
Harry Potter: Instant Kill

A guy is run over and dies, he then meets a God who decides to reincarnate him into a new life. The god offers him one wish since his last life was lacklustre before sending him off. What happens next you will find out.

TheGreatestWall · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 47: The Stone In The Mirror

"What?" I asked the two stunned Potters since they were looking at me with their mouths open and a confused look on their faces. "Don't 'what' me Erik Bodewig," Grace said while walking at me and smacking my chest with her fists, "We thought you died when the killing curse hit you. How could you possibly survive?"

"Oh, well, the curse didn't hit me; I summoned a small stone in the way at the last moment," I said while lying through my teeth as the spell very much hit me but the only ones who would know that were Voldeshorts and me. How could the killing curse affect someone with my secret ability I thought as they both gained a look of understanding.

"So I am guessing you stopped him from getting what he was looking for?" I asked while looking at Harry who nodded before saying, "He was looking into the mirror when I arrived wondering how to extract the stone from it. He went as far as making me look into it when I was tied up to see if I could pull the stone out."

"Did you?" Grace asked when he had finished only to receive a shaken head as a response. "When I looked into the mirror I saw myself playing as a seeker for my favourite team." He said while clearly leaving a portion out.

We all headed towards the front of the mirror and Grace read out the inscription along the top of the glass, "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. I wonder what that means." 

"I figured that out," Harry said smugly since he knew something his sister didn't, "If you read it backwards you get 'I show not your face but your heart's desire'"

Grace seemed to understand before stepping in front of the mirror and taking a look at what she desired, "Interesting, I never thought I would be so beautiful when older." That was all she shared even under the pestering of her brother, "I told you mine so tell me what you saw." He stated while trying to convince her but his logic fell short when she retorted, "I only asked if you got or saw the stone. I did not ask you what you desired, that you shared for free."

While the twins were arguing, I slowly walked to stand in front of the mirror before looking towards its clear surface. What I saw at first was what my heart desired most, a simple life passing with Daphne by my side. 

I saw the multitude of children and grandchildren we had surrounding us in our old age but I also saw the aged me reach into his pocket before pulling a blood-red gem out of it letting the light gleam off of it for a second before he placed it back into his pocket with a chuckle.

A weight fell into the pocket he had just placed the stone back into but on my side of the mirror, when I pulled the mysterious object out it was revealed as the blood-red gem.

"Where did you find it?" Grace's voice came from my side bringing me back out of my musings, "I just looked into the mirror and it appeared in my pocket." My reply seemed to confuse them more as they had done the same but the rock didn't appear for them.

Breaking them from their confused thoughts, Dumbledore's voice sounded from the doorway, "That is due to the spell I cast on the mirror. Quite an ingenious one if I do say so myself." He started to step fully into the room while looking towards the three of us and the pile of ash and bones.

"I see the thief has been dealt with." He began only to be interrupted by Harry's inquisitive question, "What spell did you place on the mirror, Headmaster?"

"Well you see Harry my boy, I place an intent-based ward on the mirror. This ward meant that only those who wanted to find the stone but not use it would be able to pull it out of the mirror." The old man chuckled at Harry's face which grew even more confused since he had no intention of using the stone.

"The mirror strengthens the ward meaning that should your subconscious contain even a hint of wanting to use the stone you would be denied." The confused look faded from Harry's face while Grace didn't appear shocked by what Dumbledore revealed.

"Well, I have no need for the gold since I am currently sitting on the largest vault in Gringotts and the extended life has no appeal for me at this particular moment," I said helpfully backing up Dumbledore's explanation, I also handed the red stone to the man at the same time.

"Thank you. I must admit however I am curious about what happened to Professor Snape's challenge, I am under the impression that there were meant to be two fires that blocked the entrance and exit doors." Dumbledore asked while guiding us out of the room and along the corridor leading to the room he mentioned.

"That would be Erik's fault," Grace said while pushing any possible punishment away from herself," Harry had progressed while Ron and Hermione went back to get help." Dumbledore nodded and replied, "Yes I bumped into the pair as they were reaching the Devil Snare room."

"I simply used a technique I learnt from a family tome to unravel the spell," I said backing up the lie I told to Grace earlier, "I noticed an irregularity in the spell and forced the spell apart, causing it to fail." Dumbledore seemed intrigued by my answer but did not press for more, when we reached the chess room, we found Ron and Hermione talking to a freshly awoken Daphne.

I ran up to her and started to squeeze the breath out of her by hugging her tightly, "Never do that again, I was so worried." I said before lowering my voice and whispering, "I stopped most of the force of the blow so there would be no damage. I also protected you with my power before leaving you here so you owe me one."