an option to order food? I'm quite famished and would absolutely love a meal to enjoy for lovely evening." 'Don't ask me how I knew what time it was, it just felt like it was evening for some reason.'

'Silence reigned for a few moments before the waiter finally realized he was still being talked to, he seemed out of it due to counting the money he was given, clearly stupefied with how much I gave him.' "O-oh, of course sir! Let me go grab you a menu right away!"

'He dashed off, faster than when he first came to the table. Well, at least I was receiving good service. So that's better than when I was at that cafe in heaven.'

"Hope he comes back soon with it. I really am starving at this point..." 'My stomach was twisted up into a knot, clearly upset with the lack of nutrients that I wasn't providing for my body.'

'I leaned back in my chair, stretching my arms over my head, then letting them lazily fall to my side before crossing them over my chest. Exhaustion was tugging at the corners of my eyes. Sleep was calling for me, and I planned on hopping into bed as soon as I could.'

'However, before my mind could wander any further, the waiter arrived with the menu, huffing and puffing for air.' "H-h-here, sir. I brought you the menu." 'Poor guy, he seemed to prioritize me a little bit too much.'

'Nodding my head in thanks I took the menu, grasping it as I began to read through it.' "These are some interesting options. Hm, thank you for rushing to give this to me. You may go now, but first, here's my number if you ever want to...chat." 'I grab out a paper from my pocket and handed it to him, surprising him yet again, seemed he didn't expect this.'

'He gaped like a fish as he stared at the paper in my hand, before finally taking it with a resigned face and trudging off, but not before muttering a silent thanks, just loud for me to hear and me alone.' "You're welcome." 'I mouthed, not making any noise, but he read my lips quite perfectly. He just nodded once and left, heading to manage other patron's orders and requests.'

'Turning back to my menu I began to continue reading, going through the items one by one. But, before I could make an order, an announcer walked onto the stage, bringing a mic with him as he stepped into the middle of the stage, which I did not notice. Somehow, I didn't see the giant ass stage in the room, jeez, probably have to get my eyesight checked or something, hehe.'

'The demon tapped the mic a few times, clearing his throat as he did so.' "Hello, one and all. I welcome you to tonight's performances. Tonight, shall be filled with quite a few auditions with various dances and songs to cure your boredom! But first, before any of that happens, the owner of this fine establishment would like to share a few words!" 'He began to hurry away from the mic, and when he left, blueish smoke began to appear where he stood, and for some reason a drumroll also began to play. Hm, classic entrance to make a scene, nice.'

'The smoke grew thicker and denser until finally...it erupted into flames! The flame's burned brightly, before immediately dissipating. And what stood in the flames place, was quite a large figure, taller than my current height, but...not for long. I didn't want to be the second tallest, no, I wanted to be tallest out of everyone in the building!'

'Grinning I immediately grew to my true size of seventeen feet, my flames became a bit brighter and wilder, my chest, legs, arms grew broader as well to accommodate my growth. I did it so secretly that nobody noticed, and yes, they didn't notice because I chose a table in the far back.'

'Finally done with my transformation I looked back to the stage, checking out the details of the owner. He was colorful, that was for sure. A blue head of flames, interesting greenish colored eye's that screamed for attention, and what seemed to be two other smaller heads in his burning hair. There also seemed to be some sort of ribbon like appendages connected to his head that stood up, one pink and one blue. Even his cloths were an eye grabber.'

"Hello all you horny sinners! How are you all doing tonight!?" 'Ooh, even his voice sounds nice. Like a baritone that could make you shiver.'

'The people in the club cheered and whistled, clearly excited with his appearance. Seemed he was a pretty big deal.' "Glad to see you're all happy! Because I know you all feel quite rambunctious tonight! Even I'm quite energized and raring to go. I'm sure you're all loving me, Asmodeus, lust incarnate baby!" 'Wut?'

'While everyone was cheering, I wasn't. Instead, I was cursing up a storm under my breath. Clearly not at all happy knowing what type of situation I've just put myself in. The only word's I could say under my breath to this was...' "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck...."

'I just wanted to eat some food and enjoy a calm and relaxing dinner...please let it continue to be that way.' "And it seems I'm not the only hotshot here! We seem to have an upcoming celebrity in my establishment tonight!" 'Oh no.'

'Slowly glancing up, I looked to the stage, and what I feared came true, he was looking my way.' "Yes you! The big fellow in the far back corner!"









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