
Hogwarts and magic wand

The melody of a flute flooded the thoughts of a young boy who seemed to know more than he should for his young age, but that knowledge that should be imprinted in his mind was taken away from him in some unknown way of which he was unaware and unaware. 

That feeling of nostalgia and melancholy invaded his body, it would be true if that child said he could understand, interpret and do better than any child his age could do things. But no matter what he learns, does or studies, there was nothing that could explain this wave of melancholy that invaded him. 

What is his name? Although he knows the answer, the boy cannot say it clearly when he asks that question to himself. He remembers nothing of his childhood, there was not a single memory outside of this building and that to his lively mind was extremely strange. 


"Alex? This is Madam McGonagall. She was the one who wanted to see you earlier, would you like to talk to her for a moment?" 

The place where the boy was was about a wooden room and practically in ruins, there were no decorations and the smell of rotting wood could be perceived when entering this place, but besides Alex who was sitting at a blue table with dark spots, no other boy could be seen in the room. 

The surroundings were not pretty, there were more wooden beds than there should be and their appearance could be described as old, dilapidated and seemingly every bed in this large room was just one step away from falling apart. The boy, who was in a daze, turned his face as he heard someone call out to him. 

The boy who had been called Alex had thick blond hair, his face was full of nobility, the color of his skin was a pale shade and without a word he looked at the two new people in the room. 

There was an old woman, who looked into the pure eyes of the boy Alex and was very surprised. This was the first time that someone with such a small age could have those eyes, that pure gaze that did not hide any malicious intent, she silently observed everything around him, which was quite indescribable to mention. 

"Hello, Mr. Aodhan!" Said the middle-aged woman who until now had been watching that child in silence, her face was full of seriousness, and with a few long steps forward she held out her hand to the child. 

But behind that pure look, Alex looked at this old woman without wanting to show expression, and after confirming that there was no malicious intent whatsoever, he did the same as the old woman, extended his small hand and shook it, "Hello!" 

"Let me introduce myself properly, I'm Minerva McGonagall, you can safely call me Professor McGonagall." 

"You are a professor?" Repeated Alex in a low voice, he looked at this old lady dressed as a nun who was not far away from him, but still he was polite and introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Alex Aodhan!" 

"Polite as always my dear Alex, this is Madam McGonagall who came specially all the way here to offer you to study at a school." The woman who was looking after this place seemed very happy about Alex's good behavior and said to Professor McGonagall, "I don't know how to say it..." 

"Alex's personality is a bit withdrawn and he tends to be serious with strangers. He is an intelligent boy, but with strangers he is usually very difficult to interact with, his shyness has improved since he came to this orphanage alone after having a bit of a complicated illness a few weeks ago." 

"I hope it will be easy to communicate with him, Alex is a very pure child, in fact, he is very sweet and observant." 

"Of course." Professor McGonagall pulled a hard, heavy looking chair to the side of a desk and placed it next to the boy's bed, "I will be very careful, you have nothing to worry about." 

"Your words make me feel relieved." The woman was happier to see that McGonagall had no problem with this and she dutifully said with a smile, "Then I won't interrupt your conversation." 

As the woman said this, she left the room quickly after greeting Alex and closed the door so that noises from outside would not disturb the talk. 

McGonagall watched the woman leave silently and then looked at the boy who one looked at her with a curious expression and not understanding what was going on, so she said, "Just as I said Mrs. Perris, I work at a school called Hogwarts. Today, I have come to invite you to study at the school where I teach, this can only be possible if you wish it of course." 

"Hogwarts?" Alex felt the name sounded a little familiar, but then he averted his gaze and saw a letter in a trash can that a strange bird had brought him, so now he knew where that familiarity came from. After careful thought, he confirmed that this was not some kind of joke.

"Apparently you did receive our letter, our school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." McGonagall said, her face stiffening at the sight of the letter that so many children wish to receive, lying in the trash, although it was clear that she had done her best to soften her tone, the results were not very successful.

"Hogwarts is a school for special children your age. We take little wizards from all over the UK, gather them together in a beautiful school, teach them how to use magic and guide them so they can be a successful wizard." 

"Are there... So many people like me?" Asked Alex quietly. But after realizing he wasn't special, he looked intently at the strangely dressed old woman in front of him and said, "So you won't have to take me to a lab to experiment on my body to find out how I was able to revive a little bird that fell from the ceiling and crashed into the hard concrete of the floor?" 

"That's... Of course." McGonagall hadn't even processed half of the words this boy named Alex said, so she replied with a pause, "Hogwarts is a school that accepts hundreds of kids like you every year..."

"No, I mean..." Alex thought for a moment, but changed what he wanted to ask and said, "Professor McGonagall, how come I can go to your school? Magic is a strange thing to imagine, but I would like no letter carrier to get hurt passing near my window. Last time I was trying to bring a wilted silver back to life I ended up making a letter carrier fall off his bike..." 

"Well, I don't possess in my possession the most valuable resource which is money.... I read in a newspaper that the most prestigious schools in the UK are asking for an exorbitant amount of money! It's silly, with all that money I could eat for three lifetimes, doesn't Hogwarts ask for that much money?" 

McGonagall looked at this boy who didn't seem to be as serious and stiff as he had been mentioned to her, which she greatly appreciated. However, McGonagall did not know that Alex had created a sort of connection with her by seeing that he was not an evil person, which made her feel at ease. 

This was one of Alex's abilities, to sense the evil behind people's words, although he usually ignored this kind of feeling as long as it wasn't directed towards him, he treated people differently depending largely on that valuable factor. 

"Actually, he has more money than you can spend in three lifetimes, little Alex..." Professor McGonagall said and took out two very curious things from her pocket, an oddly shaped dark green ring that seems to be made of anything other than metal and an old key, "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but your old parents left these things for you, I think the time has come for you to have them." 

Alex was surprised, the only memories he had were in this old orphanage and you could even say he grew up in this place for as long as he can remember, he knew that every child living in this place didn't have parents for many reasons, so it was never a subject of interest to know about his parents. 

"My parents, were my parents wizards too?" 

"Yes..." McGonagall looked at the boy with some pity, she knew he was sad but he was strong enough to hide it, so she said, "I'm very sorry, an evil wizard attacked your parents in a tavern, you were sent to this place after that from what I understand, but the people who brought you to this place have been saving this for you, and all those doubts that are right now in your mind will be cleared up later." 

"No, I'm very grateful that you mentioned to me about my parents' deaths Professor McGonagall, I thought they had abandoned me because they didn't want me, thank you also for bringing these things so I can have them..." Alex, who was a bit stunned, scrunched up his face and asked, "How come they left this for me?" 

"All I know is that they had left it for you since they knew they would die soon." McGonagall looked at the pure-eyed boy and she tried to make her voice soft, "Except for these things, I don't know very well who your parents were. Although Aodhan is not an ancient surname, you should know that it is very special even if others don't know it..... Oh, look at the time, I brought the list of your school supplies, I can help you get the things..." 

"Do you really want to accompany me? If you say hundreds of kids are being recruited by Hogwarts you should be really tired." Alex was actually now intrigued about his parents' story, but it seemed that Professor McGonagall didn't know much about it. After thinking about it, he interrupted the next words of the woman in front of him and said, "I can do it myself, I don't think I need your help."

McGonagall who handed a brown envelope to Alex, then stared into the boy's pure, sparkling eyes earnestly, "Mr. Aodhan, do you think you're sure you don't need my help?" 

"You don't have to worry, I can do it myself..." Alex answered without hesitation and pointed out, "I'm used to doing things without help, which has made me more mature from the others, don't you think so Professor McGonagall?" 

"Since you made a decision, I won't be the one to deny you." Professor McGonagall after that told him the exact route from the orphanage to the Leaky Cauldron and then pointed out, "You will definitely be able to find the Leaky Cauldron, even if the muggles around you don't, I mean, ordinary people who don't have magic, that place doesn't exist." 

"When you get to the Leaky Cauldron, you can ask Tom, the bar owner, about whether he knows anyone in your family. Then you can go to Gringotts in Diagon Alley, this is a bank run by goblins, they will lead you to the vault your family left, take out what you need to buy everything you need." 

Alex nodded, indicating that the explanation was clear and he had understood everything, so after being silent for a few seconds he asked, "So, how come I get to go to the school called Hogwarts? Um... It would be a real problem to get there, how come I do?" 

"All the details plus what you will have to share are written on the second parchment inside the envelope you threw away..." McGonagall raised an eyebrow in shock and said, "As everything is scheduled, you will be leaving King's Cross station on September 1st and there is a train ticket in the envelope." 

Alex attended again with a serious look on his face. McGonagall stood up and stretched out her hand again. Alex, who stood up, took Professor McGonagall's hand and said, "Thank you again for answering all my questions, whether it's about the things my parents left me or the invitation to Hogwarts." 

"It's nothing..." McGonagall walked to the door, turned her head and saw Alex again, "We'll see you soon Mr. Aodhan, I'll expect you at Hogwarts." 

Seeing McGonagall, his future teacher, leave the room, Alex grabbed all the items McGonagall had just handed her and walked towards the bathroom. 

Setting aside the strange looking key, Alex knew it must be the key to the storage room at Gringotts that Professor McGonagall had just mentioned, but this ring? 

This ring was greenish with a somewhat primitive appearance. Obviously, this ring had been around for many years and its nature was definitely magical. He didn't know why, but Alex had a sneaking suspicion that this ring had a sibling, another ring which told him that this ring on his hand looked better paired with another. 

The ring glittered from time to time and strange letters were engraved on the surface of the ring, the whole part was a beautiful greenish color, which gave it a lovely appearance. 

Alex put this quaint ring on his thumb, because only this finger could keep the ring from falling off. Then, he walked to the bathroom where he could not be disturbed in any way and began to think quietly in this dark, musty and damp place. 

After a long time, there was a murmur in the bathroom. 


"Come on Alex... Come on Alex, you can do it, you've always been so strong..." 

"My parents, how come they died?" 

"No, this is no time to cry, I'm a mature child..." 


The midday sun was shining warmly on the cobblestone streets, in Diagon Alley Alex held a large bag of galleons in his hands and walked quickly to a wand store not far away. 

Speaking briefly of all he had known since arriving in this magical place, Alex really hadn't expected his family to have so many gold coins stored at Gringotts, but the strangest thing was those large boxes that he couldn't open no matter how hard he tried. 

Thinking back to his stunned expression when he saw the mountain of gold coins a moment ago, while a goblin accompanied them and watched him silently, Alex was actually impressed and at the same time embarrassed for being so conspicuous. 

But thanks to such a large sum of gold coins, Alex finally felt a sense of having a chance to move forward without having such mundane worries about money. 

Not wanting to waste time, Alex ran first to get his necessary wand, and then he would think about the other curious things. 

Making up his mind, Alex gently opened the small worn door of the wand store. Honestly, Alex had never paid any attention to worn places being used to living in an orphanage, so he walked in without looking at anything 

"Hello, good afternoon." Just as Alex was looking around the old store, a soft voice came from a corner of the room, which surprised Alex greatly, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "Hello, Mr. Ollivander." 

"A first year student at Hogwarts?" The white-haired old man slowly stepped down from the shelf. He had a pair of peculiar silver pupils, which looked like two bright moons in the dark store. 

Seeing Alex nod, the old man slowly walked towards him and pulled a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket. "Which arm do you use your wand on?" 

"The right hand, sir." 

"Raise your arms. Good, that way." Ollivander began measuring Alex, first from his shoulder to his fingertips, then from his wrist to his elbow, from his shoulder to his feet, from his knee to his armpit, and finally to his head. As he measured, Ollivander asked, "What's your name, didn't your parents come with you or any teachers?" 

"My name is Alex Aodhan. I... I decided to come alone. Professor McGonagall had originally offered to come with me, but I think I can do all these things by myself." 

Alex stood up and straightened his body without moving, so as not to affect the measurement data, while answering the old man's question, he saw that Ollivander had suddenly moved to the shelves with numerous boxes, busy selecting some long boxes that reached from the highest to the lowest. 

"Are you anxious to choose a wand that suits you...?" 

"I'm curious..." 

"That's what I thought..." Ollivander said and as soon as his words fell silent, the tape measure that measured Alex in magnified form rolled on the floor and entered towards the inside of the tent. 

"Well, Mr. Aodhan, try this one first. It's a wand made from cherry wood and unicorn hair, it's twenty-five centimeters long. It's not a bad wand, it's very flexible. You can try it..." 

Try it? 

Shall I try waving the wand directly? 

Will this stick be able to judge if I'm fit to have it? 

Is it all about the magic?" 

Alex didn't understand the point of seeing if the wand was suitable for him with a single wave of his hand, but under Ollivander's instructions he took the wand and waved it obediently. 

Almost as soon as he waved it, Ollivander took the wand away as he shook his head and smacked his lips. 

"Oh, no, not this..." Ollivander whispered, too faint for Alex to hear, "Then this one, yew wood, snakeheart fiber, twenty-seven centimeters long. A nice, flexible wand too." 

This time the explanation was even more exaggerated, Alex simply took it, and before he could wave it, Ollivander put the wand away again. 

"You seem to be very picky.... A very pure child." The old man, when he said this, seemed to hesitate for a moment and then handed him a wand. 

"Wood from a magical tree, hair from a magical cat, an ancient and sturdy wand, its hardness is incredible and it is over thirty centimeters long..."   

Alex took the long wand from the box. For some reason unknown to him, he felt that the entire palm of his hand was warm. Simply what he did moments later was to wave the wand, which triggered a loud noise and the wood of the wand seemed to shake. From those cracks in the wood of the wand in his hand came a golden light that glowed and lit up the entire room.  

"Oh, that's great, oh, really, that's great. I can't believe it..." 

Alex stared blankly at the wand in his hand, completely ignoring Ollivander's astonishment at his side. He felt that he and this wand seemed to be connected, even if he just raised his hand, while he was thinking of something, then this wand would definitely do it for him…

It was a wonderful feeling, and Alex felt that he would never forget this moment in his life. Today, the wand made with the hair of an unknown magical Lion, came into the hands of its owner

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