
Harry Potter And The Lost Child

Wanya is an abandoned child who lives in an orphanage—living alone in his orphanage family. His life gets turned upside down when the unexpected becomes expected.

YMB_J4VDE · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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I always thought it would be fun to include drafts and original manuscripts in the actual work to compare it to the finished product/ the actual product that's uploaded. So here goes the original story/manuscript I had. Let me know what y'all think of it. I'll upload more scraps and my unfinished work if you like this. 



Waking up on a bed nearly broken down, the boy gets up with a sour expression on him. Opening a run-down dresser with cobwebs and plenty of cracks. He grabs his shirt. Putting it on, he looks out at his window, greeted by another day of clouds & rain. He sighs and grabs the broom right beside his bed. Before he can eat breakfast, he has three different chores to do. 

The first chore is sweeping the corridor—an easy task for the most part, but very repetitive. But after that, he sets the table for the caretaker. 

And his last chore? Or rather the natural progression. Wake up the kids & the teens; this is very simple. Flick his hand, and things naturally start floating. 

Going task by task, he finally gets to wake up the kids. "Rise and shine!" Saying that he hears his voice echoes back to the room. Despite his loud voice, nobody moves. 

"Seems like nobody is going wake up soon." Pretending to walk away, his left-hand flicks up in the air. Feeling their bodies levitate, everyone finally starts laughing. "Hmm, seems like y'all are up." Putting them down, he smiles at them each. 

Patting the youngest head, he tells everyone to get ready to eat.

Taking the youngest by the hand, he gets her to the bathroom to wash up so she can do it first.

"You always do that. Let me be the first one of these days." Coming downstairs, the first one fully up was a girl with long black hair & blue eyes. "How about you do some chores for once, Charlotte?" Laughing, she stands beside him. "No response? Typical." Standing there silent, the youngest finally comes out. 

"Took you forever to get out; move out my way, Avery." Slightly pushing her away, Charlotte goes into the bathroom. "She must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Laughing at her joke, Wanya takes her and goes to the table.

Sitting down first, they wait for the other children to come down.

The first one to come down is a boy who looks exactly like Charlotte but with short black hair instead. "I swear, Madam LeFay needs to add another bathroom." Taking a seat, she looks at Avery & Wanya. "Charlotte yelled at you two too?"

"" Like clockwork."" Nodding at their answers, she plays with her folk until it's time to eat. 

Getting all of them to the table, they all wait for the caretaker to bring them breakfast. 

While waiting, numerous foods fly onto the plates Wanya put down. 

Saying a quick prayer, they all begin to eat. 

"Wanya, you're finally going to be 12 tomorrow." Smiling ear to ear like it was her birthday, Wanya just waved it off. "Why are you so dismissive? You be able to go to Hogwarts with everyone else." Angrily stabbing in her food, everybody just laughs.

"Well, I don't wanna be away from you, Avery." Playfully saying that her anger slightly goes away. "Well, you have to learn actual magic now! Your little tricks won't stand there!" 

"That's wrong." Speaking up after looking at those two go back and forth, "Wanya is more magically developed than a lot of wizards & witches." 

"And why you say that, Charlotte?" Finally coming to the

"Wanya, I have a gift for you." 

After finishing my chores for the day, my current caretaker 

Opening the diary, a letter and a picture of a young couple and a child fall out. 

A man with a slim body, yet oddly tall at the same time, and a weird mustache & nicely shaped beard is standing next to a black woman with braided hair. Her tall figure, along with her smile, shows her confidence. The young girl looks like a mixture of the two. Not her skin tone is a mix, but the way she's smiling like the older woman and the way she's trying to pose as the man. 

Picking up the letter, I glance at the first words written. 

1990- August 15th 

Amanda Young- This is about your family. Mainly grandparents, for starters

Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown, of number 2, Crown Lane, we're proud to say that they were perfectly not normal. If you had to pick a couple that dabbles into the strange and the mysteries of the world, it'd be those two. Mr. Brown's job was quite different, sort of a collector of things. He didn't necessarily run a business, but everything he sold goes for a lot of profit. Weird people tend to buy it from him. As for his wife? She was weirder. She excluded an aura of knowing everything. 

However, what was weird was where they were from. They were from America, specifically when racism was becoming more & more rampant, living in the 60's as just teens. They were both in love, having a child at 14. They both fled the country; though one was black and the other was white, they still ran into problems as an interracial couple. Not being able to find a job, Mrs. Brown started doing questionable things to make money while Mr. Brown was trying his best to keep the family afloat until their child did something weird on her sixth birthday. Things started floating around her; noticing this, they immediately searched for different reasons for this. 

Then they found the wizarding community, being both muggles. They both realized how much they had to learn, moving to a different providence. They slowly learn magic- while watching their child grow. Even though they couldn't use spells or brew potions, their knowledge did grow. They realized curses & jinxes, specifically tattooed on them through a chant, could be used as a power source to use magic. 

However, it was something they majorly hid. No wizard or witch had to use it this way, nor did they have any reason to. So, as their daughter, I searched the world to see any other magic like that. The only comparable ones are the way Egyptians & Africans use their magic. I made sure to write everything that had to do with this magic. I'm sorry I can't be here, Wanya. You might not know your full name, but it's Wanya Young Mourning. The young is from my mother's last name. I made it your middle name, while mourning is from your dad. Though, I do have some information. Your grandmother is still alive; she doesn't know you're alive. The reason why I started this off the way I did was to let you know where she lives and the way to prove yourself to her- Love Your Mother. 

P.S. Treat whatever girl you meet in the future nicely and love her, and in my diary are my magic and your dad's. I wrote this as a goodbye; I'll love you forever, my son.