
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 657: Unexpected expansion

Door key?!"

"This news is absolutely correct. As for Batty Crouch's specific approach, he did not say, I did not ask." Carresis continued, "I can't get an answer anyway, I just have to do it." Ok, I can do it."

The Hogwarts Castle was given a variety of magic to prevent intrusion, and the wizards could not be seen in this apparition.

Therefore, the door key is the only way to bring Harry out of the public.

Avon didn't know what the original plan of Batty Crouch was, what he wanted Ron to be a warrior.

undefinedSince the plan has changed, these have become unimportant.

What is now certain is that he is prepared to take action in the second match and use the door key to take Harry out of Hogwarts.

Is he planning to involve Harry directly into the game? !

Still holding everyone's attention to the game, unexpectedly attacking Harry suddenly? !

The second game was to let the Warriors go to the lake to find the most valued person. Ron should be Harry.

Working in the depths of the lake can really be unobtrusive.

Considering that Voldemort will not want to return to the news of his return, it is necessary to spread the entire magic world and maintain proper concealment.

Doing hands under the lake can also make Dumbledore not react so quickly.

Some time ago, Little Batty Crouch took advantage of the accident in the first game and proposed that the Ministry of Magic send people to arrange the venue. Hogwarts must not intervene. So, he seems to have planned.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to arrange the venue, hiding the door key under the water, trying to take Harry away.

There is no problem in the whole process, but there is still a question in Irving that needs to be clarified.

That is why Voldemort suddenly became so anxious that Little Batty Crouch had to change his plan.

Even with the risk of exposure, through the flight network to Hogwarts to inform Carreuse.

He has been hiding in the forests of Albania for so many years, so he can't wait for such a time.

"Why is Voldemort so anxious?" Aiwen asked. "What happened?"

"The bad news is really one after another. The specific situation is unknown. The Dark Lord will not tell me his plan. So, we can only guess now, do you want to hear it?" Carresis said, leaving the rest of the cup. The dragon's blood is drunk.

He looked up at Ai Wen, and he tried to smack the blood of his mouth, which looked extraordinarily strange.

Although he is still Moody's, but at that moment, Ai Wen felt the blue eyes flash a red light.

With this picture, it is enough to make the vampire a heresy, and it is more evil than the black wizard.

Imagine if the cup is filled with dragon blood, but human blood.

The blood of a powerful wizard is far more attractive to vampires than dragon blood.

"Talk about it!" Ivan and Carresis looked at each other.

"This is just my own idea. I think the problem should be on the statue that was brought back from the remains of the horse."

"Church of the evil spirit?!" Ai Wen said in amazement, raising a bad feeling.

"Oh, do you call that monster a evil god?!" Carresis looked at Evan and said slowly, "That was the terrible creature left in ancient times. In a sense, it can indeed be called God, because their power has far exceeded humanity."

"What did Voldemort do with the statue?!" Evanton paused. "Is he not going to summon evil spirits?!"

"I don't know!" Carresis shook her head. "It is only a possibility to summon the monster on the statue, but I think he should not do it because he does not have enough power to control the monster and summon it. It's just self-destruction."

Indeed, Voldemort is not a fallen horse, he will not foolishly believe in evil spirits and summon it.

In doing so, there is no benefit to Voldemort himself.

The evil spirits need countless flesh and blood and destruction, and they are enemies of all human beings.

Voldemort needs to rule the magic world and even the whole world, let others surrender to him, not complete destruction.

"He should communicate with the evil spirits on the statue through some kind of secret technique, reach an agreement or know something, so he will become so anxious." Carresis said, "Speak up, this matter I also blame me. When I brought the statue back, I checked it. There was no power at the time. It was just an ordinary wood statue. I didn't expect it."

In the remains of the fallen horses, Ai Wen entered the spiritual world created by the evil spirits.

At the last moment, "The Book of Abraham" brought the horrible evil **** to the seal of the power of the real world, cutting off the connection between the statue and the body of the evil spirit in the void. The statue has become an ordinary woodcarving.

But as the only thing that the evil spirit communicates with the real world, there may be some secrets left on it, which was discovered by Voldemort.

Similarly, the wicked gods who failed in succession also need the help of Voldemort to help him come to the world.

Double-issue may use each other, and finally see who is more sophisticated.

Ivan had some guesses before, and Voldemort would unite with the evil spirits to become stronger. Now it seems that things are going in the worst direction. He thinks that Professor Trelawney's prophecy last year, Voldemort will return unimaginable power.

Will it be the power of evil spirits? !

It really exceeded the imagination of the world, directly turning Voldemort into a monster from the most dangerous black wizard in history.

A Voldemort that divides the soul is enough to make Evan and Dumbledore do their best to eliminate it.

If you add the power of evil spirits, Ai Wen can only pin his hopes on the secret treasures left by the Big Four.

"Some time ago, he asked my people to find the information left by the ancient warlocks in the remains of the world." Carresis continued. "They brought him back a lot of ancient slate engraved with ancient magic, he Maybe I know something from inside, I am worried"

"What do you bring back to Voldemort, are you not sure?!"

"In fact, I really don't know!" Carresis smiled bitterly, her pale face flashed a little tired. "My ethnicity is not a piece of iron. How to say, face the attitude of that guy, there is still In dealing with other vampire clan battles, many people think that my approach is a bit conservative in the past, they are not very much in favor, this time actively contact the Dark Lord."