
Harry Potter: Arcane Instability

Saved from a dying world, a magical monstrosity is thrust into the world of Harry Potter. Not happy with the way that the witches and wizards do things, he acquires four unsuspecting souls to fix the world their way, if not, it will suffer his. A.N. Just because it won't let me tag it as such, the story will have more than one MC, though one MC rules them all. P.S. I don't own anything related to Harry Potter. This is just something fun for me to do to pass the time. The cover photo is not mine, and if the original creator wants me to remove it, I will do so.

GrimsReaper · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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39 Chs

Chapter 24: Revealed

(General POV)

 "Arcturus, please! I-" "SILENCE!" Arcturus growled, interrupting Narcissa's cries for help. He didn't want to hear her speak, especially after he had just learned that her husband had orchestrated an attack on a school full of children. It was unknown if she knew of the attack beforehand, but her questioning could wait while Arcturus dealt with more pressing matters.

"What did you say, Kreacher? Answer me!" Arcturus demanded the little elf, who was staring pointedly at the little black book in Savrin's hand. "Not another one." Kreacher very reluctantly repeated, not daring to disobey his master's order.

 "What do you mean by that, Kreacher? Have you seen another book like this?" Arcturus asked while pointing to the book in Savrin's hand. Shaking his head no, Kreacher replied, "It was no book. But it shares the same dark aura. The same evil." Kreacher was still sitting on Dobby's back, but he was leaning as far away from the book in question as he could while still holding the intruder.

"Just so you know, this is another of Voldemort's horcruxes." Savrin spoke, making Arcturus' eyes widen in shock. Looking around at Sirius and his two captives, Savrin could see the shock in their eyes as well. "What is the other object with the same evil, and where is it located?!" Arcturus demanded an answer from the little elf, who looked to be on the verge of tears. He and Savrin were trying to find the horcruxes in question, and he would stop at nothing to find them and destroy them all.

 "A locket." Kreacher answered, then burst into tears before he rolled off Dobby, who remained where he was on the floor. "Calm down, Kreacher! Where is the locket?!" Arcturus shouted as he tried to calm the sad elf. "Master Regulus- *Sniff!* Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to destroy it, but Kreacher couldn't!" Bawled the little elf, even though his master had commanded him to calm down.

Having enough of watching this, Savrin pulled out a small pouch from his pocket, and after taking out a small pinch of white powder from it, he sprinkled it onto the hysterical elf, and at once Kreacher stopped bawling as he took slow deep breaths, though tears still fell from his eyes.

"You are calm, you are calm." Savrin repeated over and over five times before Kreacher got to his feet and sat in a chair that seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind him. "Now tell me, where is this locket?" Savrin asked the little elf. Pointing at a glass case on the far side of the room, Kreacher said, "In the bottom of the case under some rags."

 Leaving everyone else where they were, Savrin stepped over to the glass case, and sure enough, beneath it was a golden locket with an all too familiar crest engraved on the front of it. 'First it was Rowena's diadem, now Salazar's locket. That can't be a coincidence.' Savrin thought internally, as he felt the presence that belonged to a horcrux.

"How did you come by this, Kreacher?" Savrin asked once he stepped back over to the group. "One day, a year after he had begun serving the Dark Lord, master Regulus came down to the kitchen to see Kreacher. Master Regulus always liked Kreacher, and master Regulus said- he said that the Dark Lord required an elf." Kreacher said even as the tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Voldemort needed an elf?" Sirius repeated, finding it odd that someone who hated beings lower than himself would need the help of an elf. "Oh yes." Moaned Kreacher. "And Master Regulus volunteered Kreacher. It was an honor said Master Regulus. An honor for him and for Kreacher, who must be sure to do whatever the Dark Lord ordered him to do, then come home."

He sobbed before continuing, "So Kreacher went to the Dark Lord." Kreacher explained about how he was taken to the cliffs and into the cave where he was cut and his blood was used to open the door, then how the boat appeared and carried him and the Dark Lord across the black lake to the island where there was a basin.

 "There was a potion in the basin on the island. The dark lord made Kreacher drink it. Kreacher drank, and as he drank he saw terrible things. Kreacher's insides burned. Kreacher called out for Master Regulus to save him. He cried for his mistress Black, but the dark lord only laughed and he made Kreacher drink all the potion. He dropped a locket into the empty basin and filled it with more potion. And then the dark lord sailed away, leaving Kreacher on the island. Kreacher needed water and he crawled to the black lake and drank the water and hands, dead hands came out of the water and dragged Kreacher under the surface."

Kreacher hiccupped a few times, but he didn't shout or become hysterical, he simply paused as though he were catching his breath. Savrin, being the weird demonic entity that he was, held out a cup of water for the little elf, who hesitantly took it and drank in one go. 

 "How did you get away?" Sirius couldn't help but ask. He had been so into the story that when Kreacher paused he almost began shouting for him to continue like some child. "Master Regulus told Kreacher to come back. He told Kreacher to come home, so Kreacher came home." Kreacher answered solemnly.

Everyone remembered how Kreacher had told them the part where Regulus told Kreacher to come back once he was done serving the Dark Lord, and everyone knew how elf magic was different than human magic so no one needed to ask how Kreacher was able to apparate away.

"What happened when you got back? What did regulus say when you told him what happened?" Arcturus asked, wanting to know the answer more than anything at that moment. He was piecing things together, and he had a horrible suspicion about the ending.

 "Master Regulus was very worried. Very worried. Master Regulus told Kreacher to stay hidden and not to leave the house. Then, it was a little while later, Master Regulus came in to find Kreacher in his cupboard one night, and Master Regulus was strange. Not as he usually was. Disturbed in his mind, Kreacher could tell. Then he asked Kreacher to take him to the cave where Kreacher had gone with the Dark Lord. Master Regulus took from his pocket a locket like the one the Dark Lord had. And he told Kreacher to take it, and when the basin was empty, to switch the lockets. Then, he ordered Kreacher to leave without him. And he told Kreacher to go home and never to tell my mistress what he had done, and to destroy the locket. And then he drank all the potion, and Kreacher swapped the lockets, and watched as master regulus was dragged beneath the water." Despite being under the effect of Savrin's calming powder, Kreacher curled in upon himself on the chair and began rocking back and forth. 

 "So you brought the locket home and tried to destroy it?" Savrin asked, hoping to get a bit more information on the sorry tale out of the elf.

"Nothing Kreacher did made any mark upon it. Kreacher tried everything. Everything he knew, but nothing, nothing would work. So many powerful spells upon the casing. Kreacher was sure the way to destroy it was to get inside it. But it would not open. Kreacher punished himself. He tried again. He punished himself. He tried again. He punished himself. Kreacher failed to obey orders. Kreacher could not destroy the locket, and his mistress was mad with grief because master Regulus had disappeared, and Kreacher could not tell her what had happened because Master Regulus had forbidden him to tell any of the family what happened in the cave." Kreacher finished, looking more depressed than ever before.

Savrin was about to ask him more questions when he heard a *Thump!* behind him.

 Turning around, Savrin saw Arcturus sitting limply in a chair with a faraway look in his eyes as he whispered softly, "For thirteen years I've wondered what happened to him. That stupid boy." He seemed sad at the news, but also relieved at finally getting an answer after all these years.

"I always thought he was murdered by Voldemort. Or on Voldemort's orders, but I never thought Regulus would do something like this. He never seemed the type." Sirius said from where he was standing, looking as though he too was thinking hard on the matter.

 "You disgusting little vermin! None of you can be trusted!" Lucius cried out, clearly angry at the fact that another elf had betrayed not only a wizard, but his master.

*Boom!* Before anyone could react, Sirius raised his wand and sent a blast of magic at Lucius that knocked out seven teeth, however the bedding keeping Lucius prisoner was completely fine.

"What are you going to do with them?" Arcturus asked while looking at the bound couple. "Haha, they'll both be dead in a few minutes, so I don't worry about them." Savrin assured, making the hairs on the back of Sirius' neck stand on end. The way he so casually mentioned killing two people was unnerving, even if Sirius believed the two in question were better off dead.

"No, no please! We have a son!" Narcissa cried out, hoping to play on Savrin's emotions. "I know full well who your son is. He's a pompous little windbag who, honestly speaking, should have died a long time ago. If anything, bringing him up only makes me want to kill you even more. Maybe him too just to get rid of your whole family." Savrin said, making all eyes in the room go wide with fright.

 "Surely you don't intend to kill the boy as well?" Arcturus asked worriedly. He knew Savrin was a monster, but he didn't think he would go this far. "And why not?" Savrin asked, not seeing the logic in keeping the boy alive. "He's a child!" Sirius cried out, as though that was all the reason to keep the boy alive.

"Yes, a child with no redeeming qualities. One who has had it ingrained in his mind that he is above everyone else, and treats everyone around him as though they are lucky to breathe the same air as him. If he continues on as he is, he will be just as much of a scumbag as an adult as he is as a child, and I don't see the point in letting him live to adulthood just to kill him then when I can just kill him now." Savrin explained, not giving Sirius or Arcturus a way to respond to that. After all, there wasn't anything they could say to disprove his words.

 "I-I have friends in the Ministry! The Minister of Magic himself is-!" "Is living on borrowed time." Savrin stated while stopping whatever rant Lucius was spieling by making a gag appear in the man's mouth. He had heard enough begging from people like him that it was almost painful to listen to at this point.

"Whatever friends you might have, they too will be joining you, though whether I make their deaths quick or not has yet to be decided. Your death however, I feel as though needs to be public enough that those who've suffered your poison feel as though justice has been served. I did make a promise to Arthur Weasley, after all." Savrin said wickedly as he began thinking of ways to ruin the man's name and status.

He was brought out of his musings when the bound woman began pleading, "Kill me! Kill my husband! But please, don't hurt my son! I'll do anything you want! I'll give you every galleon, sickle, and Knut in our vault! I'll give you everything I have, but please!" The woman sobbed, "Please don't hurt my son!"

 "I will kill you. I will kill your husband. I'll take everything you own down to the last piece of scrap, and there is nothing you can do about it. Your son's life is the same." Savrin said, earning more sobbing from the woman as she turned her attention to Arcturus. "Grand-uncle, please. We share the same blood. We're family!" She pleaded once more.

Arcturus was quiet for a while as he stared at the floor as he pondered what to do. He was broken out of his thoughts when Sirius stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Gramps, I hate Lucius and Narcissa as much as anyone else, but you're not seriously considering killing a kid, are you?" Sirius asked worriedly.

"Be it today or ten years from now, what's the difference? I know it's wrong, but I can't find fault in Savrin's words. The boy is so far gone, I don't think even I could change his views on the world." Arcturus stated in a hollow voice. He hated himself for saying it, but he agreed with Savrin.

He knew all about Draco Malfoy, simply because Lucius would often tell him how horrible things were at Hogwarts from his son's letters. There was also the number of complaints Draco made about the teachers and the curriculum, and though he never openly said it, sharing a school with muggle-born was high on the kid's list of reasons for hating the school.

 "Tell me something." Savrin said, causing the room to fall into a deathly silence as he looked at Narcissa. "Did you know your husband gave this book to Ginny Weasley?" Savrin asked the bound woman. "No!" She refuted immediately.

"So tell me, how did your servant know to warn Harry Potter of a threat to the school while this book was still at your home? Surely your husband didn't talk with this elf about his plans, and if he told your son and he said nothing, wouldn't that mean he is just as guilty as your husband?" Savrin asked, his words silencing the woman as she stared hatefully down at the still trapped Dobby.

Finally after a few moments of thought, she hung her head and answered honestly, "I knew he had given the diary to the Weasley girl, but I didn't know what would happen. I just knew the Dark Lord wanted him to. Draco knew nothing about it."

 Ignoring her answer, Savrin asked another question. "I already know your husband supported Voldemort, but did you?" Savrin could see it in her eyes, hear it in her thoughts, could see that she wanted to deny it to protect her son, but she couldn't. "Yes. I served him willingly." She answered truthfully.

"So you believe in blood supremacy? That you are above muggle-born witches and wizards? That everyone who isn't pureblood needs to serve you or die?" Savrin asked, stating simply exactly what the pureblood movement was all about. "Yes." Narcissa answered, though Savrin could tell she didn't want to admit it.

"Have you ever killed or hurt someone simply because of their status?" Savrin asked. "No!" She answered quickly, but Savrin could see in her mind that she was lying. Though she had never killed anyone, she had hurt people.

She had even ruined the lives of some shop owners because they allowed muggle-born witches and wizards to frequent their establishment. She would often raise her nose in the air as she walked past muggle-born, and would refuse to speak with them. She had even refused to help a muggle-born witch who was being attacked by a pureblood wizard because she believed that was alright.

 "Tsk tsk, Narcissa. Let us be honest here." Savrin scolded humorously before snapping his fingers, and instantly caused Lucius to begin writhing around in agony, his cries of pain muffled by the gag in his mouth.

After causing Lucius a bit of pain, Savrin began to pace around the room as he continued speaking, "So I know you've ruined the lives of a number of muggle-born, and as far as I can tell, you've made no effort in bettering magical society, your country, or the world in anyway shape or form. I am certain your son shares your beliefs, and is already actively trying to put down witches and wizards to make himself feel superior. Knowing all of that, what would I or anyone else gain by keeping your bigoted son alive?" Narcissa was silent as she tried to come up with a reason that she thought might be good enough for the monster in front of her, but try as she might, there was nothing.

 "Wait. I always thought Regulus was irredeemable, but he changed for the better." Sirius said, drawing all eyes to him. He wasn't sure why he was saying this, but after hearing Kreacher's story about Regulus, he knew he couldn't just stand by and do nothing. "I'll take him." Sirius finished, much to Narcissa's delight and Arcturus' worry.

Seeing the frown on Savrin's face, Arcturus silently prayed to whatever God would listen to have Savrin not kill Sirius. "And you think you can change him?" Savrin asked Sirius, who only seemed to shrug his shoulders as he replied, "It won't happen overnight, or maybe it won't even happen in a year, but he deserves a chance. He'll come live here with me and Harry, and I'll show him there is a better way." There was silence for a time as Savrin looked between both Sirius and Narcissa, then finally he fixed his gaze on Dobby.

 "You there, Dobby. I'll leave this decision up to you. Should Draco Malfoy live or die?" Savrin asked the little elf who raised its head in confusion. "You would leave the fate of Dobby's master to Dobby?" The little elf asked in surprise.

"Hmmm… We can't have you be biased when it comes to your master." Savrin said as he gestured towards Narcissa, causing her to be released from her bonds and float over to him. While that happened, Savrin made the dark black curtains hanging on the wall fly over to him as well, and he began to make alterations to them, and in no time at all there was a slick black suit where the curtains used to be.

Turning his focus to Narcissa, Savrin handed her the little suit before pointing to Dobby. "Give that to him, and wish him well as a free house elf." He ordered, but the now freed woman didn't even budge an inch. On the contrary, she seemed stiff as a board and her skin was deathly pale. Most likely she realized that the fate of her son would be in the hands of a creature she had abused and tortured for most of its life, and she couldn't bear the thought of letting it decide the fate of her son when she was sure she already knew what it would say.

 Seeing the woman's reluctance to hand over the suit to the little elf, Savrin smiled wickedly before saying, "If the elf is not free to make his choice, I will make it for him, and I assure you, your son will be joining you rather soon." That did the trick as the woman thrust the little suit into Dobby's hands, making the little elf's eyes go wide in surprise.

"Mistress has given Dobby clothes… Dobby is free!" Dobby cried out in joy as he hugged the little suit close to him. "Yes, yes, you're free. Now, decide whether or not Draco Malfoy should live or die." Savrin said, wanting to know sooner rather than later.

 Hearing his words, Narcissa fell to her knees and bowed her head towards Dobby while muttering, "Please. Please. Please. Please…."

For his part, Dobby looked pointedly at Narcissa for a good minute before looking back to Savrin before asking, "Does Dobby have to decide right now?" Seeing the frown on Savrin's face must have scared Dobby because he quickly added, "It's just, Dobby is free now so wouldn't it be best to answer later? It should only take a short year to think everything out more freely."

Savrin simply stared at Dobby as he thought over the little elf's words. 'What a stupid little elf. I'm not sure if I like him or hate him.' Savrin thought, finding it funny that the little elf had not done what he had hoped and simply wished the boy to be killed. 'Oh well, I can't win them all.' He grumbled before looking down at the still grovelling Narcissa.

"If Sirius agrees to watch over him, Draco Malfoy can continue living. However, I require you to sign over everything you own to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. Your wealth and businesses will fund the muggle-born you so despise. Your home will be sold to the highest bidder, at which point the funds will also go to support muggle-born witches and wizards. Any lands and titles in your family name will be stripped from your son, and upon his graduation from school he will be given one-thousand galleons as an inheritance to make it out on his own in the world. If he does not graduate from Hogwarts, he will receive nothing. Do we have a deal?" Savrin said while extending his hand down to the kneeling woman.

 "You promise to not harm him?" She asked sullenly. "I assure you, I will not harm him unless he continues with his biased ways and hurts people who don't deserve it. Currently, your twisted beliefs and bad parenting is what might doom him, so if I were you, I would use what little time you have left to pray he learns to open his eyes and see the world for what it really is." Savrin told the woman, who nodded her head sadly.

 Ignoring her and everyone else in the room, Savrin walked over to Lucius with a charming smile before asking, "This diary and locket, do you know what they are?" To Savrin's annoyance, Lucius didn't know what they were, which meant he probably had no idea where more of them were, and that was if there were more of them.

So far, if you counted Harry and possibly the diadem in Hogwarts, there were already four horcruxes, and Savrin doubted that was all there was. Turning to look over his shoulder at the still kneeling Narcissa, Savrin asked, "Do you know the names of all of the Death Eaters who never got caught?"

Without bothering to lie, Narcissa shook her head as she answered, "No. I know of a few people, but I didn't bother learning the names of anyone who wasn't in the Dark Lord's inner circle. Same with my husband."

 'That's just like these idiots. They don't even bother learning the names of their underlings.' Savrin grumbled internally. "Do begin writing those names down for me please." Savrin said to Narcissa, making sure to emphasize the point that she didn't have a say on the matter.

With that, there was nothing he really needed from Lucius, so he thought it was about time he did what he set out to do. Holding up a small black pearl that appeared in his hand, making sure no one behind him could see that he was holding the little pearl, Savrin made sure Lucius could see it.

"My dear, Lucius. I can't wait to read all about your public announcements in the paper." Savrin said, then faster than anyone could see, he removed the gag in Lucius' mouth before forcing the little black pearl down his throat. The once hate filled eyes seemed to calm, though they didn't lose their brightness, which meant the little object had done its job.

 With that, Savrin began to say, "You will go with your wife and clear out everything from your vault at Gringotts and see to it that it's given to Hogwarts. You will sign your house over to the school as well as anything inside of it. You will then call the Wizengamot to order as well as a number of reporters from the Daily Prophet. You will announce everything I tell you to." Savrin went on a big list of things Lucious would need to admit before he finally finished with him.

After that, Savrin teleported the man back to his estate so he could carry out the next steps to his plan. "As for you Narcissa" Savrin began after appearing beside her. "You will also admit to being a follower of Voldemort. You will admit to the murder of Bartemius Crouch on October 12th of last year because he had seen you and your husband's reactions at Sirius' trial and had questioned you. You will apologize for everything you've done, then you will kill yourself so you don't have to suffer the dementor's kiss or being thrown through the veil of death like your husband. Or you could take the kiss if you want, but you will not spend time in Azkaban. I have a lovely little poison here that is quick, painless, and it supposedly tastes like the drinkers favorite sweet. It's up to you." Savrin finished up with a sickeningly kind smile, almost as if he were doing her a favor.

"The poison." She whispered softly. Taking out a small bottle, Savrin removed the lid before taking out a shining white pill the size of a tic tac. "It will kill you exactly three seconds after swallowing, so be sure to not bite it and keep it under your tongue or something until you wish to die." Savrin informed the woman, who again nodded solemnly.

"Can I say good-bye to my son?" She finally asked after a moment of silence. "I'm afraid that isn't possible." Savrin told her, then added, "However, I have recording crystals. You can record any message you wish for him, and I'm sure Arcturus or Sirius could give it to him later when he is grieving over your death. Be warned however, should you reveal anything involving me, I will have no choice but to kill him."

The woman only nodded her head before taking the crystal that was offered to her, then appeared back at her estate. Savrin let her speak into the crystal for a good half of an hour before she finally finished, at which point Lucius appeared in the room with a number of documents in hand.

 After finishing up his business, Savrin returned to Grimmauld Place where a grim-faced Arcturus and Sirius were sitting in the drawing room where he had left them. Funny enough, Dobby was still standing right where he had been, still clutching his new suit.

"Elf, go clean yourself and put on those clothes. You already look ugly enough as it is." Savrin informed Dobby, who immediately ran into another room to do as he was told. "Why is that thing still in my house?" Arcturus couldn't help but ask.

"Well, he did try to warn Harry and save him. And he is free now, so he could come and work for us if he wanted to." Sirius answered his grandfather's question, even though he wasn't necessarily the one that the question was directed to.

"You want to have him work for us when you agreed to take care of one of his former masters? I thought you wanted to help improve the boy, not keep him like he is." Arcturus said, not seeing how hiring Dobby could be beneficial to Draco.

"He could serve Harry, that way he is not beholden to Draco. Harry isn't going to mistreat him, and the last thing in the world he would do is let Draco hurt him. Plus he already tried to save Harry, so I feel like I could trust him." Sirius explained, making some bit of sense.

"That's not a bad idea. But first you have to see if the elf even wants to-" Arcturus was cut-off when Dobby appeared in front of him now wearing a slick little black suit and shouted, "Dobby would love to serve the great Harry Potter! It would be such an honor!" The little elf looked so happy, Arcturus could only let out a sigh as he agreed.

 Savrin meanwhile had watched everything with a blank expression, and after Dobby was officially granted permission to be Harry's house-elf, he turned his attention to the other elf in the room, who was still under the effects of the calming-powder.

"Take me to the cave where Regulus died." Savrin told Kreacher, who only sniffled sadly before climbing off the chair and hobbling over to Savrin.

""I'm coming too!"" Both Sirius and Arcturus started at the same time. Savrin didn't care one way or the other, and soon enough they were all standing next to a stone wall.

"It requires blood to enter beyond this point." Kreacher said sadly as he raised his hand, almost as if he knew it was going to be his blood they used. Savrin however had no intention of offering blood to anyone, so instead he pointed his index finger at the wall before it and all of the stone for ten feet around it was turned to dust, leaving the pathway open for them.

 When they got to the black lake, Savrin once more extended his hand out, but rather than a boat coming out of the water or a bridge appearing to the small island where the basin was, the little island itself was pulled towards them, almost as if it was floating on the water. Once it was close enough that they could step on it, Savrin did just that and moved to the pedestal that had the dark potion that Kreacher had told them about.

Without saying anything, Savrin once more pointed a finger at the basin, at once turning it into nothing but ash, and there on the ground lay a small golden locket similar to the locket horcrux Savrin found earlier in 12 Grimmauld Place.

Ignoring the locket on the ground, Savrin conjured a ball of fire in each hand, then began raining balls of fire all over the lake, killing the inferi beneath its surface. Savrin didn't stop raining fire down for almost five minutes, at which point he was certain there wasn't a single inferi (a dead body reanimated by a wizard) down below.

 Not stopping with just the undead in the water, Savrin unleashed pillars of white light on the cavern walls, removing every trace of magic that had been placed here by a wizard. "Okay, I'm done." Savrin informed the others who weren't even paying attention to him or what he had done. Instead they were looking at a skeleton that was floating in the air beside them.

Savrin was going to ask what the skeleton was doing there, but then he remembered the story about Regulus being dragged under the water, which meant this was most probably his skeleton. Deciding to help them out, Savrin pulled the floating bones into a bag, then handed it off to Sirius, who looked at the bag with tears running down his face. "I'm sorry." Savrin heard Sirius whisper softly as he clutched the bag of bone close to his chest.

 Before anyone knew what happened, they were back in 12 Grimmauld Place with no idea how they got there, though they knew who had brought them here.

"Kreacher." Arcturus said as he looked down to the still saddened house elf. "It was for you that Regulus fought back against Voldemort. It was for you he gave up his life. I think he would have wanted you to have this." Arcturus said as he held out the locket Regulus had placed in the basin in the cave to the little elf in question.

Kreacher expected a lot of things from his master, to be cast out of house Black, tortured and killed, or simply punished, but he was not expecting to be given Regulus' locket, especially considering it was a priceless Black family heirloom.

Arcturus and Sirius had already taken the note Regulus left for Voldemort out of it back in the cave, and it now rested firmly in Sirius' grasp, so the locket was meaningless to them, save for its value, but neither of them cared about that.

 Kreacher was weeping as he held the locket as though it was his greatest treasure, but that wasn't the only thing Arcturus had for him. "I am glad you were there with Regulus in his final moments. You helped me to know what kind of a man he truly was, and I am thankful I am now able to give him a proper good-bye. House Black is honored to have you in it." Arcturus said, praising the little elf more than he had ever been praised before in his life.

"As touching of a moment as this is, there is still the matter of the horcruxes. After tonight, I have two in my possession, with a good idea where a third one is. Including the one we took out of the boy, that makes four. I don't know exactly how many times Voldemort split his soul, but there can't be too many more of them out there." Savrin said, reminding them all of the reason he had been on the move in the first place.

 "Can you destroy them?" Arcturus asked, earning a deadpanned look from Savrin. "The question isn't whether or not I can destroy them, but how many more of them are out there. I know from past research that ten is the maximum number of times a soul can be split, so if we plan for the worst, I would say we have six more to go. However these could be all there is, but we won't know unless we find Voldemort himself and see if he actually dies." Savrin explained, getting a thoughtful "hmmm" from Arcturus.

"Couldn't you use the horcruxes you already have to find the others?" Sirius asked curiously, wondering if that was even possible. "No, the soul isn't as easy to track as blood or aura. There are rituals that help in locating these sorts of things, but the window to find them is so small that I think I would only be able to find one each year." Savrin said as he looked at the two horcruxes in question, when something hit him.

"Well, there might actually be a way, but that would depend on whether or not Voldemort was an idiot when he made this." Savrin said as he looked at the Diary.

 He remembered how Ginny had been writing to a younger Tom Riddle, who just so happened to be Voldemort. If Voldemort had planned any of splitting his soul as a child, they could try and ask the soul piece put into the diary to see if he could tell them.

Deciding to do just that, Savrin moved over to the desk by the window that Harry often used to study, then grabbed the ink and quill before he opened the diary to the first page, which was blank. Knowing he couldn't very well tell the diary that he was the headmaster of Hogwarts, Savrin decided it was best to choose someone who Voldemort wouldn't suspect of doing wrong, thus he began to write, "My name is Draco Malfoy."

"You can't say you're Draco! What if he doesn't want to hurt one of his underlings' children?!" Sirius admonished, thinking this was never going to work now. However, he was proven wrong when the words Savrin had written disappeared into the page and new words replaced them.

"Hello, Draco Malfoy. I am Tom Riddle." 

Hey, sorry for the late release! I was preoccupied for a good portion of the day, and wasn't able to get to my laptop. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, even though not a whole lot happens in it. I keep wanting to go back to the school and do the founder POV, but the characters are just not doing what I want them to do. Hopefully they'll listen to me soon and I'll be able to write something funny, so until then, I'll give you this chapter. ENJOY!

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