
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1309: Goalkeeper trial

Ai Wen and Hermione are sitting near the goal, and all the students waiting for the competition goalkeeper are waiting in line.

So, they also saw Ron, who was green with the same color as Harry.

Ron's reaction was unexpected, and his heart's ability to withstand it was not easy.

However, he can't control his trembling now, and he may be mad.

Not far from him, McLaggan publicly commented on the performance of each student who participated in the selection. He said that some ugly evaluations and rumors without facts were really upset, and I didn't know if it was intentional. McLaggan's main commentary focused on Ron and kept saying that he had anecdotes during the semester...

undefinedRon should have heard it, because McLaggen's voice was loud and seemed to be deliberately told to him.

He can now hold back and not rushed in to beat each other, mainly because McLaggen Gryffindor seniors.

In addition, his scale is not bad, there is no sarcasm Ron named.

But what he said, what fell from the broom, missed all the balls, and even the left and right direction could not be distinguished. It was Ron's performance last semester.

"This guy is really annoying!" said Hermione, and she and Ivan also heard the words of McLag.

"It's really annoying. I dare say that Harry definitely won't want to have such a guy in the team..." Ai Wen nodded.

Deliberately demeaning others to raise themselves, McLaggen is very inferior.

He kept mentioning Ron's poor performance during the last semester, which put pressure on Ron to influence his play.

After getting away from Harry and getting special care from the back door, this is probably his plan. It sounds like the style of Slytherin College, but most of the politicians and the pure-blood wizard family are all the same, Mike. It's no surprise that Lagan can do this!

It seems that he has learned these methods from the uncles of his senior officials of the Ministry of Magic and can use them flexibly.

The only difference between the pure-blooded wizarding family and the politician's family is probably that they are not so extreme, and they think that the pure-blood glory, the pure-blooded wizards, and other extreme ideas, they often put their own interests first.

What the two sides have in common is that they don't care how dirty the means are. If they are easy to use, they can help them succeed.

Five minutes after the selection of the batter, the goalkeeper's trial began.

As before, most of the students who participated in the selection did not perform well. The top five players only saved at most two goals.

The sixth game was Komike McLaggen. Surprisingly, he successfully saved the first three goals. Alicia, Riche and Demirza, and the Gryffindor team's three chasers were attacked by him. It was easy to stop, and there was no attack on Ginny and Elaine.

Although McLaggen is very annoying, he has to admit that he is still very strong.

Regardless of those means, his own strength and Ron also have a fight.

Judging by the unprofessional Quidditch level of Irvine, McLaggen's technique may not be as good as Ron's state, but it is better than Ron's performance most of the time, enough to be the position of the goalkeeper. Strong opponent.

Ginny started serving. If he saved all the balls, then Ron's chances of becoming a goalkeeper would be small.

"We should help Ron..." said Hermione, but she immediately shook her head. "No, can't do that!"

"what are you planning to do?"

"I suddenly wanted to not use him to use the confusion spell, so that he couldn't tell the direction, so he couldn't stop the ball." Hermione said, her face turned red. "But we can't do this. This is not a good thing." Glorious, will affect the fairness of the selection..."

At this time, Hermione actually thought of fairness first.

This is the place where the decent witches are weak, too particular about principles and rules, and always worry about whether their means are fair and honest.

However, Ivan's understanding of Hermione, if the situation is really a crisis, she is the one who can make the most determination.

In other words, if Ivan changed to Ron's position, Hermione might have used the confusion spell.

"Don't worry, you don't have to directly interfere with the trials. I don't think he can pass Ginny and Elaine."

Sure enough, as Ai Wen said, Ginny's ball angle is very rough.

She lured McLaggen to the left goal, letting him think she would shoot. But Ginny made a beautiful turn in the air, flying the right side at the fastest speed, and throwing the ball in. The ghost ball flew in the direction of McLaggan's fingertips, and he glanced at Ginny.

By Elaine, McLagren became significantly more cautious, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the fire arrow.

After a few laps, there was a gap in his defense, and Elaine easily put the ball in.

"I protest!" McLaggan said wickedly, flying straight to Harry. "The two brooms are too good."

"The broom is also part of Quidditch's strength, and it's the same for all the people who participated in the selection." Harry said, he didn't take care of McLaggan's protest, "Okay, next!"

McLaggan bites his teeth and retreats to the side. What Harry said is justified. It is just as fair to everyone.

If Ginny and Elaine stayed on the same level, no one of them could stop.

Unless that person's broom can be as good as a fire arrow or an asterisk, the speed is as fast...

And this person is Ron, the flying broom in his hand is the star, except for Ginny.

In this way, the situation is very beneficial to him, and Ron is the thirteenth player.

The people behind McLaggen played very unusually. No one can stop three balls.

When Ron was on the court, Lavende was the loudest voice in the stands.

Slytherin came to watch the small area of ​​the trial, and spontaneously sang the song "Weasley is our king."

Because the rhythm is very good, very soon, many students from other colleges sang along.

The singing voice and the noisy laughter will drown the sound of cheering.

In the middle of the field, Harry wanted to shut up these Slytherins or drive them out, but he couldn't do it.

He was a little afraid to see Ron's performance, afraid to see him miss all the balls.

But he felt that as a captain, he should be more courageous and turned his face to watch Ron's candidacy.

In fact, there is no need to worry at all. Although Ron looks very nervous, he plays very well.

In a cheer, he saved one, two, three, four free throws...

Now, only Elaine has not served yet, but Ron has beaten McLaggan and won the trial!