
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1215: Change history again

With regard to the Raven's claws involved in this excavation, Avon did not get any information before, and it is not clear that they were mixed into the excavation team.

Well, the madmen have been colluded with the ancient Egyptian gods imprisoned in the remains.

If this is the case, it is really troublesome!

To some extent, the members of the Raven's claws are much more terrible than the Death Eaters.

Because of the search for ancient ruins all over the world, they hold a lot of magical magic that has been extinct, and for the so-called end of the world and the reward of the master, these crazy guys are not afraid of death.

undefinedThe Death Eaters will also consider for their own benefit, and the members of the Raven's claws are brainwashed very successfully.

This evil dark organization is similar to the Muggle cult to some extent, and its organizational structure is also very secret.

"The Raven's claws have publicly announced their allegiance to the Dark Lord's head a month ago, so they appear here to indicate that the Dark Devil's head appears here. I don't know what he wants to get from this ancient Egyptian ruin. I heard that. There are strong weapons inside."

"Yeah!" Ai Wen nodded and nodded.

There is indeed a very strong weapon, but that is the death of Ramses II to destroy this cage.

As for the outside rumors, there are "Sun Jinjing" in the ruins, which is simply nonsense.

This is a prison, not the treasure house of Ramses II.

"In the past two months, there have been dozens of dark organizations that have declared loyalty to the Dark Devils like the Ravens' claws. They are all over the world, newly established, and exist for many years. They are all now The Dark Devils are regarded as their evil leaders. The earthquake that occurred in Japan before can also be determined for them. Do you understand that the current situation is a lot worse?" Elena sipped her bitter coffee in one breath. Put the cup on the table heavily. "The Ministry of Magic is self-sufficient, so in this case, don't expect any support to help us. The rescue of the sun's remains depends on us."

"Where is your rescue progress? How strong is that demon?" asked Ai Wen.

If the things given by Ramses II are effective, he can command the demon.

What he is worried about now is the gods in the cage, not sure if they have the opportunity to escape.

If you escape, you can only think of other methods, such as the time converter to return to the past is not to change history.

At the time of separation, Ramses II specifically mentioned this, and he seemed to expect something...

Also, where are they in Ravier? Ivan has not seen them until now, and the alchemists can leave first. Egyptian wizards like Ravier and Pendulum have no reason not to be in the sun. They should stay and participate in the rescue.

"Rescue!" Elena snorted disdainfully and scornfully said, "There is no rescue at all, the coward!"

"what is the problem?"

"They are afraid of the demon and dare not go to the room with the obelisk." Elena said angrily. "I told the demon situation we met in Dijon before and they wanted to let them understand." The devil is actually not terrible, but it is of no use. No one listens to me at all. They always evade the lack of staff, the information they understand is insufficient, the materials are insufficient, and so on."

Indeed, the demon servant left by the most powerful ancient warlock Ramses II, and the demon summoned by the demon altar built by the wizards of the little place, the little place, are completely incomparable, but the rescue team is It's so far away, there's no stopping at all, and it's really impossible to say.

"If you didn't enter the secret room for rescue, the wounded outside..."

"All of them are adventurers on the periphery of the ruins. Those guys didn't see any demons at all. They just said that the whole building was shaking at the time. There were a lot of defensive magic boots. All of them were scared to the ground and chanted this. It's the anger of Pharaoh, they shouldn't come here to dig out his temple." Jelena said, "Since I came here, I've been discussing action strategies, endless discussions, and now I've started It's a day, and there's no action. For this, I've been quarreling with the coward for countless times."

"So, those excavation teams and alchemists..." Ai Wen frowned, not expecting such a situation.

For more than 20 days, the victims who could have been rescued are now more than fierce.

"All in the room with three obelisks, life and death are unknown, what is the specific situation inside, we don't know." Elena said, patted the table hard, "I thought you were inside, past view Many times, but now the entire sun ruins collapsed, the roads were all blocked, and various landslides continued to happen. Sirius asked me to wait for him to move again. He seemed to be coming from Dumbledore. Things can enter, but now it's gone! Right, almost forgot, I have to write to him."

She stood up and pulled out two quills and a large roll of parchment inside the drawer of the table.

"You also write a letter to your friends, they must be worried about it!" She said, half of it to Ai Wen.

Ai Wen's mind is not writing, and after learning enough information, he is ready to use the time converter!

Otherwise, in this case, there is simply no way to complete the commission of Ramses II.

Since the time converter is used, and there is a Horus eye modification rule, this timeline will be void.

That is to say, things that have happened in the past two months have not happened. Hermione and Sirius will not know what happened to Ai Wen, and Jelena will not go to Egypt to carry out any rescue, Ramses II. The demon servant will not be summoned.

As for the conspiracy of Voldemort and the Raven's claws, let them go to hell!

Before time comes back to the call, Avon will solve all the troubles, destroy the sun's remains and destroy the cage.

"Oh, the situation is complicated now. The rescue team is understaffed and no one wants to fight the demon." Elena's white face had an unusual blush, and she lowered her voice and said, "I have listened to the guys. Behind the discussion, they have given up those people inside, and for so long, it is estimated that they are also fierce."

"No accident, it should be like this..."

"They intend to close the entire sun ruins. This is what the Egyptian Ministry of Magic and Gringotts mean. They seem to find a lot of information, find information about the demon, think it is not war, don't want it to come out." Na's voice was lower, and her right hand was tightly held. "They are sending people to destroy this ruin, ready to bury it all. Those wicked cowards, if I find evidence, I must go to the international wizard's court. Accuse them."