
Are you still there?

So before you start reading this chapter there is just a few things i would like to say. I am happy that there are people reading this. You see after i started seeing decline in comments, stones and colections i thought maybe people don´t care anymore. So what is the point of wasting hours of my time? I am gonna post this and maybe 1 more chapter and we will see if people are still interested. If not than i am sorry but i have things to do in real life.

Even if this fic is simplistic, i have a few twists in here that nobody picked up on yet. I am glad for it. Even if some people are calling me out on things that would be explained in the future. So if we get popular again you have some things to look forward to.

Ok cry is over, enjoy.


(Funny how the first class i am late to is transfiguration. MG was not really happy about that.) Angelina and Jordan had different class than Luke. So their fate was still unknown. Luke and Cedric were late for 15 minutes. MG was furrious. She started deducting points left and right. After 5 minutes of explanations, excuses, sorries and puppy eyes she decided to not punish them further.

MG explained to them what they should do, gave them matches and they diligently started practicing. Not one word was said other than spell for transfiguration. ((((Literaly cant find the name of it.)))))

After few tries Luke managed to change the match into needle and started helping his classmates. (This spell was really simple. Not sure my peeing method will be able to make me learn harder spells so quickly. At least Mg´s frown turned from upside down into straight line.) He managed to help Cedric to perfect his spell too.

;After class on the way. Where? Nobody knows;

"So what do you want to do now that classes are over?" Asked Cedric. He seemed really hesitant when asking. "I wanted to practice Leviosa a little. You now... it is first spell i learned. I think there is a lot of fun to be had with it. Why are you asking? Do you have any secret plans you wanted to invite me to?" Luke said jokingly.

"You see these girls from second year invited me and you to hang out with them. Something about giving us a tour and some get together party. You know after the long summer. So i thought that would be a good chance to get to know more people." Cedric said with shifty eyes.

Luke smirked. "Hooo sureee. Of course their appearance has nothing to do with it." Cedric did not look him in the eyes. "Sorry but nah. I am not really interested in dating right now so i am not gonna waste my time. You go and save me a seat among them. I am sure i will need it in the future."

"Dont worry. You will not even have to speak when you decide to come. I will arrange everything for you." Cedric said in jest. But his eyes were a little scary.

Both friends laughed and wend separate ways. (So i could go to room of requirements right now but what for? I can barely do Leviosa i am not sure i should study more spells right now. Some op books on magical theory coul be cool though. Actually i will go there in the evening when there is less people. Don´t really want to share for now.)

Luke did not come here to be average or saint. He has to have a pretty good headstart before he helps his friends with all his resources. (Until then i can go for a run outside. Maybe i will find some angry trees or cute squids. Sounds like a plan.)

Luke ran until he hit his limits. They were pretty high. He managed to run all around the castle a few times. (Hmm there is a few spots i can use for practice. Dont really need to spend all my time somewhere where nobody can see me. I can even bring my group here to show them what i am doing. No need to be all suspicious.)

When he chose a spot to settle in near the lake he began to practice the great Leviosa. (This telekintetic spell has so much potential. Even Ron was able to lift a heavy mace of that troll. Plus it gives me ability to be lazy.) Mused Luke to himself.

"Lets do this." Luke started by levitating some small rock. (The speed of movement is not instantaneous. So I can not just move my hand at fastest speed i can and the rock will follow. I have to concentrate at keeping the rock afloat and also on slowly moving it. If i move my hand too fast i will lose a hold of the rock. Shame.)

Luke used the spell on rocks of all kinds of sizes. The biggest he found was as big as a car. Until he started with that one he did not really feel any strain but when he levitated this one he started sweating quite a bit. (So the weight matters. The bigger and heavier the object is it takes more power to affect it by my spell. I can also move it only very slowly. I am not sure but i think these limits can by broken with practice. Hope i am not wasting my time here.)

He then looked up and noticed that it was getting late. (Lets end it here today. I am getting hungry and those boneheads could be worried about me.) He was also extremely tired. Running so much and then exhausting himself further by magic practice can really drain you.


Right as Luke walked into his common room a wild Cedric appeared. "Luke where were you for so long? I was beginning to get worried... And what is this smell? Did you play with trolls a game of who can keep hugging the other the longest?"

Luke cut him off. "Okay calm down mom. I was just training a little. I am gonna get a shower and then i plan to get to dinning hall. Are you going with me?"

While holding his nose Cedric just noded in affirmative and went to sit down at the couch. (Jees he is somewhat... how to say it... sensitive? right now. I mean he really looked worried there. Did something happen on his outing? I hope no thot was mean to him or i will have to teach them a lesson.) He already started practicing his pimp slap.

After his shower he got some clothes on. (I really need to step up my game. Just 2 hours of magical training and i was done. I did not even get to try levitating multiple objects at the same time. Also does different material take more power? or is it the same. There is so much i still need to do before i can even start getting better at what i can.)

Thinking about his future training he met up with Cedric and they both went to the hall. Before they walked in Luke stopped Cadric and asked him. "So how did it go on your friendship hunt? You are not really saying much about it." Cedric shifted his eyes to the side and got quiet. "Did some bitch do something to you?" Cedric still looked reluctant to talk. "You know i am your friend and i promise you that i will help you with anything, So just say who i have to kill."

Cedric looked at Luke a little suprised and smiled. "Yes you are my friend. Well nothing really that bad happened. It i just not something pleasant. I don´t wanna talk about it right now. Somebody could hear. I will tell you when we are in our room." Luke just continued looking into Cedric eyes and when he saw a little relief he just nodded.

"Okay later then. Just know that as long as you are my friend you don´t have to be afraid of much. I will make anyone reconsider really hard if he wants to be our enemy. So keep your head up." Luke then walked into the hall and started looking for their giffindor friends. "Yes i will." Murmured Cedric to himself.

Besides some fight between Angelina and some girls from hufflepuff nothing extraordinary happened at dinner. Something about who has the right to sit next to Luke. Food was nice, he got to know what his friends were up to. Which was pretty boring stuff. Something about meeting quidditch players. But from the corner of his eye he could see Cedric looking at Slytherin table. Sus.

When they finally got into their room Luke started asking. "Start talking!" He then sat down at his bed and just waited. Cedric calmed down a little and began his story. "Well you see i had a pretty good time. I was having fun with girls from second year that introduced me to their friends. They were asking about you by the way. There were some guys from third year. They were pretty cool. We were talking about school and stuff. There were even some people from all the other houses. You know just normal. But then..."

Cedric got a little sad. "Some guy brought up my family situation. You see we are not wealthiest wizards around. Don´t get me wrong we have more than enough money to have everything we need but you know... Not wealthy young master here." He force smiled and continued.

"Don´t wanna go into details now but the whole atmosfere got really awkward so i decided to leave. As i was leaving he very quietly so that only i and his friends close by could hear, insulted my father. Incompetend bastard and stuff." Luke knew that Cedric was not saying the truly hurtfull insults but let him continue.

"They started snickering and laughing. I punched him... A whole lot ahappened after that. His friends jumped at me to beat me up, some other people jumped at them to stop them. In the end i was accused of being a lowly thug that wants to beat up people for a few words. When i tried to explain that he insulted my father nobody believed me. They said that i should not make things up, that i did it because of what he previously said. After that i was kicked out and told to learn some manners." Cedric said the last bit with his fists clenched. It could be seen how frustrating it was for him.

Of course some people believed him but the loudest voice was against him and it was his focus. You don´t really listen that much when you are angry and being traged around by people trying to stop you.

"Cedric..." Luke got Cedric´s attention. "You are a dumbass..."Cedric suprised by this began to get angry but it quickly changed into a little bit of fear. "Why did you wait so long to tell me??? Some stupid bitches did you dirty and we went to have dinner? Which cunt was it?" Luke´s voice started raising with each sentence together with some aura that made Cedric feel dread. "Some bugs think they can just do this to my people? The audacity!!" It was nothing visual or tangible but you could just feel that something is wrong.

When Luke saw a somewhat scared Cedric he calmed down his rage and continued asking with a softer voice. "So who was it? Give me a name. I will teach him some manners." But after what just happened this did not help much in calming Cedric. "I do...don´t know there were a lot of people. So i don´t remember names of most of them. But he was slytherin, don´t really know which year."

"Don´t worry. We will find him. For now just tell me how he looked like. We can ask some of the people that were there tommorow if they know the name." Luke turned thoughtfull. "Yes. Don´t worry. I will make sure that the problem will be problem no more."

After realizing that it was too quiet he looked at the Cedric. "What?" He tilted his head and asked. After a few seconds it seemed that Cedric calmed down and just said. "Haha. Nothing. You are scarry dude. You know that?... Also you don´t really have to do anything extreme." Luke realized that Cedric was not ready for such displays yet. (He is still a kid after all.) And he is also not unhinged...

"You have to show these kind of people what could happen to them when they keep poking you. Cedric you are really nice guy but sometime you have to be cruel to your enemies. This will make your list of enemies much smaller together with your future problems. Nobody wants to have problem with crazy guy."


So what do you say? Showing a little bit more of an Luke´s personality. I hope you know he is not completely normal. He tried to kill himself and lived as a pet for a few years.

Don´t worry there will not be much drama happening. I just need to put some stuff here to get the team together and for it to not feel hollow when shit gets real.

As i said this is a test chapter so if people are no longer interested it may be the last. Either way glad i had fun. :)

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