2 002 The Mysterious Book

The fat boy who was looking around looked at me, and when he was about to open his mouth.

"Nevi your head looks like a bell KKK," the girl said, as she was almost falling on the floor with so much laughter.

This girl is a little strange because she's laughing? Time passed and I met these two a little, the crazy girl called Zoé Finch and the fat boy is Elliot Finch. Zoé Finch was only 8 years old, a year younger than me. Her hair is short with small locks with pink ribbons on each side of the head. She is extremely active since she arrived I have not seen her stopped anywhere for more than 10 seconds.

Elliot Finch has unkempt hair that follows a pattern that looks extremely cool. It's the same age as me and has a strange fascination for pork recipes. During the time I spoke with him I learned 15 different recipes for pork.

We played some random pranks until they were gone, I did not like Zoë because she kept knocking on my head and talking about a bell, Elliot is cool, but he only talks about food.

Finally, after they left I was able to return to my adventure. Always when I'm not being tortured by my grandmother, I mean being trained. I'm looking for some books that are leaning against or hiding in places in the house. To tell you the truth I like the sensation of looking for them more than read them. This house is very old and I know that there are many secret passages and hidden secrets, I know because I have found some myself. During one of my adventures, I found a book full of images of poor women who did not even have clothes to wear. I've seen beggars asking for money to eat, more it was the first time I saw beggars who did not even have clothes to wear.

Plus there's a mysterious book that makes me very intrigued. I have seen this book in several different places, but strangely it has never been in the same place for a long time. And always when I get close to him he disappears. I already told my grandmother, but she did not believe me. So I decided to pick it up myself.

Today the Book is there again, this is a great chance. I'm in a big library at my house, so there are bookcases everywhere. I always think sinister this room of the house, it is dark full of dust and it seems that it was a vampire that decorated. Sometimes I get the impression that this library is bigger than the whole house. Maybe my grandmother cast a spell to make the room bigger.

The bookshelves are made of old wood, so old that sometimes I think it was my grandmother who planted the trees to make them. Some bookshelves are made of dark wood, others are light wood. On most bookshelves, I can not take out any books. I do not know why it's like it stuck.

I walked slowly toward the bookcase. This bookcase is special. It has a gilded wood with strange drawings on the wood, and it is the only bookshelf I can get the books off. Already read some of these books for curiosity, but are so boring. who will want to know the life story of an old man? This old man must have been too narcissistic to write so many books about himself.

Arriving at the foot of the large bookcase, I looked up. And there at the top, in the last row of books, I could see the book I was looking for. The cover of the book is dark green, with golden lines in its contour. the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. But I'm not a cat. Then I scaled the bookshelf slowly so as not to alarm the book.

I was getting close, I was missing so little. I do not know why I ended up looking down, but when I saw it was so loud I grabbed the bookcase hard. The closer I was to the book, the more I wanted to know what was inside it.

Generally, I'm not very curious, I am only like this when I find something that intrigues me a lot. Suddenly, I hear a popping sound. I looked around and did not see what could have made that sound. There were only books everywhere. Maybe it's rats? Hope not. I do not like rats, especially those with red eyes. I always think if you look into his eyes I can end up in an illusion.

Looking back at the book, I give a slight sigh because it is still there. I gathered all the courage I have and started climbing again. But a loud sound scared me once more, I feel the support of my feet gives in. With a cry, I try to support my body with my hands only, but the support also breaks. When I fall I have not had time to react, to fall on top of many books and broken wood and soon afterward many books will fall on me.

I strove to push the books that covered me when I put my head out, and with a frightened look, I looked around. The corner of my head was bleeding a little, but I had not realized it yet. My heart was beating very fast and my body was aching everywhere. At that moment I had completely forgotten the mysterious book, I was more concerned with hiding all this from my grandmother, but there was no way I could hide it. So let's go to Plan B, deny everything. I've never been here, it has nothing to do with me. Then I ran to get the books off me, pushing as fast as I could.

When I got out of the pile of debris and books, I looked where the bookcase was. Only the wood that held the books broke, the main structure was still there. Lucky me, because if it had fallen over me I might have broken some bone.

Turning to leave, I see through the corner of my eye a dark green book cover with golden outlines, but what caught my attention was that it was splattered with blood. Looking around quickly I saw that many books were the same way. I felt cold in my belly. I was hurt.

Looking down, I saw that on the left side of my belly just above the waist, there was a broken piece of wood that was puncturing me, the blood was coming out a lot. When I saw that, the pain came with everything. I screamed for the person I trusted the most.

"Grandma," I screamed with all my might.

In a tea room, Augusta Longbottom was quietly enjoying her tea and reading the Daily Prophet, when a shout took her out of her tranquility.


Augusta felt the desperation in that cry so she quickly picked up her wand and goes to her rescue.

I lay there, lying between those books, the pain that was felt was horrible. It was the first time I felt so much pain. I thought curiosity only killed the cat, I did not know it could kill me too.

"Neville" I heard my grandmother calling me, more seemed so far away, when she came near me I had already passed out.

Augusta saw all the blood wrapped around her grandson, and all those books on the floor, she already had an idea of ​​what had happened. Augusta went to help her grandson, making a gesture with her hand ordering a domestic elf to clean up the mess. But a few feet away, she did not notice a dark green book, which was emitting a slight glow, and which was disappearing.

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