
Harith & Haneefah: Pre.

This a tale that takes us back to a distant reality from ours. In this patriarchal world, we meet two unique individuals with the potential to change the world. Harith is an upper class lad who hopes for a world of equity. Haneefah yearns for a world in which women can contribute more than just from the kitchen. But what will happen as these two ambitious minds unite. Join them on the road to change and discovery while also getting to understand them better The journey begins now!

Arafat_Matubber · Lịch sử
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18 Chs


"Shareef"I summon.

"Yes Harith?"

"Can you help me get ready now?"I ask.

"Well you have to dress at least half as decent as normally Di or else you'll scare the poor girl off!"I laughs.

"Don't make fun of me!" I retort back a bit embarrassed.I didn't look that bad now,did I?

"So what are you thinking of wearing today?"

Shareef asks me.

"I would like something that is is a little casual but still portrays a refined look, if get what I'm saying?"

"OK,mister refined, let's fine you something to put on."He smiles.

I giggle.Im so happy Shareef is here with me.He always knows how to difuse the situation,regardless of how daunting it is. He probably realised how tense I was feeling and decided to remove some of the pressure.

I am still worried.What am I going to say?

I mean,I have never really ti talked to girl before so I don't really know how to interact well with them.

I wonder what kind of person she will be?

As all these thoughts were racing through my head, Shareef crept up from behind and surprised me.

"Hey, don't stress.Youve got this. I don't think there is a single woman alive that can resist your charming face."He says all smug.

"Thanks."I smile and get up.

In his hand was a midnight blue top with an indigo shirt and matching trousers.Not bad, it wasn't too formal but had this refreshing look to it.

I got changed and met up with father outside. We got the carridges ready as mother got ready and made her way out. We finished and waited for mother to exit. When she exited,she left with all the gifts and a couple retainers and Shareef to deal with our cargo.

"My dear, you look just splendid."Father commented.

"Oh my, don't be silly."She blushed.

He then proceeded to kiss her on the forehead as she reclined on his shoulder. They look so good together.