
Harem Insanity

In a world where the protagonist's journey is threatened by a more capable adversary, the World's Will takes drastic measures. They orchestrate the demise of this formidable rival, masking it as an unfortunate accident, while the true hero, brimming with untapped potential, lies wounded before onlookers and society. But what if this man received a warning in advance? How would he react to this impending danger, and more importantly,How could he withstand the relentless assault of the world's will, determined to hinder his ascent? Armed only with a system that assigns missions, devoid of any powerful skills or items, he faces an uphill battle for survival. Follow along as our protagonist grapples with adversity, displaying resilience and determination on a treacherous journey. Can he defy the odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the World's Will conspiring for his downfall? Discover the answers in this captivating tale of courage, wonder and lust~ ------------------------------------------- Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN! So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon. Patreon Link patreon.com/The_Ghost165

The_ghost · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 6:- The Gifts

I opened my eyes as I let go of the sheets as well as the desire to sleep and rest.

Most would not understand the stress that is caused by going against the world. It like you have offended a son of a gangster and now he is planning to kill you.

Now having watched all these movies, everyone knows that your family can be in danger, you can have accidents and all in all you can die any time!

That's the pressure I'm feeling but I'm sure I just need rest and all that will be fine.


'Though no rest for the 'wicked'!'

I jumped from the bed to my feet as the bed voices it's complaint by making creaking noises.

"H-hey, huh.. let's go for the roll call shall we."

Min-ho, his new roommate nervously called out to me.

"Hmm, Yeah we are going to be late! Let's go"

Taking my study bag in which all my books rested and it on my one shoulder.

I opened the door.


"Hey, did ya see how many hot chicks there are here!" Choice Dae-il, the red haired teenager with raging harmones whispered to the protagonist.

"What" Though the protagonist chose to take advantage of the privilege to remain dense, abusing it.

"I was checking em' out during the orientation. Not just the students either! the faculty is smoking hot too."

"Did you come here to just get laid."

"Dah~ it's my full proof plan!! I need to get laid in three months time!" Dae-il made an expression that said 'obviously'.

They talked a bit more as Dae-il continued to look at the girls while roaming around Kim-Jungsuk like a bee.

His gaze fixated on the figures clad in snug denim highlighting their hips and boobs, only to be drawn towards an emerald-haired maiden approaching their vicinity.

She has a beautiful face with a soft and white skin. Her emerald green eyes shone through her glasses. She wore a red sweatshirt that covered her perfect breasts and tight jeans that highlighted her ass.


She had a cold expression on her face as her eyes darted around as if looking for someone.

'Damn, that's a beauty~ wait, isn't that Yang Soojang! When did she develop this much~'

"Yang Soojang, you're here too."

She tilted her head as if trying to remember something as question marks hovered above her head.

"???... And who are you?"

"It's me–..." Dae-il happy at an acquaintance was about to introduce himself when a he heard a voice that tore the smile on his face.

"Oh~ You're the pretty girl who was sitting beside me."

A handsome and charming face along with a killer smile. What else do you need to charm a girl?

A small blush found her way to Soojung cheeks as she repeated 'pretty' in her mind. Her eyes shining even brighter as if she found what she was looking for.

"H-Hey! I'm Yang Soojung." She nervously extended her hand for a handshake as her fingers trembled a little.

"Nice name~ I'm Kim Jun-seo." He took her hand for a gentle shake of hands as he flipped it backside and kissed on it with that same smirk.

Though unaware to everyone, the moment he touched Sooyung a system panel appeared out of nowhere.

{Host, Found a minor female lead!!}

His eyes twitched in surprise but he maintained his smile.

'So, this is how a heroine is like. She is indeed very beautiful and hot and definitely above a notch even compared to celebrities.'

She smiled brightly at Jun-Seo while blushing cutely as she blinked looking at the handsome man in front of her.

"S-So~ Huh... Which is your classroom. Mine is XXXXXX."

'Soojung from now on, you are my prey!!'

"Oh~ A coincidence or not, but mine's the same..."

I leaned in a little as I huskly spoke in her ear.

"..must be a sign from fate!"


"So why don't we go together hmm"

Jun-Seo just smiled and moved his eyes as they both went to the room while leaving a group of stunned viewers.

The roommate in a awkward position since he wanted to ask the same thing, Dae-il enraged and in disbelief at the fact the both of them just ignored him and Kim jungsuk at the pain in his heart.

'i don't know why but I feel like I lost something... important to me!'


Though the handsome young man remained unaware of a hunter that was seeking it's prey was now a blushing mess.

A hunter who was now clutching her chest tightly to calm her excited heart as she hid behind a wall staring sneakily at Kim Jun-seo.

'He looks... So handsome and fit. Perfect size and a gentleman. He is the perfect groom for me!!'

Her eyes had a possessive light in them as they shined even brighter as she looked at the crotch area of Jun-Seo.

From all the experiences in her short and sad life, she had learned to tell the size of a man's meat and she was sure that she found what she was looking for.

'Yes, he is the one, one who will never leave me and cherish me for eternity~ The only one who can satisfy ME!'


She looked almost possessed as she stared at the young man's back who was laughing and flirting with Soojung.

'Looks like I need to prepare for him... Just wait a little darling and then you will be all mine~'


As dark covered the sky and moon shined it's light on Earth. As stars shine in the sky lighting the night in a beauty impossible to forget.

Moonlight shined through the windows of a room in a cram school. Two bed, one in which a boy snoring and scratching his belly slept while the other completely covered by the sheets.

Inside a young man could be seen pointing his finger in air as if tinkering with something.

Only he knew that he was adding his stats points he gained from the Beginner's Gift.

'Finally, now I can remove this scythe on my neck and even become more than human!!'

Jun-Seo who was excited like never before rooled in his bed as he looked at the rewards he gained in the Beginner's Gift.

{Congratulations host, You have gained:-

• 50 Stats Points

•5 charm Status Points

•Fortune - Villain Halo

•Skill - Combat Arts (7)

•Trait - Weakness reader eyes (7)

•One time system clean room

The system hopes that these gift's help you to fight the protagonist's and the World!}

{Should I start the process of integration host}

'Yes, start the process!!'

{Don't worry host, though this process will be painful,you will not die!!}



Note:- No chapter on Sunday. Daily chapters from Monday till Saturday!

Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN!

So if you wish to give me money for my hardwork then join my patreon.

Patreon Link


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Like it ? Add to library! I want to reach rank 1 in Collection ranking!!

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