
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 936: Angry Harry

Sit down, Mr. Potter!" Professor Umbridge said coldly.

Harry gasped, didn't listen to her, and stared at Umbridge.

"Very good, very good, let me figure out a few things."

Umbridge stood up from the chair, his body facing forward, and the short palms of both fingers pressed against the podium.

"I know what you want to say, someone tells you that a black wizard is dead and resurrected..."

undefined"He is not dead!" Harry said angrily. "But yes, he is back now!"

"Shut up, Mr. Potter, you have let your college lose a lot, don't get things worse," Bird Ritchie said this in one breath, and he didn't look at Harry in his eyes. "As I As I said earlier, someone told you that a black wizard has come out again, but I want to tell you that this is nonsense."

"This is not a nonsense!" said Harry. "I and Ivan saw him at the time. I still wrestled with him!"

"Gryffindor is deducted very much, Mr. Potter!" Professor Umbridge said proudly. "Mr. Mason never said this..."

"But it, I don't care, I just want to tell the truth!" Harry shouted.

There was a discussion in the classroom, everyone looked at Harry and wondered what happened after he and Ivan disappeared that day.

Although Dumbledore told everyone that Voldemort had returned, no one wanted to believe it.

But after that, Cedric did not transfer to school. Some people said that he was dead. Some people said that he became a monster. Others saw the dementors and the Death Eaters who were considered dead for a long time in the castle. Everyone wanted to. Find out what's going on.

"Don't be like this, Harry!" Hermione whispered, her face full of worries.

She hopes that Harry will not continue to talk about it. It is not appropriate at the moment. It is only angering Umbridge.

"Closed, Mr. Potter!" Professor Umbridge said slyly. "I am at my office at five o'clock in the evening. I will say it again. This is nonsense. The Ministry of Magic guarantees that you will not come from The danger of any black wizard. If you still have doubts, be sure to find me after class. If someone scares you with the ghost of the black wizard and resurrected, I would love to hear it. Remember, me and the Ministry of Magic. Always ready to help you, I am your friend. Ok, don't ask questions any more, please continue reading the basic principles of getting started on page 5."

Professor Umbridge sat down behind her podium, but Harry stood there all the time.

Ron seemed to be stunned, and Hermione wanted to pull him down, but it didn't work.

The classmates looked at him with a dull look. Everyone looked half-afraid and half curious.

"Harry, don't, beg you, don't do this!" Hermione pulled his sleeve.

But Harry glanced at his arm and didn't want her to touch herself.

"So, according to you, Cedric Diggory is himself a vampire? Mr. Batty Crouch is also dead himself? And the day's game, Death Eater Batty Crouch... ..." Harry's voice trembled slightly.

The class took a breath of air at the same time. Except for Ron and Hermione, none of them heard that Irving and Harry talked about what happened to Cedric's disappearance and the truth about his transfer. Did he become a vampire? ? !

This is big news, the news of Tianda is as shocking as the return of Voldemort.

Harry shouldn't say anything about it, it just makes things worse.

The whole class eagerly looked at Harry and wanted to get more information from him.

Umbridge also raised his eyes and stared at Harry, and no smirk could be seen on his face.

"The thing in Cedri Kedigori is an unfortunate accident." She said coldly, "those vampires..."

"They are obeying Voldemort's orders!" Harry interrupted, huddled and said, "The three of us were transferred to the door key. Voldemort originally wanted to kill him. Voldemort used Avada for him. Claiming..."

"Shut up, Mr. Potter, I have no interest in your mixed story!" Umbridge's face was expressionless, looking at Harry, as if to see him through, and then she used that kind of The most gentle, most snoring girl said in general, "Oh, yes, Mr. Potter, dear, come over!"

Harry kicked the chair aside, bypassing Ron and Hermione and heading for the podium.

He is so angry that he doesn't care what happens next.

Professor Umbridge took a roll of pink parchment from her handbag, spread it out on the podium, smashed it in the ink bottle with her feather pen, and hurriedly wrote it. She leaned over the podium, so Harry couldn't see what she was writing.

No one spoke. After a minute or so, she rolled up the parchment.

After tapping with her wand, the parchment was automatically sealed, making it impossible for Harry to open it.

"Dear, take this to Professor McGonagall." Umbridge handed the parchment to Philip, "Go now!"

Harry didn't say a word, took the parchment from her hand, didn't look back and saw Ron and Hermione left the classroom. The backhand closed the door heavily, leaving a group of people sitting in the classroom, the atmosphere dignified.

"Very good, classmates, please keep quiet now, continue reading the basic principles of getting started on page 5." Umbridge said with a sly voice, his face reappeared with a satisfied smile.

I didn't need to eat dinner at all. Ivan knew from other people what happened in the fifth-grade Defence Against the Dark Arts class, because this scene was seen all over the classroom by Pippi, and he almost went out for the first time.

"Cedric becomes a vampire!"

"Porter personally said that the devil whose name cannot be mentioned is back!"

"Stupid baby Potter and Professor Umbridge are facing each other in class, openly resisting the Ministry of Magic!"

Pippi ghost even issued his own strengths, compiled a song, "Oh, many people think that his temper, Potter, Potter, silly baby, some people are not bad, know that he is just too sad, Pippi The ghost is the clearest, he is crazy. Oh, Potter, Potter, Silly Baby!"

The Pippi ghost suddenly broke into the cursing class teacher, with a smirk on his face, said everything, and then left the wall directly.

He used the fastest time to shuttle around the school, which was a big problem in the school.

The atmosphere in the classroom was boiling like boiling water. Everyone was unwilling to attend classes and they were discussing this matter.

Together, Ai Wen once again became the focus of attention.

Because on that day, only he disappeared with Harry, witnessing the whole process of the incident...

Ai Wen had a headache, and Harry was really impulsive. He obviously did not play a role in Hermione and Ron.

What made him even more troubled was that because of his morning performance, Harry seemed to be angry and didn't plan to talk to him!

When he was having dinner, he saw Ai Wen coming over and angered and took the bag directly away, leaving others to look at Ai Wen.

It would be normal for this kind of thing to happen to Ron, but Harry was here for the first time...