
the real wizard show down

"Professor Flitwick, how many moves do you think Lockhart can block Snape?" Ciaran asked in a hushed tone, his words barely audible amidst the surrounding chatter.

Professor Flitwick flicked his wand gracefully and responded, "If he manages to block Snape's move, I'll be quite impressed."

A sudden smile graced Ciaran's lips.

"Ciaran, refrain from laughing," Professor Flitwick admonished, puffing his beard with a stern glare. "I fail to comprehend how Dumbledore ever recruited Lockhart to Hogwarts. His knowledge is utterly inadequate for a professorial position."

"In the Defence Against the Dark Arts class... Professor Flitwick, you're aware," Ciaran recounted. "Decades ago, when He Who Shall Not Be Named attempted to secure the position—alongside his Horcrux, the Ravenclaw Diadem—Dumbledore saw through his scheme and outright refused!"

Frustrated, He Who Shall Not Be named placed a curse upon the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, ensuring no professor could hold the role for more than a year. Despite the wizarding world being well-acquainted with the curse, none, not even Dumbledore, could lift it. Consequently, few sought the position, making it less desirable over time.

"But Lockhart..." Professor Flitwick muttered, his voice barely audible over Lockhart's animated discourse.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in a standard duelling stance."

Lockhart and Snape faced off, exchanging bows. Lockhart's theatrics contrasted sharply with Snape's impatience as they raised their wands like swords.

Amidst the hushed anticipation of the crowd, Lockhart declared, "On the count of three, Professor Snape, our duel shall commence. Naturally, neither of us intends harm."

"Very well, proceed with your countdown," Snape retorted.

"Three, two, one!"

Almost simultaneously, they raised their wands. But before Lockhart could utter the incantation, Snape bellowed, "Expelliarmus!"

A brilliant red light illuminated the stage as Lockhart was thrown off balance, propelled backwards, and crashed into a nearby wall, crumpling to the floor like a discarded parchment.

"Well executed, Professor Snape!"

"Bravo, Professor!"

Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin cohorts erupted into applause.

Several young witches in the audience gasped in shock, covering their mouths with trembling hands. Concerned whispers filled the air as they fretted over Lockhart's well-being.

Ciaran shook his head ruefully. "Lockhart's choice of opponent was ill-advised."

Among the faculty of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore reigned supreme, his prowess unmatched. Snape, among his colleagues, was considered the most formidable, making Lockhart's defeat unsurprising.

As Lockhart rose unsteadily, his dishevelled appearance stark against Snape's composed demeanour, a young witch handed him his wand, which had been flung aside.

"Ah, thank you," Lockhart exclaimed, quickly regaining his composure. Addressing the young wizards, he continued, "As you witnessed, I made an error. However, it provided a valuable lesson on the power of the Disarming Charm."

Once again, Lockhart launched into self-congratulatory remarks.

Observing Snape's icy glare, Ciaran interjected, "Enough, Professor Lockhart, Professor Snape. Let us pause; it is now my turn to face Professor Flitwick."

With feigned nonchalance, Lockhart retreated to the side-lines as Snape followed suit.

As Ciaran and Professor Flitwick assumed their positions on the stage, they exchanged courteous bows, signifying a friendly exchange rather than a hostile confrontation.

"Professor Flitwick, at your leisure," Ciaran announced.

Professor Flitwick nodded in acknowledgment.

A surge of excitement coursed through Ciaran as he prepared to engage in his first duel since harnessing the Force points from Ravenclaw's crown, enhancing his magical prowess.

Anticipation rippled through the audience, eager to witness the clash between two esteemed professors known for their proficiency.

"Three, two, one!"

As Ciaran initiated the countdown, Professor Flitwick unleashed a bright red light from his wand.

"protego!" Ciaran countered, erecting a shield against Professor Flitwick's Disarming Charm before immobilizing him with a Barrier Spell.

Professor Flitwick, despite his diminutive stature, possessed formidable magical prowess. With swift precision, he cast a spell, igniting flames that elicited gasps of alarm from the onlookers.

Dodging the fire spell with agility, Ciaran retaliated with an Upside-Down Golden Bell, only to have it deflected by Professor Flitwick's Iron Armor Spell.

Undeterred, Ciaran countered with a gust of wind, forcing Professor Flitwick to redirect his attention towards defensive manoeuvres.

The duel continued, spells flying back and forth, each exchange accompanied by dazzling lights and resounding booms. Despite the controlled environment and vigilant supervision, spectators couldn't help but be awestruck by the display of magical prowess unfolding before them.


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