
70. Yes, Happy Did That 

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All heads turned to him, but Happy continued to eat his food as if nothing had happened.

He ended up revealing the secret, but he did it knowingly. Over time he thought about how to deal with Harry and Sirius's situation. On one hand, Sirius was innocent and perhaps a changed man, but on the other hand, getting too close to him would elicit disapproval from Snape because, in the end, Sirius was one of his biggest bullies during his school days.

At the same time, he chose not to reveal everything just yet, as letting things unfold naturally was more helpful to end the situation favorably, no matter how much it may deviate over time. If he were to openly declare Sirius's innocence, the Ministry might believe him, but proof was needed for the rest of the world.

So, it was better to capture Wormtail. But at the same time, Happy had no intention of letting Wormtail live, since the man was one of the main reasons Voldemort came back to life. But then the question was, if Voldemort never returns, can he be killed for good?

"Who told you that?" Molly Weasely asked, a bit agitated. He could hear it from the sound of her voice.

Happy didn't like it. The woman had no right to hide things from Harry when it felt convenient, or force him to keep it hidden.

"Mrs. Weasley, it is Harry's life and his destiny; it's important for him to know everything. If he finds out tomorrow, would you like it if he feels betrayed? That you kept things from him?" Happy argued, instantly earning good points in Harry's book, because the Boy Who Lived wanted to know the details as well.

"Let the adults decide such matte—" She attempted to retort.


Happy flung the spoon into the bowl and stood up, making his face look annoyed, a masterful act.

"Oh really? Then where were you 'adults' for the past thirteen years? When Harry was being beaten, abused, and enslaved by his muggle aunt and uncle? Don't try to act high and mighty in front of me!" He looked at the faces of others, mainly Arthur. "To commit a crime is a sin, but to stand and watch a crime being committed is a bigger sin—because then you also share the guilt! Ugh… my breakfast is ruined now."

At that moment, Arthur and Molly remembered that Happy wasn't some random ignorant kid they were talking to. He had no reason to hear their arguments, and he was certainly not gullible.

Harry sat there in silence, looking at the bowl of soup. His face looked pale and frozen, and his heart raced. He was no longer an ignorant kid—he clearly understood that there was a convoluted history related to him and his family. He often felt confused and wanted to know more, but those around him tried to hide it.


Harry abruptly stood up and respectfully looked at Molly and Arthur. "Mr. and Mrs. Weasely, I thank you for everything, and for being so kind to me. But I really want to know about my parents and everything related to them. Please don't be offended by Happy. He's a very emotional and kind friend, one who actually worries about me. I'll go to my room now…"

Harry left the table and ran after Happy. "Happy! Wait!"

"I'm sorry…" Hermione also followed closely behind.

At that point, Molly stared at Ron gobbling down his food. "Ronald… Shouldn't you also go?"

Ron made an ugly expression. The meal was free for the day, after all, and he could eat all he wanted. But, alas, he gave up and left.

"Don't raise your voice with Happy again." At that point, Arthur warned his wife, "He's not a child."

"But he is."

"Age has never been the sole factor to determine one's intelligence and power, Molly. Harry vanquished the Dark Lord when he was just a baby," Arthur sternly cautioned. "Happy is the last of his family. His mind and emotions are bound to mature faster than anyone else—much like Harry. Happy is right, Harry should know everything, before he makes the right decisions for himself."

Molly sighed in her seat. "I don't know, Arthur… I'm always anxious…"


'Oh man, I should be given an Oscar for this.' Happy triumphantly walked to the personal resting room he had built. Meticulously designed for comfort and coziness.

"Happy, wait!"

Harry came running after him and entered the room behind Happy. "Let's eat something together. I'm sorry they ruined your breakfast."

"Hah! Why are you apologizing? Come in; we're going to have a proper breakfast here, not what those regular folks eat there." Happy proudly sat down on the cushioned sitting area on the floor and rang a bell. Immediately, a man appeared at the door to take their order. "Yep, I got a personal butler here. Living at Grandma Elaine's house really spoiled me."

Since the elves were busy running the business, Happy hired a simple muggle cook this time. Of course, the man had to take a vow first to ensure that he wouldn't tamper with the food.

"Bring us ten plates of Wagyu Beef steaks and fresh lemonade." Happy, ordered the man and relaxed in the room.

Soon enough, Hermione and Ron joined them, taking their seats and discussing their vacation, and the school year that was to come. They talked about the various teachers who would be teaching them different subjects.

Just as the food arrived and Hermione and Ron got busy eating, Harry found a chance to ask. "Happy, do you know about my family? Like… what happened to them?"

"Uf… curse…" Happy mumbled between bites. "They were very famous during the war, and the prophecy was made about you, which is why the Dark Lord came after you. Did you know, Sirius Black never received a trial? He was sent directly to Azkaban."

Harry had no idea what to do even at that moment. "Do you know why Sirius betrayed them?"

Happy shrugged. "As far as the stories my father told me about the Death Eaters, none of them included Sirius. I never heard my father mention his name, actually… So it was a surprise when I read the paper. But it was indeed very strange. They said he was caught in a deranged state after he killed a dozen muggles—and Wormtail's, your parent's friend's finger, was found there.

"But the thing is, all the muggle bodies were blown apart, but still, Wormtail's intact finger was all they found… I don't know any magic that can so thoroughly destroy a human body while ignoring a finger."

"Who's Wormtail?" Hermione interjected.

"He was a friend of Harry's parents from their school days. Not much is known about him. Maybe you guys should ask Professor Snape. He was in the school during those years." Happy suggested.

"No… Never!" Ron exclaimed. "He already hates us. No way he'll help us."

Happy shrugged and focused on the food. He had already planted the seeds of doubt, so nothing more was needed.

The next day arrived, and they boarded Hogwarts Express without any hassle this time.

Happy, being in the lead, easily found the cabin where Lupin, the dumbest man he knew, was. How could a werewolf forget to take his potion at the most important and convenient time? Sure, DADA's position was cursed, then why did he take the job?

Above all, Dumbledore wasn't the brightest of the wizards when it came to planning and plotting. To invite a werewolf into the school was immature, and in a way, Lupin was the reason Peter got away, as Sirius would have killed him otherwise.

Yes, Happy absolutely didn't like the man for his naivety and reluctance to take any action when needed.

"Ah, who do we have here? Our new DADA Professor." Happy exclaimed cheerfully and entered the cabin to take a seat.

"How do you know that?" Ron questioned.

Proudly, Happy smirked. "I also know that Hagrid will teach us Care for Magical Creatures this year. Since his name was cleared and he got his wand back, he can be a teacher."

"But, how do you know all that?" Hermione also questioned.

"I have my ways, Hermione… Anyway, let's do our yearly ritual." Happy clapped and looked at the door as the trolly lady stopped by. "The usual!"

"Oh… Of course, Mr. Lestrange." She chirped merrily and left everything in the cabin.

With that, the eating contest began, and Happy easily emerged as the winner. He enjoyed the chocolate frogs the most. As disgusting as they may be for their movements, their taste was top-class.

"What else did you do this summer?" Hermione asked with interest. "Other than meeting your Grandma and that… girl."

"Nothing much, just earned a few hundred million dollars from my investment business. Hermione, tell your parents about it if they want to invest. Returns are guaranteed." Happy offered, wanting her to become rich as well. Though, he didn't offer it to Ron since the Weasely family had no money to invest. They lived paycheck to paycheck.


All of a sudden, the train jolted and came to a stop. Happy knew what was going to happen, but he didn't care and continued to devour the jelly noodles. Strange name but quite a tasty thing.


The lights began to flicker, and slowly everything turned dark.

"There's something moving out there!" Ron exclaimed, his face pressed against the window.

Soon, the temperature dropped, the windows frosted over, and the water bottles turned to ice. Their breaths created misty clouds and almost sent shivers down their bodies.


And right then, a giant floating black cloth came to the cabin's door, slowly pushing it open. Its head created strange breathing sounds, almost draining the life out of the cabin.

The trio fell silent and even forgot to breathe as they looked at the figure in deep horror.


The heads turned, including the Dementor's.

"Oh damn! These crackers are very crispy… Try some, Ron." There sat Happy Lestrange, unaffected by the Dementor, still munching away. A stark contrast when compared with everyone else.

Heck, he didn't seem cold at all, and his mouth didn't emit any mist.

Finally, Happy finished the crackers and looked at the Dementor. "What do we have here, a rotten black piece of cloth? Come, let me hug you, please….!"


Happy suddenly jumped to his feet and walked toward the Dementor.


The Dementor quickly moved away from the door.

"Why are you leaving me? Don't you want my juicy soul? Wait, where are you going? Are you scared of me?"

The Dementor hastened its escape the more Happy came close. As if the Boy Who Eats was radiating with some sort of hidden energy, the Dementor didn't want to come near him.


At last, Happy slammed his foot on the train floor and cornered the Dementor near the long corridor's end, beside the exit.

Happy fearlessly, walked closer, approaching within a foot of the Dementor. Yet, the Dementor only recoiled in fear.

"Look at me! Look at me—I'm the boss now!" Happy bellowed.

He was untouchable by creatures such as a Dementor. His blood not only contained the lucky potion but also the Philosopher's stone, which few knew about and honestly made him quite unique. Besides, how can a soul-eating creature hurt Happy when his soul was blessed by the Big G?

"Shhhh…!" Dementor turned its head toward the exit.

"Thinking of running away? Not before you get punished!" Happy furiously shouted and proceeded to do something so outrageous and unthinkable that, just for that, he deserved an Order of Merlin First Class—ten times.




The Dementor squirmed as if it was in pain.

Yes, Happy Lestrange slapped the Dementor, not once but twice.


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Special thanks to *phong thanh nguyen* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

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