
The Last Heart



The dark violet moon might as well not have existed as the mansion in the middle of an oversize forest could barely be seen. The mansion looked to be incredibly old. Time seamed to have stopped. Nothing moved and nothing seamed to be alive. The mansion looked abandoned. The forest looked dead and char black. The only thing that could be heard were screams. Under the mansion their was a women giving birth on a stone table. The women on a table was chained down and screaming frantically trying to break loose. All around the women were men wearing long black robes with dark red masks that of an eyeless and mouth-less creature. The rattling of the chain stopped abruptly as a loud shriek replaced the previous screams. A tall man in a red robe with a black mask grabbed the newborn an took it over to a black marble table with countless tools. The man picked up a large pike that he forced it directly into the crying child's stomach. The child stopped moving. The cries abruptly stopped the man picked up a black spike with red ruins and stabbed it threw the middle of his chest and he started convulsing. He picked the child up and carried it to a set of blue ruins on the floor and placed him in the middle. The ruins started to move the shadows in the corner of the room started to grow being drawn to the center. The flames of the candles around the ruins all turned off leaving nothing but darkness. A red glow emerged from the spike in the child. It turned then into a liquid and created a fist size hole in the center. The glow dissipated and a horrifying scream was echoed threw the room. It grew louder and louder until the men around could not stand anymore. The temperature of the room grew colder and the black fog froze everything it touched. The men on the floor ground as they kneeled and started to chant a curse. The end of the verse came and the man in red stood up while the rest ended their lives with silver knives. The darkness swallowed everything once more. The child convulsed violently and the darkness was dragged into the child chest. A horrified shriek was heard and all darkness was taken from the room. The only thing that was left was a strange glow from a black flame that came from an insignia of a black feather on the child's chest. Black flame that dissipated and the man turned on a candle. He ran over to the new born on the floor. Both started crying and the man took off his mask revealing a mature and rough face. He walked over to the the women and ucuffed her. He placed the child in her arms arms.

The women was shaking uncontrollably, "Do you think he will make it?" She asked while crying.

The man was in tears as he replied, "I don't know I just hope this will help his survive."

"I hope so." She said while becoming limp and lifeless.

The man cried uncontrollably at this sight. He picked up the child and closed her eyes.

They walked away,


10 Years Later

Frantic screams were heard threw out the mansion. A dark room in which a child was crying uncontrollably could be found. He was looking around frantically as if he was trying to find something. He heard a click and immodestly he jumped for a crimson bloody blade that was next to his bead. The door opened and a older looking man walked in. His white bearded made him look knowledgeable.

"Another one no?" The man asked with a sympathetic look.

"Yes father." He said while lowering his blade. He then turned to a painting and sighed.

The father walked over to the son and patted his shoulder. "Its time for training lets go."

"Yes, father."

The man walked out. The child undressed and dressed in a complacently black set of clothes reminiscent to black cloak of a prince, and royal military set of uniform. Black leather boots black pants black shirt, and a a black belt. It looked almost if he could disappear into the shadow if not for his silver hair. He walked down a hall with a light thud in every footstep. It sounded almost intentional as he went down the hall. He had a look of coldness as a bluish grey smoke emitted from him. The temperature around him continually dropped. He walked out to a pitch black night that only a violet moon slightly illuminated the night sky. As he walked he heard wipers coming from the oversize forest. He stopped for a second as he looked out into the darkness that made one forget them self. He looked forward again and started to walk. He arrived in front of the man and and stud motionless.

"Today you will learn how to curse an animal. All you have to do is pass your energy into an animal, and control your power to mutate it control it, or merely bear the curse. To control them or make them live with the curse is poor control. Your goal is mutate something and tame it. Today training ground will be the paradise forest." He took out a silver bracelet of a dragon that wraps around and bites its own tail. Its eyes were dark blue and an intricate set of scales on it. Its wings where long and pulled in.

"This bracelet will be your only way to get back to the mansion if you get lost. So please don't lose it." He passed it to the child and he put it on.

"To activate it just wispier the dragons name so it can guide you." He walked away as soon as he was done explaining.

The child look cold and emotionless. He turned to the forest and walked.

The forest was lifeless and motionless. His black eyes had a red glow that could see perfectly threw out the forest. The whispers that could occasionally be heard drew him in a specific direction. He followed blindly not knowing why but he did. Several hours later he arrived at a massive palace. The walls looked cracked and had strange plants growing threw out it. The strangest thing that could be seen is a statue at the top of the tallest point was what looked like an angle. A small body with four wings. He glanced at it and followed the whispers to the entrance of the palace. The two massive metal doors looked incredibly heavy but he merely pushed them aside as if they were normal doors. He was slightly shocked as to what he saw when he opened the doors. There where thousands of upon thousands of frozen humans. They were all kneeling to the direction of the thrown. Their was a man with a crown looking up with frozen tears on his face. He touched one of them and he looked heartbroken.

Why? He thought.

"Their frozen solid. They looked to be in pain, but happy." He exhaled abruptly as he heard what seamed like whispers, but they wasn't anymore. They sounded strange as if they were priers. He felt a slight tug from within his chest. He sighed slightly.

He walked to the front of all of them to where the king was and stood in front motionless.

He heard a voice with unadulterated fear. "Please take my crown."

He hesitated before walking up to the man on the thrown and took his crown then put it on his head. He felt a head ache and sat down. Before he relied he passed out and memories started to flood into his mind.