
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

Chapter 159: Death that will never be absent

In the forbidden forest at night, it was dark and silent.

By tracking the help of the pharmacy, Ai Wen could feel that the little dwarf Peter was in front, his speed was slow, but he kept moving forward.

On the winding road, his blood spots were still scattered.

"Fluorescent flashing!" A crisp, subtle sound, the end of Ai Wen's wand faint.

He hurried forward and walked for about ten minutes. There was no other sound besides the broken branches and the rustling of the leaves. Around him, the old trees that have grown over the centuries have become more dense, and the stars on the top of the head are invisible. If it weren't for the help of a follow-up pharmacy, Aiwen even thought he had chased each other.

undefinedIn the ancient forbidden forest, Ai Wen's wand was solitary in the endless darkness, and he found that the little dwarf Peter had deviated from the path.

After crossing a mossy stump, he could hear the sound of the flowing water.

Obviously, there is a stream in the vicinity.

By the faint light at the end of the wand, Avon saw the figure of the little dwarf Peter disappear behind a towering banyan tree. He clenched his wand and hurriedly chased him up. Although anxious, but can not go very fast, the ground is full of roots and stumps, blocking the road, can not see under the dark light.

Alvin's clothes were hung by the low branches and thorns nearby, and he noticed that the nearby ground was tilting downwards, even though the trees were as dense as before.

Suddenly, he slammed down and held his wand firmly on his chest.

He could feel that, besides himself and the little dwarf Peter, there was something that was approaching quickly, accompanied by a strange sound of groaning, gliding on the fallen leaves near him.

Ai Wen had to be careful. He heard Hagrid said that there are many dangerous and magical animals in the Forbidden Forest.

He concentrated his magic on the wand and squinted forward, carefully walking a few steps forward.

The little dwarf Peter has stopped and hid behind the banyan tree in front of him.

While Avon approached the banyan tree, under the faint fluorescence of the wand, he suddenly saw a huge, astounding monster with a slanted shadow appearing on the ground. He didn't even have time to turn around, a long, furry thing grabbed his waist and hung his face down in the air.

Ai Wen struggled and waved his wand!

He heard the sly voice again, it was the monster that caught him, he was being dragged into the dark bush by the other side.

At the moment when Avon was attacked, the little dwarf Peter was hiding behind a huge banyan tree.

He gasped heavily, his broken right hand wrapped in a robe, and he suffered a serious injury, making him almost dying.

The boundless darkness enveloped him, and he felt that he was dying, and his unprecedented fear was in his heart.

He didn't understand why things were going to the point where they are today, and his plot was seamless. But since the twelve-year-old boy was met in Lupin's office, the situation began to turn sharply. He even had to use the magic that the Dark Lord taught him, the taboo black magic.

The last time he used this magic, he paid a finger at the cost.

This time, he paid a palm, the strong resentment of the black magic and the enormous power of the explosion, so that he did not even have the strength to move now.

The weird voice passed over, and the little dwarf Peter struggled to raise his head.

The frightened little eyes bulged outward, and he seemed to see something crawling down the tree.

The weird sound is getting closer and closer, and that thing is just above his head.

This unknown monster seems to be attracted by the smell of blood on his body.

The little dwarf Peter wanted to escape, but his body was weak and weak. He fell back and fell back, sweaty and panicked on his face, and he wrote fear in his life.

He didn't know what the monster was approaching above his head, but he knew that welcoming himself would be death, which was the price he deserved.

The little dwarf Peter doesn't remember how many nightmares he has done. He has been waiting for this day since he sold James and Lily to Voldemort.

Now, death has finally come to him!

He remembered his childhood, the fairy tale "Shi Wen Pei Dou Story Collection" that his mother would read for himself every night before going to bed.

He still remembers the story he was most impressed with, the story about the "three brothers' legends." The content of the story, Peter has forgotten almost, but there is a sentence inside, but he will always remember: Death may be late, but will never be absent.

If you are destined to meet death, the little dwarf Peter only hopes that this process will not be too painful.

Alvin's head hangs in the air, and he leans over his wand.

The end of the wand glowed red, and the monster behind him was shot and flew out, and Avon fell heavily on the ground.

He hurriedly climbed up, only to see this guy who just grabbed himself.

This monster has eight long, bizarre, sweaty thin legs, and above it is a pair of gleaming black sables.

Behind it, there is a monster like this, who is watching him with a lot of scary black eyes.

These two monsters look like spiders, but not the little spiders that have hurriedly crawled through the leaves, but the horses that each have a cart, eight eyes, eight legs, dark, hairy Sen's behemoth.

It is an eight-eyed giant spider! ! !

It was terrible, and Ai Wen was fiercely aware of what he had encountered. The little dwarf Peter fled with no choice but to bring them into the territory of the eight-eyed spider.

According to the book "Where is the Magical Animal", the eight-eyed spider is a huge, ferocious spider with eight eyes, perched in a dense jungle covered with thick black hair; adult spider The legs stretch to the sides and span up to fifteen feet.

They also secrete venom, are terrifying carnivores, and eat almost everything.

Ai Wen knows that there are eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest. They are all descendants of the Aragog raised by Hagrid. Hagrid even wanted to find a spouse for his furry friend to breed. He still remembers in the book "Where is the Magical Animal?", the eight-eyed giant spider can reach one hundred eggs at a time.

Spawning several times a year for 50 years, the eight-eyed giant spider in the forbidden forest can reach a terrible number!

Evan clenched his wand, and the two guys did not immediately come up.

Maybe they are observing the weakness of Avon, maybe they feel dangerous, maybe they are waiting for their companions, maybe

In short, Ai Wen and the two huge eight-eyed giant spiders are very different.

The next second, the little dwarf Peter's miserable, powerless shout came from behind the banyan tree beside Ai Wen, and he was attacked! (To be continued.)