
All it takes is a little blood (Edited)

Icarus currently found himself in his room, sitting cross-legged on his bed with an egg in the gap between his legs. He'd been brooding like this every day for the past 2 weeks; he'd bought the egg because of the connection he felt with it and had up until 2 weeks ago tried every conceivable egg hatching method he could find in order to hatch it until Uncle Ted suggested that maybe it would be best to let nature take its course, but till now there's been no change in it's condition. He'd be leaving for Hogwarts soon, so he'd have liked to see the bird before he left, at the very least; however, the longer it took to hatch, the less likely it seemed that would happen. When he leaves for Hogwarts in the coming week, he will take the egg with him regardless.

"Icarus, it's time for supper." Icarus jumped up from his bed onto his feet, holding the egg in his arms, and as he landed on his feet, his legs gave out. He had gotten up too quickly, causing him to collapse and hit his head, which was now bleeding profusely. Luckily, he'd managed to twist himself to the side to prevent himself from falling on the egg, but it didn't save it from the blood that splattered onto it during the fall. When Icarus pulled himself upright and yelled for Andromeda to come and help him, he'd noticed that the egg had cracked. He panicked, thinking he'd broken the egg. However, when it started to shake violently, he realised it was hatching. He watched and waited with baited breath, only to be greeted by a featherless chicken with a pale blue hue to its skin; notably, its eyes were almost a golden colour, occasionally flickering into a white, glowing colour. The bird quickly made its way towards Icarus, and when it reached him, it quickly rotated on its axis and fell into place right in the centre of his lap. Icarus giggled, which caused a stinging pain in his head. Only now, realising that the injury was actually quite bad, and promptly fell into unconsciousness.


It had only been 2 days since Icarus had managed to hatch Toril, and already she was the size of a fully grown Golden Eagle. Her featherless appearance only lasted one night. Currently, she was flying in circles around Icarus's room, her white and gold feathers falling all over the place as she did so. "Toril, can you give it a break, please? You're making me dizzy." Icarus had been lying in the middle of his room on the floor, watching Toril as she flew. The bird finally landed next to Icarus and then plopped onto his chest, like she belonged there. "Well, that's just rude." Icarus complained aloud while stroking her feathers. It had been very strange the last 2 days. Icarus had to get used to being so connected to another being; it was almost like growing an extra limb that was completely independent from the main body. He could feel every thought Toril had, even if the only thoughts she currently had were to eat, sleep, and take care of nature's call. This adjustment period luckily didn't take too long, and he and Toril would be able to attend Hogwarts together, hopefully without any hiccups along the way for now, though they'd have to buy a cage so that Toril could go on the train with him tomorrow.

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