
I'm gonna be Hideous (Edited)

Kayden thought for a bit, weighing his options and trying to find a loophole to make his life just that little bit easier. In contemplation, Kayden realised something and decided to ask, "Do you have a way to access the internet here?" God- Neil looked puzzled for a moment but soon replied, "Of course we do, child; this world is of my creation; after all, would you like any device in particular?" Kayden nodded and replied, "Can you spawn in something similar to my PC from home?" God simply waved his hand, and it appeared in front of Kayden. "Okay, cool, just give me 10 minutes, and I'll have everything I need to make my wishes."


10 minutes later

God-Neil stood behind Kayden, looking over his shoulder, and remarked, "I understand, but are you sure?" Kayden nodded. "I'm sure this will keep me entertained." On the screen in front of the two were a vast number of open tabs containing all the possible varieties of what Kayden wanted and what was most practical. By now, the list of viable options had been narrowed quite a bit, and Kayden was about to remove one of the last two options that he thought were too OP, thus the reason for God's question. Kayden had spent the last 10 minutes compiling the powers he wanted into a list and then slowly removing the ones that seemed a bit too much. He tried his best not to be too ridiculous or outlandish in his wishes, but he did want a few "hidden" trump cards. In the end, he was trying to balance his wishes to make him capable of being OP, but only after putting in some work and not making it too difficult or unattainable to get there so that he doesn't lose interest or motivation. He wanted to live a sorta peaceful life until the war started, or at least until he started at Hogwarts, so he would do his best to stay out of the main plot and try to see what was happening behind the scenes when the golden trio weren't around and get a better feel for the HP Universe. Thus, while making his list for God, he had compiled a very short list of rules for himself; really, there was only one rule.


Kayden had completed his list and rule chart, so he turned to look at God-Neil and said, "My requests are that I be granted the abilities and advantages listed on this document."

The list in question went as follows:

Metamorphmagus: will come in handy during my time at Hogwarts.

Enhanced Magical Talent: self-explanatory—just gives me a bit of an edge.

Accelerated Development: This sounds the same as talent, but its real purpose is to turn me into the Cristiano Ronaldo of magic without putting half as much work in.

Elemental Affinity/Empowerment with Lightning: I have always loved lightning, so being really good with it would rock.

Bonded to a Thunderbird: Dumbledore gets a cool fire bird, so I can have a cool lightning bird.

Rule Chart

Rule 1


Kayden looked over at God, reading his list and rule chart. God-Neil read both with curiosity apparent on his face. "Why the rule chart, especially since there's only 1 rule? "he asked Kayden, and Kayden simply replied, "A sorta self-reminder just in case anyway, does that mean I have the go ahead or no?" God nodded and gave the go ahead "Then I would also like to be born into one of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of the UK; preferably, I'd rather not be an incestuous monstrosity, and if you don't mind, could I be born in September of 1979?"

God-Neil contemplated for a moment before nodding. "Done and done. I'll have to make some bloodline changes, but nothing too significant to the world itself. Be on your way then, child." Kayden panicked for a moment as a light door appeared below him. " WAIT!!! Make me as handsome as Sirius Black, please!" He said, while falling into what was essentially a portal trapdoor, God Neil laughed upon hearing his favourite son's final words. "You fool, you never change; anyway, it is done, and you will look as you wish." As he stood there shaking his head, Uriel appeared next to him and spoke. "Funny he would set a rule for himself considering he'll definitely break it." God giggled at Uriel's remark: "Just because you and I know that doesn't mean that he does; besides, maybe he'll surprise us, although I do doubt that."

Kayden, not hearing this, was once again panicking in a dark space. "Oh God, how could you? Now I'll probably be ugly" (insert dramatic crying sound effects). He soon realised that he was no longer incorporeal, as he felt himself floating around in a water-like substance. "Oh no, you've gotta be kidding me." Kayden once again started crying dramatically in his head. "You didn't have to make me go through birth again! I don't wanna know what that feels like!" He was quickly drawn from his musings as he heard loud yet muffled voices. He strained himself to try and hear anything, but only picked up the odd letter or word. "Oh well, I'll have plenty of time to get to know them later; no need to spy now." He nodded at his own reasoning. "For now, let's just..... , I don't know I'll meditate or some shit."

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