
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 144: Bogut in the closet

Ai Wen thought about the prophecy and climbed down the stairs.

In addition to the prophecy just now, he is still considering that he should take a divination class next year!

Although Professor Trelawney is usually not very reliable, like a vulgar liar, he always likes to make some tragic predictions for his students, but once she enters the true prophecy state and gains the veritable prophecy, she does Those predictions are crucial to the future development.

In the words of Professor Trelawney, as Voldemort returns, the signs of fate will become clearer.

Ai Wen must maintain constant contact with the other party to ensure that they can know the new prophecy in the first place.

undefinedFive minutes later, he came to the door of Professor Lupin's office. There was no one in the narrow corridor on the third floor. Even the portraits on the corridor were empty.

The temperature on the third floor is significantly lower than other floors. I don't know where the wind is blowing from the wind, making it extraordinarily sinister. Ai Wen suddenly found out that perhaps because Voldemort's curse on the Defence Against Dark Arts class, the rooms were also a little bit suffocating, and it seems that all the unfortunate things happened on this floor.

"Alaho hole is open!" He took out his wand and tapped the door of Professor Lupin's office.

With a bang, the door was opened, and the furnishings in the room were the same as last night, but it was even more deserted.

Avon waved his wand and lit the fireplace. The warm flames dispelled the cold, green water monster Gedillo, soothing the limbs in the large water tank in the corner, it floated on the water, constantly vomiting bubbles. After seeing the light, it immediately buried himself in a mess of water in the corner of the tank.

Although the things of others are not very good, Ai Wen believes that Professor Lu Ping will forgive himself after he knows the current situation. He stood in front of the fireplace and looked at the room carefully. There were very few places where things could be placed. It seemed that it was not particularly difficult to find a map of the live.

But actually, it is not the case!

Ten minutes later, Avon still couldn't find the parchment.

He has carefully flipped Professor Lupin's desk over, with nothing but a few missing cups and an old-fashioned kettle, teaching textbooks, and student homework.

Professor Lu Ping will definitely not take the live map away. Since it is not on the desk, it may be placed elsewhere.

Ai Wen's eyes turned to the old closet next to the water tank, where the faculty put a rich robes.

He walked to the closet and the closet suddenly swayed and slammed against the wall.

Ai Wen was shocked. He raised his wand against the old wardrobe and didn't know what was inside. He carefully opened the closet door, and there was nothing but a worn, worn, almost faded little suitcase and two extremely old, robes with a lot of patches.

From these things, we can see how economically, Professor Lu Ping is struggling.

No one wants to hire a werewolf. He has been wandering alone. Even the only two robes left on his body are the styles of fifteen years ago. Ivan vaguely remembers that he saw Professor Lupin passing through Harry's photo album. He was attending the wedding of Harry's parents.

Professor Lu Ping was so pitiful. Ai Wen sighed. He simply flipped two times and found a map of the living in a robe.

This dress was the one that Professor Lu Ping wore yesterday. Ai Wen had not had time to be happy. The old wardrobe in front of him shook again. This time, he noticed the specific position of the wardrobe, he lowered his head and found a small compartment under the closet.

He hesitated, and pulled the door open. It was very dark. It seemed that something was hidden in it, like...

Ai Wen slammed back two steps, his eyes wide open, and his mouth was gasping.

"This, this is impossible!" He just saw a face in the closet.

It is Hermione's face! ! !

Not a smile that I am familiar with, but a face that is full of horror, bloodstained, pale face like a dead person.

This is really terrible, and Avon never thought of seeing this kind of thing. The feeling of fear rose from the bottom of his heart. He swallowed his throat, and his body was full of sweat. The right hand holding the wand shivered slightly. He wants to confirm it in the past, but he is afraid to see the face again.

Ai Wen took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

This fact is too ridiculous, how could Hermione go to Professor Lupin's closet, and she clearly stayed with Harry in the Gryffindor common room upstairs, and she just hugged her.

Could it be said that Hermione was actually dead, and her body was cut into pieces and hidden in the castle? ! And the one who has been in contact with himself is actually pretending to be preyed by a compound soup. ! Or, Professor Lu Ping has a special hobby, he hid Hermione's head in his closet? !

Ai Wen shook his head and shook away these ridiculous thoughts.

"Fluorescent flashing!" He muttered softly, the tip of the wand ignited a strong light, completely illuminating the dim office, and he was ready to confirm it in the past.

Alvin had no action, and he saw Hermione crawling out of the old closet in a strange pose.

Under the glare of the light, Ai Wen clearly saw that her mouth was hung with a gloomy smile, her expression was cold, and her body was full of blood.

She is approaching herself, because of her injury, she is extremely difficult every step of the way.

Ai Wen took a step back and involuntarily tightened his wand in his hand.

"Hermione?!" He tried to scream, his voice was too small to hear.

There was no reaction on the opposite side, she was still close to Ai Wen, and her body was stiff like a walking corpse.

"No, you are not Hermione! Don't come over!" Ai Wen suddenly shouted, and the magic under his body gathered in a wand in his hand.

Hearing this sentence, "Hermione" suddenly stopped, no matter what she was, she seemed to feel the dangerous atmosphere from the wand in the hands of Ai Wen.

The next second, her body began to distort.

With a slamming sound, Hermione disappeared, her body shrunk into a pack of ink-like black things in midair, and then a thick, humanoid monster appeared in front of Avon, who saw each other full of long black hair. Going up, it is a ferocious, horrible wolf! This is a werewolf, and the guy I have seen in Avon, was the Werewman Finlay Greyback who attacked himself and Hermione yesterday at Hogmund.

The eyes of the other party are full of blood and madness, which is ten thousand times more horrible and ferocious than Hermione.

But Ai Wen didn't feel a little scared. I don't know why, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

He knows what the other party is, this is a Bogut!

Ai Wen heard Harry say to him a few days ago. In order to help him practice the patron saint, Professor Lu Ping found a new Bogut in Filch's filing cabinet. They have been using this thing to simulate the dementors. .