
School, reading, training and a serious talk

Wordcount: 1339

(I added school bc I wanted to test out how to write lessons. I will try here and if you wan't to i'd appreciate it if you would give me feedback on it)

The next day started peacefully. Nathan had his usual breakfast, and it was time for their schooling. Nathan and the other orphans had lessons once a week, where they were taught basic knowledge like primary school math, English language, and history.

The lessons were not excessive, but they provided enough of a foundation to build upon when joining Hogwarts. They were taught by Sofia. Before she worked for the orphanage, there was only a very basic educational system, where they only learned the basics of the English language. Sofia, a graduate from Hogwarts, used her knowledge to improve the system.

The English and math lessons were nothing special, just the basics. Nathan, just like in his past life, didn't enjoy these lessons. However, the way Sofia taught history was fun for him. She offered a fresh perspective on things.

Now it was time for the history lesson. Sofia walked up to the chalkboard and wrote the following words on the wall: "The sacred 28" (A/n) I know this "Theory" wasn't created until the 30s, but it's easier if it already existed. I hope I'm not screwing canon up too much, but this was the easiest to currently write.

'Why does she want to tell 10-year-olds about these theories?' Nathan thought to himself. He was afraid a lesson full of ideology and indoctrination awaited him, but Sofia wasn't the type of person to do that.

"So class, what can you all tell me about the sacred 28?" Sofia asked with a serious tone. Elias's hand went up, and he said, "The sacred 28 are the 28 families with the purest blood. They say the purer the blood, the better." Elias said these words with a sad tone. His family was one of those families that supported this ideology.

Sofia shot Elias a knowing and comforting look and said, "Thank you, Elias, for your answer. The most important part is that this is a theory. Who can tell me what a theory is?" Sofia asked the class. Nathan put his hand in the air, and Sofia asked him to answer.

"A theory is something that is used to explain facts. But theories are never true," Nathan said. But he cursed internally. He forgot that he is currently in the body of a 10-year-old and shouldn't know something like this. 'I hope they don't become suspicious of me' Nathan thought while grimacing over the possibilities of what might happen if they think that he isn't Nathan.

Shock was visible on Sofia's face. She didn't expect such an answer from a 10-year-old. "Thank you, Nathan. That was a profound answer," Sofia said with an encouraging nod.

"Class, as Nathan said, a theory is something used to explain a fact. However, the pureblood theory was never proven, and Muggles have even been able to prove otherwise. But that is not important for this lesson. What I wanted to say was this: There will be people that you encounter that will think they are better than you just because they have 'Purer blood,' which they don't. Never let anyone look down upon you like that. You are your own person, and your blood purity doesn't define that. Remember this, please," Sofia said with a soft tone.

Tears could be seen in the eyes of Elias. Nathan decided he would try to talk to him after the lesson.

The rest of the lesson went by quickly. After leaving the classroom, Nathan was looking for Elias. After finding him, he tapped Elias on the shoulder and asked,

"Hey Elias, how are you? Can we talk?" Elias looked up, confused after hearing the question.

"Erm, hi Nathan, I'm doing okay, and sure, what do you wanna talk about?" Elias replied.

They entered an empty room. Nathan broke the ice by saying,

"I noticed during class that you were on the verge of tears after talking about that stuff. I just wanted to say that I'm always available if you want to talk. And that your family doesn't define who you are."

Elias was shocked by my words. Tears welled in his eyes, and his lips began to slightly shake.

"Thank you," he said in a higher-pitched voice. Nathan pulled him into a hug, and after a few minutes, they joined the rest of the children for lunch.

The matron noticed Elias's puffy eyes and understood why they were late and didn't reprimand them.

After lunch, Nathan thought about his encounter with Elias and noticed that his body had a lot of scars. His hands were always shaking. His family probably was a dark one and punished him before he became an orphan. 

Nathan decided to go to the library to continue his reading. He read through the books of potions and herbology. It was interesting to see how the subjects complemented each other. But Nathan couldn't do anything with the subject due to not having a teacher or the materials.

After his reading session, Nathan returned to his room. He wanted to start exercising. In many fics, he read, wizards always forgot this part. He found it important since physical fitness was crucial in combat. In his past life, Nathan enjoyed boxing. He wasn't professional or near that level, but it did give him discipline and understanding about physical health.

He started by trying to find how many push-ups he could do.

"1, 2, 3…. 7, 8, 9." Thud. Nathan's arms gave in at the ninth push-up.

Next, he did sit-ups, of which he could perform 24, and then squats, where he did 14. He did a 1.30-minute plank. 

By now, Nathan's arms were sore. This gave him the motivation to improve. After resting and doing stretches for a few minutes, Nathan repeated those exercises.

Before he knew it, dinner time had arrived. He went downstairs not knowing he was wet because of the sweat. The matron shot him a strange look before saying,

"Did you fall into a river or something?" she chuckled

"Erm no. I was exercising." Nathan replied. That garnered even weirder looks. "Go wash yourself. Be quick, or the porridge will be cold." The matron said sternly.

Nathan enjoyed a quick bath and ate his dinner. He went back to his room. But before he went to sleep, he wanted to try something. He would always read in fan fiction about how people were able to do wandless magic. He wanted to try. 

He began to sit in a lotus position and tried following the instructions of the wand-lighting charm. 

"Lumos," Nathan said with determination in his eyes. 

Nathan opened his eyes expecting a bright flash, yet there was nothing. Feeling disappointed in himself, he started to meditate to calm his thoughts.


Three months passed by in the blink of an eye. Nathan was slowly bettering his friendship with Elias. His Physical health improved and was now able to do 25 pushups before falling down. Nathan had completely read through most of the books and was busy revising them.

Every night before sleeping Nathan would try the wand-lighting charm. This night too. Nathan took a deep breath and focused his mind on the charm. Following the precise instructions.


Nathan opened his eyes expecting to be disappointed. But there it was. A little blueish light. It was only a few mm big but it was huge progress. Nathan felt overjoyed seeing this, but due to his lack of control magical exhaustion hit him and he fell asleep with a big smile plastered on his face.


The third chapter. Here I introduced friendship and an important lesson. Next chapter will include some stuff that happened during those three month's

Thank you for reading and please leave some feedback. This was my first time writing a lesson I would love to hear your opinions. 

Have a wonderful moring, afternoon, evening or night!

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