
Never to See Him Again

Harry soaked up the knowledge imparted on him as best he could, any that he couldn't was hammered into him by his five teachers. He trained every day and night with little breaks in between, for the last 10 and a half years this place has been his home. Harrys hand touched the castle wall, "My old life was so mundane compared to this new one, filled with magic, dragons and castles" chuckling as he continued down the hall as his hand trailed against the wall.

"The castle is looking pretty good, almost completed" Harry remarked to Merlin. "Would have been done sooner if a baby didn't drop into our laps" Merlin smiled thinking of how Harry has grown through the years. "Don't complain you know the fate sisters are always watching and listening" Harry joked as they got into their battle stance. "Time to see how much you have learned from what you have been taught Harry, don't want to disappoint the Sister's do we?" Merlin grinned as a red spell escaped from his hand shooting towards Harry. Channeling his magic Harry summoned a golden transparent shield that absorbed the spell as he shot a dark grey spell from his open hand back towards Merlin. "You are getting cheeky" Merlin laughed as he flicked his wrist and swatted the spell away with magic. "When are you going to teach me how to spell swat," Harry exclaimed as a grin formed on his face, "or are you scarred that once I learn, you won't be able to win against me in a duel" he provoked Merlin. "Brat" Merlin's smile faded and turned serious as spells rapidly began to fire out of his hand towards Harry. "Fuck" Harry said, red, orange, and grey spells raced towards him causing Harry to dive out of the way as he summoned a wall of stone around him. Spells battered against the stone and breached past the wall striking Harry in the chest. Harry flew back from the force of the spell, fainting in the air, crashing into the ground and skidding to a stop. "Cheeky brat, you are a hundred years too young to pose a threat to me" Merlin declared walking over to Harry's body. "But, you have not only met, but exceeded our expectations for you" Merlin proudly stated, picking him up and carrying him out of the room.

As the days edged closer to his time to depart, Harry's lessons became harder. The Four Founders and Merlin relentlessly trained Harry into the ground. Physical Training, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defensive and Offensive knowledge were constantly taught or read about. Words like "wrong," "do it again," "you are to slow," filled his days and haunted his nights.

The day before Harry's eleventh birthday, the Four Founders huddled together and began whispering to each other. "Lets' throw him one last party" Helga said to the other founders. "Perfect" Salazar laughed as he rubbed his hands together, "many things I wanted to give the young lad but I was waiting for the perfect time." Salazar continued as they all nodded their heads, each wanting to impart gifts to help him in the future.

The next day, Harry, blindfolded and led into the great hall heard "Surprise," as he took off the blindfold and saw a wondrous sight. The Four Founders and Merlin huddled around him as they laid a cake on the table. "Thanks guys this means a lot to me" Harry said as he started hugging the people that made his new life so memorable. As they all sat down and discussed their favorite memories over the years they shared, Salazar began to get impatient, "here Harry." He said shoving two presents into Harrys' hand. "Thanks, Salz" Harry said as he set the big present down on the table only for it to slight move. Harry eyeballing the present set the smaller down and opened the box that moved. "Hello again speaker" the snakes hissed as Harry opened the top of the present. "Draven" Harry hissed as he picked up the snake, the same snake that brought Salazar and Harry closer together. As Draven curdled up around Harrys' neck, Harry began opening the second present.

Harry pulled out a dagger in a gold and gem encrusted sheath. "This is a dagger I found in my travels, it is goblin made and had Basilisk venom infused with the blade, so don't cut yourself." Salazar said as Harry carefully examined the golden blade with a green streak running down the center. Harry set down the presents and made his way over to Salazar to thank him, as Harry was about to give him the biggest hug he could. Salazar cut open Harrys' stretched hand and with his own cut opened hand grabbed them together. The blood from the open wounds fused together. Harry could feel his body heat up, accepting the new blood flowing in his veins. "I have always wanted a son Harry. We will be of one blood, when you get to your present time, you will still and always be my family." Salazar said as he then grabbed Harry into an embrace.

Harry slowly set down his black and silver magical trunk as he closed the lid packing the last of his things in it. The magical trunk giving to him by Rowena was charmed, linking the locking clasp with his blood allowing only him to open it. It had runes etched into the side of the trunk, making it as light as feather and bottomless. "Ready to say goodbye?" Merlin's voice drifted past the doorway and into the room. Harry holding back some tears, not trusting his voice nodded his head as he and Merlin walked down to the entrance of Hogwarts. The large wooden doors, seemed so tiny as he saw the Four Founders standing beside it. "Let me get one last proper look at you boy" Salazar said walking up to Harry. He saw his long shaggy hair covering his forehead, as his emerald eyes looked back at him as tear started falling down the young mans face. "I know, I will miss you to." Salazar said as he brought Harry into a hug and wrapped his arms tightly around him. The bells in the tower started ringing as Salazar gripped Harry harder and tighter, trying to keep him here, as Harry slowly disappeared, never to see him again.

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