
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Twenty Five: The tea party

 The following week went by normally. Abigail recovered completely and rejoined Gabriel and Lucas at training. Rose and Helen continued to bother the siblings but they were always ignored. The Duchess was still as quiet as ever but she still showed her care for the two which the Duke found suspicious. 

 The dream she had still gave her many sleepless nights. This caused her to have a serious case of insomnia and she couldn't sleep often. If she couldn't sleep she'd study more books and recipes. 

 She sometimes had this strange feeling that someone was always watching her at nights and the gaze she felt on her was not the friendly kind. It was filled hatred and cold contempt. After another sleepless night of studying she asked Martha to make her a glass of milk. As she sat silently sipping on the milk, a maid walked into her room and bowed.