
Harry Potter: twin destiny

At the beginning of this story, there were two children, both having lost their families due to the thirst for power of a man and the fear of his end. Two children, one blessed by destiny, the other endowed with a mind worthy of the greatest. Two children, one having grown up with a horrible family, the other in the utter solitude. Two children who, at the age of eleven, are destined to meet. as usual, I don't have the rights except for my characters, and English is not my native language. If you're still here, welcome to my imagination PS- the mc is a boy it's just that the first name is male only in france and i knew it too late PPS-i will not post on the week-end

lamortnoir974 · Phim ảnh
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33 Chs

Arcane room


In the pursuit of learning the art of living joyfully, one often discovers an unexpected companion in the form of disdain for the world, tempered only by the boundary of affection for those closest


 | ???|Room No. 619 - Lilian's Workshop| 

"Phew... I managed to finish on time, even though I skipped many nights to complete the rune matrix and the layout of the room; it was worth it."

 Since my discussion with Dumbledore, I had started planning for my 'Arcane Room,' as I like to call it—a room or workshop for magical innovation. I would like to improve it much more, but the methods for that are not really allowed. 

But well, no matter, this room will be more of a showcase where I conduct my research, or if I want to invite others to work with me.

The room is approximately 75m² using the extension charm, with a crystal monolith at the center serving as the main rune matrix. There will be two parts to this room. One will serve as the forge and rune crafting area, equipped with a metal forge, an anvil, a brazier, a cooling station, and a runic inscription workbench.

The other side houses the potion-making facilities with cauldrons, ingredient cabinets, and a bit of space for improvements that I plan to make, such as magical research microscopes to update knowledge on magical plants. But I also plan to create an alchemy corner on this side, for which I need to acquire more knowledge.

Unfortunately, that stubborn old man, determined to maintain his monopoly on alchemical matters, kept the books in the restricted section, so I have to go there with Harry under the invisibility cloak.

In addition to the magical regulation of the room, the matrix has two other uses. One is a complete transformation of the arcane room into a combat room. It places all the supplies in a pocket replica world, and with the room's state backup effect, if there is any damage to the room, it will return to its place. As they say, nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed. So the entire room needs to be rearranged to a pre-recorded state.

The second use of the matrix is to harmonize my magic with ambient magic! This allows me to experiment without my wand and still see everything. Of course, this is reversible because I don't want to rely too much on this system.

I looked at my masterpiece one last time—an entire room created by my simple compression of runes and their utilization. It took me a whole month of preparation, with one or two weeks where I only rested for two hours straight each day. If I hadn't improved myself, I'm sure I would be more psychotic than I already am. And now, the sense of time is so messed up that I don't even know what day it is.

I'm really tired; I need to inform Professor Flitwick that I've finished the first version of my workshop and that I'm finally returning to my cozy bed that I've missed.


As I walked through the corridors, I felt that something was strange, but with my lack of sleep, my brain was running slow. 

Perhaps it was because more people were looking at me, at my zombie-like appearance. I wondered if zombies existed in the magical community. There must be a madman who wanted to defy death and create the undead, right? There are werewolves and vampires, why not zombies?

While I immersed myself in my delusions about putrefied men, I felt three people approaching me.

 "So, Potter, I heard you're one of the few Slytherins staying here for the holidays. It makes sense when you think about it. Unlike me, who is my father's support, you're nothing more than an orphan born to a Muggle-born. I don't even understand how you ended up in Slytherin."

Trying to understand what was happening, I realized that this dirty, idiotic, inbred, who always cries in the skirts of his father, was looking for a fight with me.

 Normally, I would have verbally humiliated the illiterate that he is, probably regaining confidence by spending time with his father and considering my condition. But now, my brain wasn't running fast enough to allow for good judgment, and he committed the unpardonable. HE INSULTED MY MOTHER!

Continuing on my way, ignoring him, I went to hide in a corner, where no one can see me, testing for the first time my levitation spell on human limbs

In my theory, if you cancel gravity on a limb and twist it in a direction rather... unused by the human body, it should dislocate, and by pressing precisely on the bone's tension center, it should break in two.

Testing my theory on an unprepared target with low magical resistance, I heard two bone-breaking sounds, followed by screams of horror and two cries of pain.

 Ahhh... I didn't think I would derive so much satisfaction from Malfoy's voice. 

The blond whiner keeps howling in a way that would make a banshee take notes. I wonder if I break his feet too; will he also utter pleas?


I should have first questioned his presence at Hogwarts, but my hatred and fatigue blinded my judgment. If Malfoy was back at Hogwarts, it meant they were back too.

 And to my great misfortune, Daphne caught me red-handed, while everyone else was focused on the child whose arms were in a different direction.


Back in the Slytherin common room, I received Daphne's judgmental gaze.

I suppose now I know that we've moved on to the next year; maybe I should have spent it with Harry... I guess it doesn't matter; we hadn't really planned to spend it together.

"Lilian, do you realize what you've done? You intentionally hurt Draco Malfoy! If you get caught, you'll have serious problems." I think that even behind her anger and serious expression, she's just worried about me. Truly, princess is a soul too pure for Slytherin.


"Don't worry, princess. No one except you figured out that it was me. And do you think the Malfoy family will accuse me of injuring their heir, being blind, in the first year, and without a wand? Also, I didn't seriously hurt him. If I wanted to, I could have caused much more permanent damage. By the way, I'm wondering if I should cast a curse on him?"

"Lilian, what are you saying!?"

Okay, maybe I went too far, but at least I must admit it was very satisfying.

"Lilian, promise me not to act so impulsively. I don't know what he said to you, but I know it's not like you to do such things so openly. Promise me."

I put on a serious look in response to her request. "You know I don't make promises that easily, Daphne."

She and I had this moment of silence where we stared each other in the eyes. Neither of us wanted to give in. But I could see that... fear in her eyes. I don't think she was afraid of me, but rather genuinely afraid for me.

 I don't understand.

For a few more moments, we had this moment of silence until I gave in.

"Alright, I promise you."

"Promise what?" she asked, arms crossed over her chest.

With a sigh, I replied, "I promise not to act so impulsively against someone. Is that good enough?"

"Good," she said, letting out a sigh of relief, and continued, "We've been looking for you since yesterday. Blaise, in particular, was really worried. Given your state, I don't think you can do much, but tomorrow we expect to have an explanation."

It's funny, the motherly attitude she had towards me at the moment. I don't know who she's currently comparing me to in her head to talk to me like that. But it's special to see this new facet of her personality. I wonder if she'll continue to talk to me like this tomorrow.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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