
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

ZeOwl · Ti vi
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8 Chs

A new home

"What a lovely home."

"You should meet the neighbors. I'll stay and bring all the furniture in."

David was dressed in a a bee keeper's suit. He was clearly out of place, but we can just say he is eccentric and trying to get into bee keeping or something. After all we did have a lot of potted plants.

"Okay, don't go over board when moving things."

"Aye Aye captain!"

I left David to pick up the boxes that contained some of my inventions. We had moved into a house just behind what looked to be a apartment or hotel. However it was actually just a complete home. How rich was everyone around here? The homes were massive units. Walking up to the house left of ours it had a for sale plastered on the door.

"Only one neighbor, that's nice."

I knocked on the corner house. I waited a second thinking they weren't home when a red head opened the door. "Hmm? Who are you? Are you one of Danny's friends?"

"Uhhh, No. I'm moving into the house on your right. Going down this street here."

"Oh! Well, my name is Jasmine, and Danny is my brother."

"Okay well..."

""Oh sorry, i guess I'm not used to people not talking about ghosts around here. My family is sadly the town weirdos."

"Ghosts?" That was interesting, "Is it your mom or dad who studies Ectology?"

"You are...Both of them. Look ummm, How about you come by some other time. I rather not have them get started."

"Fair enough. My name is Orion by the way. My uhhh, brother is named David he is just loading everything into our home."

Jasmine looked at the moving truck and I turned to see what David was doing. He was picking up a couch one-side. He was just about to completely lift it up when he looked over at me. David started waving to me holding the couch up. "HAHAHA! Yup that's my brother! I guess I'll go help him with the couch!"

"No problem, why is he wearing that though..."

Not answering Jasmine's question I ran over to grab the other side David looked at me funny. "I can do it."

I whispered "*Picking up a couch alone like you were about to can look inhuman. Don't use too much strength.*"


I looked to the neighbors house. Jasmine had head back inside and closed the door. However I could see a kid up in a second story window staring. It was clear he had realized what David was about to do. Or well something else.

"Hey David later where the tin hat I made okay? There's a kid that gives me an odd feeling watching us."

"Okie dokie!"

"Hey where did you get those shrooms by the way?"

"Phrasing, you don't want to sound like you are doing drugs or something."

I rolled my eyes, "You literally eat lava lamps."

"True, anyway, I bought them off of a pair of old guys. They were suggested to me by a Sasquatch."

"You mean Big-foot?"

"ORION! Khmph...I didn't raise you to use derogatory terms. Her feet are quite small actually."

"Wait is this Tina?"


"Stop simping you know she is just using you to get back at her ex."

"So! I can love dammit!"

Eventually our conversation died off and we started unpacking everything. I was rebuilding my lab down in a basement area that was surprisingly open. I shouted up the staircase to David. "Hey David are these floor plans shared with the whole block?"

I heard him call back from somewhere upstairs. "Yeah they are! Why do you ask?"

"Coincidence..." I was looking at a now hooked up computer that was tracking my oddimeter. The ghostly activity was insanely high. It was like a ghost had been phasing through eh walls all across this neighbor hood. Not to mention a massive signature that seemed to indicate a portal.

It seemed I would need to become friends with that Danny kid. Specially if i were to discover the source of the sub-space portal. I missed my chance before, I wasn't missing this one.

After finishing my lab I found David setting up the Tv. "Are you already done with the rooms?"

"Yeah! i gave you the big one attached to a bathroom. Encase you get any...lady friends." He did a suggestive eyebrow movement, however his lack of clear eye brows and compound eyes made it hard to tell. "What's on the news?"

"Let me see..." David turned on the Tv and switched to the local news channel. "Just weather..."

I took the remote from David, "I didn't make a Televonic scanner just so we can wait for people."

"That's not a word."


"Fine, geez. Hey, Look a superhero!"

"Super hero?" I looked back at the TV to see a gray haired teenager blasting a octopus creature through a wall. Following after it meant they were both ghosts, as they phased through the walls.

"A ghost boy who fights crime."

"Ghost crime."

"Interesting, but I could do better."

"Should you?"

"Eh, not unless I need to."


With that me and David watched the screen display the ghost kids report and the news casts thoughts on him.

-----So side notes by the author...in the authors thought. Make sure you read the previous chapter's author though too! and future author thoughts if they are there.----

Since this will have Danny phantom and i need some side conflicts heres a list a changed Danny phantom fights. Disasteroid for obvious reasons. Dora the dragon girl, because a ghost dragon has some great use in my eyes. Desiree the genie ghost, eh for obvious reasons. Pandora's box, will change slightly. Freak show and the Reality gauntlet I want to make some Thanos jokes. The entire ghost king thing will be used. Lastly is Dark Danny the ultimate enemy, which will be a obvious use later character. Since Danny will be a 2nd year. Making most of Danny phantom series happen in the past. Except for The Ghost king and Disasteroid. While the others will be changed so they can be used later. Aka more recurring villains. Note these may or may not be used  for the sake of making no true spoliers. Not to mention i will have my own personal enemies I will create and side conflicts taken from other shows that are being used here.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts