
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter seven

She had nothing to wear!! She would start with practice next week and all the clothes she had were unsuitable. After her brother had agreed to let her practice with him in fencing and physical fitness he had arranged suitable clothes for her to start lessons. There was simply no problems apart from the fact that the outfit wasn't to her liking. She was giving a Hanfu dress since the empire had Chinese roots, it is normal for a woman to put on such attire when attempting to use the sword.

The attire was beautiful yes but she wouldn't feel comfortable in it as she would feel in a Gi. She had to think of something so that she would feel more comfortable during lessons and her brother won't think of her as a klutz. After a while she came up with a solution.

" Martha, prepare some garments and fabrics with a sewing machine, bring it to my room, I'll need sewing materials as well please ", she said stunning the maid for a second, what was the young lady planning this time?

" Y- yes lady Abigail ", she knew it was useless to ask as the young lady would probably surprise her again. Soon everything was prepared and set up in her room. She rolled up her sleeves and began to work, she asked Martha to take her measurements since she couldn't do so herself. She first began to modify the Hanfu dress then she went on to do so to her other dresses since they began to look old and her parents didn't bother to get her new ones hereby worsening her view on them.

Fashion designing was one of her favorite hobbies and most of what she wore in her past life was made by herself except for her formal wear which she bought from exclusive brands since she couldn't wear a no- named brand to an event as it could cause rumors to spread. After a whole three days of designing clothes and even shoes she had finally created a new wardrobe for herself.

She turned to Martha who had been with her through out this period, bringing her food and water when she needed, " How do they look? ".

Martha remained silent for a while before staring intently at her lady, " Lady Abigail, forgive me for being rude but I must ask, have you been brainwashed? " Martha asked causing Abigail to have a bizarre expression on her face, she didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at her question but she could understand her concerns and didn't blame her.

Any one else would be surprised if they saw her behave like this, someone who had never picked a needle in her entire life was suddenly able to make such beautiful dresses. She'd also have her concerns if that happened.

She sighed and looked at Martha with a serious expression causing the latter to be startled, " I know this seems strange but I have a request to ask of you "

" What could it be my lady? ", Martha asked, bowing her head.

" I'd like of you keep what happened here a secret, people only know I requested for sewing materials and I've been locked in my room for three days and nothing more, say that I invited a seamstress to fix my clothes, since no one cares about my daily affairs they would believe what I have said ", Abigail reasoned.

Martha contemplated over what she said and saw that it was indeed a plausible idea and was impressed by her lady's logical thinking. She smiled and was happy that her lady was growing up and was so talented as well but she still wondered how she was able to learn all these things as she had been with the lady ever since young and had never seen her learn such things.

Abigail saw the confused look on her face and reassured her that she'll explain everything to her one day. It had already been four days since she appeared in this world and she was already getting used to life like this. Unknown to her that someone was already planning against her. Helen knew that Abigail hasn't come out from her room for days now which made her feel panicked but this was a good opportunity to reduce the favour of the Duke and Duchess towards Abigail. They were said to be arriving the day after so she had to prepare her daughter to welcome them and already had a plan of what to do.


Abigail felt her stomach growl after a while, she was hungry!! Just as she was about to leave Martha stopped her and told her it would be wise to freshen up before leaving the room. After a relaxing bath, Martha began to help her dress. Soon she wore a newly designed dress and sat at the dresser to get her hair done by Martha. She looked casually at the mirror and was stunned as she unknowingly began to touch her face , she had long black hair that flowed all the way to her waist and cold but mesmerizing grey eyes with equally rosy lips. Her facial features were profound and delicate and her skin tender. She was already a peerless beauty at the age of fourteen!! This is crazy!! She had never actually seen her face before since she her transmigration and was very pleased. She then remembered the other day when she wished she was as pretty as her brother and immediately blushed out of embarrassment.

Martha noticed how she touched her face from the mirror and smiled, " My lady looks stunning these days, after your accident you've been in a good mood and you smile very often unlike the scowl and look of resentment you always had on your face, now your true beauty is evident. I hope our lady will smile more ".

Abigail blushed at the sudden words and was taken aback. When did she start to blush like this? Even in her past life, if she was complimented she didn't really care but still showed appreciation but why was she suddenly so flustered? She really liked the feeling, she thought as a smile appeared on her face.

Martha blushed at that moment, the young lady was so cute!! Martha was soon done with her hair which she packed into a semi crown braid. She then applied little blush to her cheeks and colour to her lips. She put on some hair pins and matching jewelry. She looked very beautiful and adorable at the same time and the dress and new shoes made it even better. Her lady was really talented with making clothes, she thought as she looked at Abigail in admiration.

" Thank you ", Abigail's faint but sweet voice could be heard as her big eyes stared happily at Martha making her gush over her even more .

" My lady is so cute ", she smiled back at her. Soon after the two left the room to have lunch.